Tickets??? Give this LEO some advice....

And whats the point of writing 33 in little numbers at the top in case you fight it when it got knocked down to 25 and the fine is the same in rhode island for between 5 - 10 over.. so the fine for 33 in a 25 is 60 bucks... and the fine for 30 in a 25 is 60... plus if you fight it, its another 25 in court costs.. so why bother with the hey judge i knocked it down to 5 over cuz he had a good attitude..  some cops really think the general public is stoopid... signed darrell and my other brother darrell.....<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'></span> EDIT>>> CONGRATS BY THE WAY ON YOUR PROMOTION, HOPE YOUR ONE OF THE GOOD ONES..
Thanks for the congrats... guys must live in some stuck-up communities. The lowest speeding ticket I ever gave anyone in 5 years on the street was 37 in a 25.

Gettin scratched for 7 or 8 over....that's crazy IMHO
Congrats on the promotion...I just hope you don't develope the classic lard a$$...
MacGyver -

Congrats on your promotion!!

You riding with us Friday?

Not really sure how to answer your questions, there are so many variables, traffic conditions, road conditions, how the driver is driving, attitude of the driver.

Ok, for example, if you are perched on a long windy road looking for someone speeding, and you see a car about every 40 minutes, (no one on the road) and then some bike is all by their lonesome tearing up the turns and is not endangering anyone but themselves, I would say IF you decide to pull them over, just be cool about it and give them a warning.

It really hit home the other thread where the police officer pulled over a motorcycle for speeding and told the guy the main reason he pulled him over was because dear were causing accidents and he didn’t want to see the biker get killed because a dear jumped out in front.. and the officer let him go with a verbal warning for his own good..

I mean, what the heck are you going to say to that but "geezz thanks, that was cool, ok I will watch it" then drive off slow.

Most of the roads I hit it on are out in the middle of no where, but there are deer running around, if an officer pulled me over and gave me that line (even if it was a bunch of B.S.) but if the officer made me genuinely feel he was pulling me over for my own safety, I would probably chill out the rest of the ride, and I have been pulled over in the past, given warnings and the rest of the day I drove pretty calm.

And I think most bikers would also, you leave the rider with a warm fuzzy and got them to not speed.

If you ticket them when they are out in the middle of nowhere, you just ruined a nice bike ride and made one more person a little bummed and ticked and maybe even made someone think about running the next time.

A friend of mine and I were on Busa’s doing 130 plus and had a CHP fly over our heads, we were out in the middle of no where, no other cars on the road, just two bikes hittin it.

The plane flew right above our heads, had to have been no more than 300 feet above us, and just kept going.. I kind of figured they were being cool about it and knew there was no one else out there and we were not hurting anyone but flew close enough over our heads to make sure we saw them, I kind of took it as a non-verbal “hey, we here, need to watch itâ€￾. That just kind of gives you a warm fuzzy towards the CHP.

I guess to try and sum it up, if you see someone in the middle of traffic being stupid and doing things that are jeopardizing other lives, the person is probably and idiot, probably would not respond properly to a verbal warning AND needs to have his a$$ handed to him for jeopardizing others lives.

But if you see someone that is speeding when there is no traffic around, but you can tell when they get close to traffic they slow down and they don’t do stupid things to jeopardize another persons life, this person probably is a respectable person, out having fun and a verbal warning might work better than a ticket with that person.

Hmm guess I did find something to say

Hope this helps..

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First and foremost it should be stated that traffic enforcement is not a tool use by a department to punish the public...It is a tool that when used properly should change the effected areas traffic behavior...

Direct traffic enforcement is just as it is written and is used to address areas where you may have accidents, children playing, etc...

I don't know what a good tolerance would be or is...I've written citations at 5mph to 50mph over the limit...Alot depends on time of day and conjestion...

As for as the LEO's attitude...Think about this...What about the citizens attitude???There have been alot of citizens that I stopped that I was only intenting to give a verbal warning but their attitude forced me to issue them a citation and some ended up being transported to booking...I give the citizen as much respect as that give me...

Warnings...I don't have a problem with a verbal warning at all...But there is always a guarantee with the same...If you receive a verbal warning from me rest assured should I have cause to deal with you under the same set of circumstance I have got to have you...They can be cute and even raise their skirts it doesn't matter to me...I had alot of pretty women appear before the court to explain why they committed a traffic infraction...

Anyway this LEO stuff is boring...I want to ride...  

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Congrats and good luck with your promotion! Sorry for the rant......

1. What is to fast?

As far as I am concerned it depends on traffic and the atmosphere only. I could care less about the speed unless you are just being a complete idiot as a driver. If you are in the middle of no where and haven't seen a car/bike/person for 10+ miles, it isn't going to matter if I am going 50 or 150mph. Getting a ticket then is just a waist of time, yours and mine!

Now if someone is in a school zone or residential area, YES you shouldn't be cutting people slack. In the middle of town and driving like an idiot deserves a ticket every time.

If someone is away from traffic on the highway or a less congested road, 20+ is fine by me. TIME AND PLACE FOR EVERYTHING as the saying goes.

The real problems on the highway are NOT SPEED AT ALL! What causes accidents on the higway?

The real problems are PEOPLE THAT CRUISE IN THE FAST LANE AND BARELY GO THE SPEED LIMIT! This causes congestion by not letting the traffic through and also makes people have to swerve in and out to get around them. That is the hazard, people trying to go around them.



ANYONE THAT TALKS ON THE PHONE AND DRIVES AT THE SAME TIME SHOULD BE SHOT, PERIOD! People would be shocked if they really knew how many problems are caused by cell phones!



What can we do about the licensing system? Any idiot can go down to the DMV and get a license. If they take the test enough times, they can memorize the damn answers.

They need to come up with a better system or CLASS of licenses. You need a little more skill to drive than a 30-question test. Plus you need to get re-checked every 10-years unless you have a bad driving record, then you should be checked sooner, every year if needed.

Some cases this could be a little extreme but what about the 70+ year old driver that pulls out in front of you or just plain CAN'T SEE! These are the real hazards.


For those that have driven on the AUTOBAHN, you know exactly what I am talking about. Laws stating that you can't drive in the left lane unless you are passing, emergency, etc.... Stuff like that would make the road a lot safer. You can't just go buy the biggest baddest vehicle over there either. You have to start out small and get certified for the CC of bike you want to ride.

2. YES if the people mean it, otherwise you are just telling them it's okay and to do it again.

3. It means a lot! Don't beat around the bush and start with the BS. To the point but don't be an ass!

Now if there are 5-cars doing 15-over the speed limit and you pick someone out of the bunch. DON'T THINK YOU AREN'T GOING TO GET ATTITUDE BACK!

Regardless of the posted limit, that is keeping up with the flow of traffic. I am from TEXAS and if you aren't going 90mph(70 limit) you will get killed on the highway. Someone is either going to run you down or you will be the result of road rage!

Wish we could help more with this thread then just one department/county/city any luck on spreading it around?

Good luck and happy motoring!

End of rant....


Congrats on your promotion! Hey, I have a question for you. Is there really a quota system for writing a certain amount of tickets ... or even a reward system based on the amount of tickets written?? Thanks.
He cant tell you that... He would get in a world of crap... I however am not a police officer and I can tell you that when city's and county's need extra revinue, more citations "seem" to be written.

Oh my, the dreaded double post.


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Congrats on your promotion! Hey, I have a question for you. Is there really a quota system for writing a certain amount of tickets ... or even a reward system based on the amount of tickets written?? Thanks.
The age old question....

Although I can only speak for California law enforcement, I will tell you this. CA state law prohibits any type of quota system in law enforcement. I'm not talking about some obscure civil code...I'm talking criminal....meaning if any police supervisor tried to impose a quota, they could be arrested.

As for a reward system...yes and no...but not in the way you were thinking. Cops don't get a free toaster, or vacation time for having the most tickets (doing so also illegal), but supervisors tend to like proactive employees. Some LEO's spend their time working dope, some make pedestrain stops all day, others work traffic. Making bosses happy is always a good thing.

If you ride a Hayabusa all officers should let you off just for the simple reason they should know the bike is capable of 240-250 mph, and if you are fortunate to own a boosted Busa let then slide (check out their bike) and tell them to be careful..........seriously lights behind them will slow them down , but don't screw them over......
If you ride a Hayabusa all officers should let you off just for the simple reason they should know the bike is capable of 240-250 mph, and if you are fortunate to own a boosted Busa let then slide (check out their bike) and tell them to be careful..........seriously lights behind them will slow them down , but don't screw them over......
Umm....I hope you meant KPH?
Congrats on your promotion! Hey, I have a question for you. Is there really a quota system for writing a certain amount of tickets ... or even a reward system based on the amount of tickets written?? Thanks.
The age old question....

Although I can only speak for California law enforcement, I will tell you this. CA state law prohibits any type of quota system in law enforcement. I'm not talking about some obscure civil code...I'm talking criminal....meaning if any police supervisor tried to impose a quota, they could be arrested.

As for a reward system...yes and no...but not in the way you were thinking. Cops don't get a free toaster, or vacation time for having the most tickets (doing so also illegal), but supervisors tend to like proactive employees. Some LEO's spend their time working dope, some make pedestrain stops all day, others work traffic. Making bosses happy is always a good thing.

TN. prohibits quota's also...

Just as Mac stated...Citations along with arrests can be used for evaluation purposes to rate a member...Any officer that is proactive tends to get a good eval...However although true they should not be veiwed as making a supervisor happy...
The age old question....

Although I can only speak for California law enforcement, I will tell you this. CA state law prohibits any type of quota system in law enforcement. I'm not talking about some obscure civil code...I'm talking criminal....meaning if any police supervisor tried to impose a quota, they could be arrested.

As for a reward system...yes and no...but not in the way you were thinking. Cops don't get a free toaster, or vacation time for having the most tickets (doing so also illegal), but supervisors tend to like proactive employees. Some LEO's spend their time working dope, some make pedestrain stops all day, others work traffic. Making bosses happy is always a good thing.


Agency Heads, especially governmental, stand to justify their existence to receive or renew funding.  Most often this is done through the use of statistics - numbers generated by work produced.  Those working in Law Enforcement don't produce widgets - they 'produce' reports, officer responses, arrests, citations, etc.  

At evaluation time - the 'ol Job Performance Review - the numbers generated by an individual officer will be evaluated as compared to an average - be it agency, state, nationwide, what have you.  If he/she falls below this average sub-par marks will be received and the officer will be told to step up to the plate.  

Call it what you may, or don't call it anything at all, but the guy getting pinched calls it a quota.

At evaluation time - the 'ol Job Performance Review - the numbers generated by an individual officer will be evaluated as compared to an average - be it agency, state, nationwide, what have you.  If he/she falls below this average sub-par marks will be received and the officer will be told to step up to the plate.  

Call it what you may, or don't call it anything at all, but the guy getting pinched calls it a quota.

That's more than likely because the guy who got pinched is ignorant of the law and ignorance is not a defense...

But people must always displace the fault so they tend to blame it on the numbers...I can invision a statement that a person that just received a ticket might tell another..."Man I just got a ticket from the M-----F------ police, I was doing 75 in a 30, that S---O-A-B---- must have needed one more to get his quota"...Bullshit...

Most proactive work conducted by any officer is to prevent/solve crime, accidents and/or injury to citizens...
Ok, its back

Ok, I really have to step in here. Let me first state I have an probably always will have the utmost respect for law enforcement officers, I dont even like calling police officers cops, even though that is how they often refer to each other.

However with that said, My experience, while it is not world wide, and maybe I am in my own little world, is that there is what is supposed to happen and not happen and then there is what really happens.

And for the most part, I think our legal system is too jacked up and ties the hands of law enforcement too much, in a lot of areas, but gives them too much freedom in others.

I know for a fact, beyond a shadow of any doubt that there are departments that put pressure on the officers to write tickets, ok don't call it a quota, but the bottom line, if you are not writing tickets there will be repercussions.

But police officers cannot get on a public forum and admit that, they would get in deep crap.

Just like when I used to bounty hunt, I had a female that kicked the crap out of my partner, I took her into custody and handed her over, as I was filling out the arrest tag I gave a heads up to the officer to watch out for her that should would clock you when your back was turned, I told him my partner was in the car with a black eye, he looked at me and said "and she is still walking?"

The department I tuned her over to would have kicked the crap out of her for that. And guess what, she probably deserved it. If someone tries to attack a police officer in anyway, with a car, a weapon there bare hands, guess what, game on, the officer should be able to blow their f'ing brains out. But no, all these bleeding hearts have fits when an officer tries to protect themselves.

My point it, I am not a police officer, I can speak freely and not worry about repercussions, and I would never drop names of anyone I know. But $hit happens, and the police officers HAVE to do stuff once in awhile that is border line or even crosses the border, it is the nature of the beast.

And if any of you officers out there totally and honestly disagree with me, then maybe you live in a good part of the world where crossing the line isn't required, that is cool, but where I am from, and where I have been raised, too many restrictions on officers AND correctional officers, don't even get me started on that one.

We had an officer locally, pulled over a car, known gang banger, after the officer got out of the car, the guy he pulled over takes off and tries to run the officer down, hit reverse, tries it again, officer jumps out of the way, fires a shot through the side window, hits suspect in head with round and kills him.

Guess what? fricken police officer is brought up on charges by the DA, full blown investigation, the DA was trying to hang this guy!!

WTF is that $hit!! and the family of the "victim" is screaming bloody murder yelling police abuse!! give me a break!!!

Hey dad!! don't want your son killed by police, keep him out of gangs, hey wife, done want your husband killed by police, keep him out of gangs!!

If you don't keep them out of gangs that is your choice, their choice, but fricken accept it when your loved one is pulled over, is high on crack, packing a firearm and tries to kill a police officer, when they get killed, just chalk it up to they died the way they wanted. Don't get pissed off at the police for protecting themselves and others.

I was so pissed off about the whole thing, I saw a street side memorial for the guy that got a bullet in his head, I felt like running my 4x4 through it.

You want to live by the sword, cool, but you will more than likely die by the sword, warn you family and accept your fate when it happens. Die like a fricken man and don't have your family whining over your death.

If you are a drug dealer coke whore or what ever, that's your business, but when the reaper comes looking for you stand up and take it.

To summarize, police have to do what they have to do, city's and county's need revenue, fines / tickets impounding vehicles and selling them at auction is way to recoup losses and fund the law enforcement and other public services.

And don't expect anyone that is aware of policy to admit to it, they cant, the news papers would have a field day.

Ok, there is my rant, haven't done it in a few days muah ha ha..

Oh yeah and a P.S. I am not in anyway stating that if you are doing 70 in a 35 that you shouldn't get a ticket, if you break the law and you get what the law prescribes, you cant complain much, if you break the law and get cut slack, better be grateful and appreciative

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