Top speed you have achieved on your stock busa?

Without a GPS, you won't know if you hit the limiter or you just stopped pulling. You can't hear the limiter at those speeds, and you can't feel it unless you hit it HARD. On a stock busa, you're not accelerating very quickly anymore and the tach moves slow.

The TRE limiter at 10,200rpm is just that...a limiter at 10,200rpm, not a specific mph. You can gear the bike shorter and it will hit the limiter at a lower mph. Hell, if you're running on a worn tire it will hit the limiter a few mph sooner as well!

So unless you've got a GPS to show a mph.... saying you hit the limiter is rather meaningless because

A) you may have not even been hitting the limiter, the bike just ran out of steam and stopped pulling.

B) the limiter could have been lower than 186mph because the limiter is based on RPM not speed.

Until you've made a run with a GPS, you haven't done a top speed run because you don't know what your top speed was..... all you did was go really fast. Take that and 99 cents and you've got yourself a cup of coffee.
Splitting hairs a bit, perhaps?
hey its that phantom dude again

And I dunno how fast I was going, the time I did it I didnt have the HUD and I sure as hell wasnt looking down to see

Since the HUD ... 158 (GPS) but that was on the track

As low as the stock busa windscreen is.... you aint getting much protection from anything.

But the coffee cup holder isn't such a bad idea...
Without a GPS, you won't know if you hit the limiter or you just stopped pulling. You can't hear the limiter at those speeds, and you can't feel it unless you hit it HARD. On a stock busa, you're not accelerating very quickly anymore and the tach moves slow.

The TRE limiter at 10,200rpm is just that...a limiter at 10,200rpm, not a specific mph. You can gear the bike shorter and it will hit the limiter at a lower mph. Hell, if you're running on a worn tire it will hit the limiter a few mph sooner as well!

So unless you've got a GPS to show a mph.... saying you hit the limiter is rather meaningless because

A) you may have not even been hitting the limiter, the bike just ran out of steam and stopped pulling.

B) the limiter could have been lower than 186mph because the limiter is based on RPM not speed.

Until you've made a run with a GPS, you haven't done a top speed run because you don't know what your top speed was..... all you did was go really fast. Take that and 99 cents and you've got yourself a cup of coffee.
heard it and felt it several times. My guess would be 175mph, I have a 6inch over and a 16/42 gear.

But I definately felt and heard the rev limiter.
gps 172 while speedo reading 186 plus a little, then ran out of room on the track. my needle pegs at just past 185 [186ish?] but it still had some room in the RPMs. I didn't take a pic cuz I figuired I'd do better, then summer slipped away...
Honestly? 160 indicated on the stock speedo. Run out of roads too soon around here. Too lazy to go to the dessert.
150 on my 04. I can't wait to see what I will do this spring or summer on my "new" 05 LE. I guess I'm a bit of a chicken to really push it.
180.6 GPS and Video. Don't how to post up the video or I would. I would probably get ridiculed for not wearing leather pants(had leather jacket and gloves and helmet) but oh well.
I'm courious for those that answered. Did you pre-run to check for road debris, holes, traffic volume, etc., or did you say, "No one is looking, here I go."?