took my first 3 steps today after accident

Good work Shindo
Everything begins by taking "one step at a time". Glad to hear your making progress.
Good to see you're takin' it so well, and have such a good attitude about it... Now get that replacement foot carved out of titanium and drag it for white sparks when you ride!
This is exactly the kind of will power it takes to overcome adversity! My dad lost his hand in an accident several years ago! He had just purchased two brand new motorcycles and was determined to ride again.... It wasn't easy, but with God's grace, some determination, and lots of patience, He did it! I promise you'll get there! Thanks for keeping us in the loop as we keep you and yours in our prayers....
Well glad to hear your gettin better ill put your name up there with Bill superfoot wallace and now Hammerfoot.

About 8 years ago I lost 2/3 of my Big Toe, it's wierd you never really thing about them things (toes) until you run into problems.  $hit for the first year I could predict the weather better than the weather man.  Toe would start aching and hear comes a storm.

Keep up the great attitude, it is only going to get better from here.  Worst part I would think is not being able to ride.

Frank M.

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Shouldn't be too much longer now and you will be doing great again. Best of luck to ya man
I was cutting the grass this weekend with NO SHOES on, and thought about you...

No, no...I didn't rush in and get some shoes, just wondered how in the hell you did what you did...ouch, ouch, ouch...

Glad you're up and walking some again...won't be long before you're 97%
Glad you're on the road to recovery. You have a great attitude ... stay strong and keep the faith!
Sorry to hear it Shindo. You've definitely got the right attitude!

As my grandma once told me, "Take one day at a time. When things get bad, take it one hour at a time."

Heal fast dude!
nah no prostecthic...They just went ahead a cut a nice neat line across, and then i still have my 4th toe and pinky.  

Its weird knowing that part of my body is missing...and YES its true...THERE IS A SUCH THING AS GHOST PAINS...ALL the time i feel like my big toe is there, and that i can move it.

SO WEIRD.... SO i went GP shift by the way.  So know i can upshift without a problem...downshifting wont be hard once my foot heals.  

i am not trying to rush day at a time.

I do have a good pic of my foot AFTER Surgery the way it is now.  I couldnt bring myself to take a pic after the accident before surgery though.
Glad you are healing quickly, bro. Sounds like a good excuse to get an airshifter, no need to upshift with your foot........
I'm not a holy man by any means, but whatever GOD you each believe in will not present us with anything we personally cannot handle. And remember things could ALWAYS be worse....what if you lost your entire leg to that damn lawn mower!? My point is, even though things might seem bad, there is always someone out there who has it 10 times worse than us! I am sorry for being such a "Negative Nancy" but in the end I am happy to hear that there is a way for you to continue way or another.
We should all be thankful for the simple things in our short-lived lives.
I apologize for this moody post, but we're all here on this planet together...we might as well have hope for each other...and ourselves.