Im DOWN...wont be riding for a while...

Wishing you a speedy recovery man! You've got the attitude, you'll be fine. Man, that sucks tho.....makes my little phuckup tueday seem kinda trivial.

I like the titanium toe idea tho!
Sorry for you man. Be thankful it wasnt any worse. I hope you feel better, and can get back to riding soon.
no pics...i was so temped to snap some at the hospital when i was sitting there waiting to go into surgery...2 hours...staring at my foot all tore up and chopped...

just couldnt bring myself to do it. i already wanted to move on from this..just didnt want any reminders
Dude, very sorry to hear that,wish you a speedy recovery, but take your time! The busa,supra,and all theother toys will be there when you get back! NJ.:)
thanks all!  I am doing jsut fine mentally. They are gone and i am already figuring out cool things i can do now...

FOR INSTANCE...i want to create a custom fit titanium cap for the top and tip of foot.  It will look somewhat like a bullet top.  Since my left leg is my lead kicking foot and most dangerous, if i get this piece to fit right, and put padding around the edge, my leg will be like a sledge hammer!!!  i will be able to put my foot thru a concrete wall...

HAHAH...anyway...thanks all, and i lookd forward to riding the busa soon.
Well it is good to see that at least they are giving you some OUTSTANDING pain medication...........

If you care to share more thoughts on the Sledge-O-Matic deal, you just go right

Glad that you are looking at the whole thing in the best of light....
No pics!!! Not neccessary! Just heal quickly! I'm sure you will do well! The creative appendage sounds like a winner!!!
Pretty amazing story. Sorry to hear this happened and good on ya for keeping it in perspective. Chin up and you already have a goal, riding your Busa can be one of them.
man-o-man, I don't know what to say. At first I thought you crashed the bike and your foot got some how caught in the chain. I know with your attitude it will make for a speedy recovery. Get well soon and get to riding!!!!
Really don't know what to say other than sorry! Strange how things happen in life. I talked with JohnnyCheese yesterday about scheduling some tuning time with him and he said sometimes he just has some free time. Like Wednesday he had a cancellation because the guy that was supposed to come in cut the toes off his foot and couldn't come in. Didn't think about it too much, but wow! Hope you have a quick recovery! Let us know how its going.