Too Windy to Ride

Big O

Physicist Genii
Donating Member
It's been too windy to ride out here in SoCal.  I rode home from work Sat night and it was all I could do to stay in my lane.  60 mph crosswinds.  NOT fun!  I live in Canyon Country (and you thought I made up that name) and all day Sunday I watched the fires burn around here.  The closest one was about a mile away and moving at 60mph with the wind, away from my house.  A couple of my friends were evacuated or were packed and ready to go.  Today it's we're supposed to have wind gusting to 70+ mph.  I guess I'll have to wait til another day.  Thanks for the call Charles.

Lamb how are you doing down San Diego way?
Lamb is good but work is out today! A day spent at home. Impossible to get around, thousands misplaced and the county is cut in half. There is no going northbound.
I listen to Jack FM from SD every morning via streaming audio (gotta love 'net radio) as I was last stationed there. Its crazy out there. I was thinking about the riders yesterday and wondered if they were still lane splitting. Now Big O says hes "staying in his lane." Thats crazy. for you non SoCal riders (its rare to stay in one's lane.) Splitting is a luxury and a safety must do. I would have been miserable as Im a ATGATT rider.

Be safe
Crazy $hit going on other there in Cali. I born, raised, and lived in San Diego until recently. All of my family is still there. I guess some of them were evacuated from Ramona. The freaking fires and earthquakes of Cali were replaced with twisters in Oklahoma
. I hope all goes well over on your side, and that they get those fires out quick.
Thinking of all my org brothers and sisters out there. Pray for the safety of you and your family, and your homes and property.
Owen, thinking about you down there (I grew up in San Fernando Valley and Saugus)take care of yourself in Canyon Country! I look forward to riding with you next Laguna Seca and a future track day. Doyle
be safe out there BigO!! I can see the Lake Arrowhead/Running Springs/Green Valley fire from my place. I'm just glad the Santa Ana's make the wind go the other direction b/c we'd have the onslaught of smoke here too. But, it just makes things even more miserable for ppl in the Inland Empire (San Bernardino, Riverside, Fontana, etc). I'm praying for everyone's safety!!

These fires are definitely worse than the ones 4 years ago.
stay safe everyone in Cali. Just watched the world news, just cant imagine what its really like being there.
I could literally see fallout of embers and flames in the sky. Even though the winds are keeping the area I live in pretty safe, I can't imagine the ppl in the areas of fallout and fire are going through. It looks like a nuclear bomb just went off and it's just devastation everywhere.

At this point, 500,000 ppl are evacuated from SD county alone. 950,000 in all of SoCal. Such staggering numbers.
I can't complain about not being able to ride when so many people have lost homes. The fire is out over here but San Diego is still in trouble.
I did get out today and took this pic. The smoke in the upper left if from yet another fire but it's far away from me.

Just non-stop ash falling from the sky for 3 days now! Been wearing my mask while working. Home is all closed up and it still smells like an ashtay. Hope everyone is OK up that way. Good luck!
Just hosed off all the plants and trees, ash everywhere.

The Lake arrowhead/runningsprings and the San Diego fires are the worst, and it ain't even close to being over yet...
You guys Take care of yourselves, and family, My prayers are with you all !!!

Just think, I was complaining of 25 mph gusts yesterday ?
Dang, guys. Hope you're all going to be okay.

i have family in Carlsbad that got evacuated yesterday
not sure when they can go home or if it will be there there when they get there
I hope they're ok kd185.
I haven't had any ashes at all, and the winds have slowed.