Traffic check in your yard?

Dino nobody said anything about searching your property.
Question is would you oblige Trooper and produce Lic and Reg.
I think by the time he asks your obliged.

I made ref to the car question only cuz it is a catch 22.
They are trained to question you in a way that is designed to trip you up and give cause for further question which gives cause for more officers to respond which gives cause for the camera crew to show up which gives cause for..................

I like when they ask you the same questions 3 times in 3 different ways.
Police-Where ya comin from-
Me-Home, in binghamton
Few more questions...
Police-Where did ya say you came from?
Me-STILL comin from home:laugh: I couldnt resist
He looked at me funny and smirked a bit, by that time he new i wasnt a problem.

Turns out he had a zx6, i was on a friends zx10 track bike at the time, questionable headlight and no signals, why I got pulled over in the first place
im colored too...but they used a white crayon on me...:laugh: and thank god Im not clear :thumbsup:
I once ran from a CT police officer. He was the most feared off in Stamford.
His name was Off Fields. Big Black mean MoFo. Nothing racial just telling a story.
He loved to bust the kids in the hood I lived in.
I passed him on my Rz350 at over 90 in a 25. Anyone live in CT knows they have low speed limits.
He pulls out I keep goin cuz I'm in 9th grade and don't know any better.
I lose him...heh heh heh....30 minutes later riding into my development going home he is sitting there waitng for me about ten houses up before mine.
I ride by then hit the garage door remote I had velcroed to my screen.
He pulls out lights me up. Garage door goes up. I hit the button it starts going down
and slide right
This guy who was really big limboed under the door and came right up with a throat grab.
He lifted me up and put me up against my moms yellow Chrysler K car wagon inside the garage after the door has closed.
We are both in there and by now my mom can hear the ruckus and comes to investigate.
First thing......first thing she says is "Get off my car!"
Second thing is WTF are you doing in my garage choking my son ?????????
She runs back inside and calls 911 and within 10min the whole Stamford PD is outside my house trying to calm him down. He was so pissed that a 15yr old kid beat him on the street he could not control himself.
Little did I know that when a kid moves into Stamford with an RZ350 and Toomey race pipes on it he already knew where I lived so was calmly waiting for me.

End of story he directly apologized to me in front of my mother his Sgt and all the other Officers for assaulting me in my home.
My mom was still screamin....."You FFFFn MoFO....I'm suing"........
........"look at the damage you did to my car"......:rofl::rofl:

I swear thats the truth. She was more concerned about her car than her son.......Luv ya Mom...
Haya01B I dont live dangerous I just live with and around many cops who are fathers and folks just like you and me and I dont have any prob talking to them.
Again it goes to a courtesy issue.
They arent cops because their stupid....well at least most of them arent....:rofl:

They know when your a threat and when your just BSn.
As long as you arent preventing them from doing their duty they are fine here.

I pick my son up every day from day care cuz its daddies fav thing to do.
One of his fav things to do is when we see a WPB PD officer he has daddy get up next to the cop so I can roll the window down.
Adam has me beep the horn so the cop will roll his down.
Then Adam starts singing "Bad Boys Bad Boys what'ya gonna do, what'ya gonna do when they come for you"
They get a real kick out of it and so does Adam.
I'll have to post a vid from my phone next time we do it .
My funniest run in with a cop was about 7 or 8 months ago I was running around town taking care of business and I happened to peep behind me and saw a sheriff deputy with his lights on. I pulled into a parking lot and he walks up to me and tells me his name and he pulled me because I was changing lanes so much and he just wanted to make sure I was not drunk. I thinking to my self it's 10:30AM I don't get drunk until 12PM. :laugh:

The funny comes in where my sandwich bag that I keep my registration in got blown off the gas tank. The way he ran around and looked it might as well had been my weed bag because you should have seen the disappointment in his face.:rofl: Hoping to luck up on something I guess. I laughed about that for a long time.
Haya01B I dont live dangerous I just live with and around many cops who are fathers and folks just like you and me and I dont have any prob talking to them.
Again it goes to a courtesy issue.
They arent cops because their stupid....well at least most of them arent....:rofl:

They know when your a threat and when your just BSn.
As long as you arent preventing them from doing their duty they are fine here.

I pick my son up every day from day care cuz its daddies fav thing to do.
One of his fav things to do is when we see a WPB PD officer he has daddy get up next to the cop so I can roll the window down.
Adam has me beep the horn so the cop will roll his down.
Then Adam starts singing "Bad Boys Bad Boys what'ya gonna do, what'ya gonna do when they come for you"
They get a real kick out of it and so does Adam.
I'll have to post a vid from my phone next time we do it .

I see your angle now. You use the kids to neutralized the threat issue. Nice!:laugh:
Haya01B says....I thinking to my self it's 10:30AM I don't get drunk until 12PM

You have to remember that at 10:30am eastern it is 5:30 in Europe so its ok to have one...:rofl:

Haya01B might as well had been my weed bag

??????????????? I use Roundup and dont have any problems with weeds..:rofl:
I didn't say it was not BS. In general most traffic stops are a BS way to collect taxes but he can pull you over where he wants and request your documents. You probably agreed to it when you got them. If you don't like it, take it to court.

Is revenue the word you were looking for ? Taxes do pay our salaries but we are not allowed to collect them on traffic stops. :laugh:
It calms them down when the first thing you give them is your Concealed Weapon Permit and say "I HAVE A GUN !".....:laugh:
I tell them I have a concealed weapon permit and they act as if I don't need one. I tell them it makes me feel better if they look at it cause after all it cost me $140.:moon:
Is revenue the word you were looking for ? Taxes do pay our salaries but we are not allowed to collect them on traffic stops. :laugh:

Na, Tax works. To tax is to impose a financial charge or other levy upon a taxpayer by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay is punishable by law.
Na, Tax works. To tax is to impose a financial charge or other levy upon a taxpayer by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay is punishable by law.

I think that may be a stretch. :laugh:
The police no matter what Dept have the right to question you on your own property.
C'mon what are you gonna do stand there and say "I aint sayin anything cuz I'm in my yard" :poke:
Even if you are inside to begin with. If you answer the door and they ask you ????? your gonna be stuck.
What are you gonna do slam the door ?
Age old catch 22. By the time they ask your obliged.
Same as 'You dont mind if I look in your car do you?'
Of course you dont want him looking in your car but if you say no then they get suspicious.
By the time they ask your done.

could work if you're white, just sayin:laugh::poke:
I know someone who (according to her) received a DUI in her driveway (in FL) listening to the radio (keys were in the ignition but the vehicle was not started).

She has since had the radio wired up to work without the keys in the ignition, so now she gets :beerchug: and wakes up to a dead battery~!~ :poke:
My ex-brother in law got a DUI in his own driveway. Rode his harley home from the bar (5 blocks) state cop followed him all the way. (Why the state boy was sitting in town on a saturday night is something you will have to figure out for yourself, we have city and county to do that....) Gets off his bike and starts for the door, cop pulls in behind him. Gives him a stack of tickets, apehangers, side plate, no turn signal, no proof of insurance (which he had, just lost the paper), loud exhaust. Then says "I need you to come with me" and drives him to the "safety checkpoint" (roadblock) across town. Gives him a breathalyzer and takes him to jail. If he was such a menace to himself and others, why did the cop wait so long to pull him over? IMO, give him the tickets and tell him to stay in for the night.