Im DOWN...wont be riding for a while...

Hope you have a speedy and pain free recovery!
Very sorry to hear it. That kind of thing happens so fast and can happen to any one of us. Your attitude and perspective on the wholething sounds very positive, so you're already way ahead of the pack in the overall mental as well as physical recovery process. Keep your chin up and let us know how things go. You're in my prayers as well.
Who would believe it ,always the simplest things . Keep a smile on your face and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Ps Can I borrow your bike boots for a while ...
Keep up the good spirits, I am sure you can make something positive out of this horrible experience.
wow, I am sorry to hear this. That sucks out of all the 'dangerous' things you've done, you went down by a lawn mower. You seem to be taking it wll though so that what matters. Good luck to you.
Sorry to hear about your accident! A good friend of mine did the same thing years ago. As a matter of fact I didn't even know it for over 12 years! Not until I ran my left hand into my running table saw! Thats when he told me the story. And I worked with the guy 5 days a week! You could not tell he did it. Just like my fingers, I was told that I will loose almost 50% usage from my left hand! Today I think I have 100% with only some scars to tell the story. So don't let it get you down you will be back before you know it.
Although, I think I may look into getting a lawn service and ride my bike more, it seems safer!

Good Luck
thanks all! I am doing jsut fine mentally. They are gone and i am already figuring out cool things i can do now...

FOR INSTANCE...i want to create a custom fit titanium cap for the top and tip of foot. It will look somewhat like a bullet top. Since my left leg is my lead kicking foot and most dangerous, if i get this piece to fit right, and put padding around the edge, my leg will be like a sledge hammer!!! i will be able to put my foot thru a concrete wall...

HAHAH...anyway...thanks all, and i lookd forward to riding the busa soon.
That sucks man. That's why you have to live each day like it's your last. You never know what might happen.
thanks all!  I am doing jsut fine mentally. They are gone and i am already figuring out cool things i can do now...

FOR INSTANCE...i want to create a custom fit titanium cap for the top and tip of foot.  It will look somewhat like a bullet top.  Since my left leg is my lead kicking foot and most dangerous, if i get this piece to fit right, and put padding around the edge, my leg will be like a sledge hammer!!!  i will be able to put my foot thru a concrete wall...

HAHAH...anyway...thanks all, and i lookd forward to riding the busa soon.
Hell yeah, thats what im talking about! Put a Kanji logo on that bad boy too!
What a bummer! I'm so sorry to hear of your mishap! You do have a great, positive attitude and "Attitude is EVERYTHING"

Get well quick!
Dude!!! that soooo sux!!!

Very sorry to hear that.

And people wonder why I am so paranoid and anal retentive about stuff. I am like a fricken safety freak.

I walk through the house and I see where my wife has set a knife down on the counter blade up.. my first thought is "how in the phuck did she do that!! I Couldnt set a knife on the counter blade pointing up if I tried" and she does it all the time by accident.

Geez that just really sucks Shindo.. Damn.....

wishing you a speedy recovery..... to whatever extent you can recover from something like that..
