MacGyver -
Congrats on your promotion!!
You riding with us Friday?
Not really sure how to answer your questions, there are so many variables, traffic conditions, road conditions, how the driver is driving, attitude of the driver.
Ok, for example, if you are perched on a long windy road looking for someone speeding, and you see a car about every 40 minutes, (no one on the road) and then some bike is all by their lonesome tearing up the turns and is not endangering anyone but themselves, I would say IF you decide to pull them over, just be cool about it and give them a warning.
It really hit home the other thread where the police officer pulled over a motorcycle for speeding and told the guy the main reason he pulled him over was because dear were causing accidents and he didn’t want to see the biker get killed because a dear jumped out in front.. and the officer let him go with a verbal warning for his own good..
I mean, what the heck are you going to say to that but "geezz thanks, that was cool, ok I will watch it" then drive off slow.
Most of the roads I hit it on are out in the middle of no where, but there are deer running around, if an officer pulled me over and gave me that line (even if it was a bunch of B.S.) but if the officer made me genuinely feel he was pulling me over for my own safety, I would probably chill out the rest of the ride, and I have been pulled over in the past, given warnings and the rest of the day I drove pretty calm.
And I think most bikers would also, you leave the rider with a warm fuzzy and got them to not speed.
If you ticket them when they are out in the middle of nowhere, you just ruined a nice bike ride and made one more person a little bummed and ticked and maybe even made someone think about running the next time.
A friend of mine and I were on Busa’s doing 130 plus and had a CHP fly over our heads, we were out in the middle of no where, no other cars on the road, just two bikes hittin it.
The plane flew right above our heads, had to have been no more than 300 feet above us, and just kept going.. I kind of figured they were being cool about it and knew there was no one else out there and we were not hurting anyone but flew close enough over our heads to make sure we saw them, I kind of took it as a non-verbal “hey, we here, need to watch itâ€. That just kind of gives you a warm fuzzy towards the CHP.
I guess to try and sum it up, if you see someone in the middle of traffic being stupid and doing things that are jeopardizing other lives, the person is probably and idiot, probably would not respond properly to a verbal warning AND needs to have his a$$ handed to him for jeopardizing others lives.
But if you see someone that is speeding when there is no traffic around, but you can tell when they get close to traffic they slow down and they don’t do stupid things to jeopardize another persons life, this person probably is a respectable person, out having fun and a verbal warning might work better than a ticket with that person.
Hmm guess I did find something to say
Hope this helps..
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