Is it just another delay so the lawyewrs can get a bigger piece of the settlement? You know, so many more billable hours and such. All these delays just pay the system and the victims get less and less. Do you get that feeling from this case? Lamb means, 14 years is ridiculous.
it doesnt work that way in personal injury cases with lawyer fees,if you get nothingm,they get nothing. you agree on a % upfront before you allow them to take the case,usually 33-40% (yeah,its rediculous) but if you have the right attorney,its worth it.I had a great attorney for mine.
usually the settlement will be divied up
say you get $100,000.
attorny fee %40
this now leaves you with 60k
out of that medical bills which most likely were not paid by insurence entirely because lawyers like to use their dr (they get the info they need from them if you know what I mean) so these gues get paid
then you get whats left over,minus any outstanding child support or allimony you may have out there
you may only wind up with 20% after all is said and done..
the attorney I had,paid the med bills 1st then took his cut,which gave me alot more.very rare but this guy was a good person something you dont find too often in lawyers.
oh yeah,you have to claim it on your taxes to
so in reallity, when someone says they won a million dollar lawsuit,they probably only walked away with 1/4 of it if they were lucky
also forgot to add,with the % of attorney fees,that doesnt include expenses he incurrs,thats strictly for hrs worked weather it be in court or at the office making calls and doing paper work. I had a 12k expese also,this included the video survallance stuff they had in court,poster boards with giant accident pics for the jury made up and paid video depositions by Dr's that are either too important or too expensive to have come to court,I know the one dr got $2500/hr (pain dr)...insane!!!!