Tool help


So I just got all these things for the busa....lines, windshield, and undertail kit, but everything seems a witch to install. I've installed other things on my old CBR and didn't have a problem. But taking out the two Phillips screws that are on the rear cowl, seems like it doesn't want to budge! I used some WD-40 on it, and it's not going anywhere. I don't want to strip the head, any suggestions?
larger screwdriver...tap with hammer, apply heat if needed(dont melt your plastic)also wd40 isnt a good lubricant for breaking bolt loose (its made to displace water) try the stuff they make specifically for that....
Holdtite makes a tube of stuff (called Add Grab) that is liquid with diamond dust particles in it, and you dip your screwdriver tip in it and it will add friction to the screw head area.
Amazing stuff, screwdriver won't slip out, and you get a lot more torque.
Use Q20 lubricant very good for bolts and screws that got rusted in the thread and then use a impact screw driver first lube the thread side of crews wait a few seconds to penetrade threaded erea and then use impact tool to shock or to loose screws
It also helps if you you're using good tools, i.e. Snap-on, Mac, Matco, or even Craftsman. Don't use the 10 for a $1.00 bag of screw drivers to do the job.
Very Large Screwdriver, I dont think they use Locktite on those so its just a matter of breaking it loose, Once you get the intitial break they should come right out.
larger screwdriver...tap with hammer, apply heat if needed(dont melt your plastic)also wd40 isnt a good lubricant for breaking bolt loose (its made to displace water) try the stuff they make specifically for that....


but I wouldn't apply much heat around a fairing.
Heat shouldn't be needed, just the right fitting (large head) screwdriver and some good forearm muscles. They come out much easier second time around.
If you don't have a hand impact tool, get one. If you cannot afford it, striking a hammer on the end of the screw driver as you turn it is the basic principle. The hand impact automatically adds the twisting motion as you strike the hammer on it.

more info on how to use one.

hand impact 1.jpg

really stupid are talking about the metal ones on top right? mine has two plastic ones on the under side of the tail is why I ask that are kinda like the plastic rivets.
For those very tight screw heads, just use more leverage. Especially for those tight spaces, where a regular screw driver can't fit. Sears baby!

you really shouldn't use a hand impact driver to get a screw loose on a busa. That thing is just way to harsh. Better to use some of the other methods mentioned.
Spray it down with PB penetrant I have ever used. Let it soak while you enjoy a cold beverage, then after 10-15 minutes, I'm betting it breaks loose. Smells kinds cool, too (the wife disagrees with the smell part).
