Traffic check in your yard?

Sitting in the drivers seat in your car or any car while intoxicated with with the keys in ignition is considered DUI in FL.
If you can pass breathalizer than its an open container ticket.
My cousin learned that the hard way.
Sitting in his car with key in , radio on having a cold one and got a Dewey parked in the park.
Here is what I think happened...

Officer spotted steam car.
Office followed steaming car, waiting for car to die, render assistance to hottie driver.
Oficer sees car pull into drive.
Officer comes back to see if assistance is required.
Officer asks for ID out of habit, Pavlov's conditioning
Officer bummed because no hottie involved. :laugh:
Here is what I think happened...

Officer spotted steam car.
Office followed steaming car, waiting for car to die, render assistance to hottie driver.
Oficer sees car pull into drive.
Officer comes back to see if assistance is required.
Officer asks for ID out of habit, Pavlov's conditioning
Officer bummed because no hottie involved. :laugh:

You know sure as hell some liberal would be really mad if the guy was drunk, used the yard for an out and then later left and killed someone... "The cop should have ...... blah blah blah"

My guess as soon as the guy had a key for the door and/or no one came out of the house screaming, he figured it was all kosher..

am glad the LEO's pay attention to these guys myself.. looking at the crime logs, night time carries a high possibility of someone doing something wrong..

You know sure as hell some liberal would be really mad if the guy was drunk, used the yard for an out and then later left and killed someone... "The cop should have ...... blah blah blah"

My guess as soon as the guy had a key for the door and/or no one came out of the house screaming, he figured it was all kosher..

am glad the LEO's pay attention to these guys myself.. looking at the crime logs, night time carries a high possibility of someone doing something wrong..

I don't think this happened at night. So how do you look at someone and think they are suspicious? Is it because they do not look like you!
Sitting in the drivers seat in your car or any car while intoxicated with with the keys in ignition is considered DUI in FL.
If you can pass breathalizer than its an open container ticket.
My cousin learned that the hard way.
Sitting in his car with key in , radio on having a cold one and got a Dewey parked in the park.

Actually keys don't need to be in the ignition. Can be within reach of you while you in the drivers seat.
My ex-brother in law got a DUI in his own driveway. Rode his harley home from the bar (5 blocks) state cop followed him all the way. (Why the state boy was sitting in town on a saturday night is something you will have to figure out for yourself, we have city and county to do that....) Gets off his bike and starts for the door, cop pulls in behind him. Gives him a stack of tickets, apehangers, side plate, no turn signal, no proof of insurance (which he had, just lost the paper), loud exhaust. Then says "I need you to come with me" and drives him to the "safety checkpoint" (roadblock) across town. Gives him a breathalyzer and takes him to jail. If he was such a menace to himself and others, why did the cop wait so long to pull him over? IMO, give him the tickets and tell him to stay in for the night.

Now Jeremy you know he can't do that. If he got back in his car later and killed one of our families we'd be pissed to know he was pulled earlier and let go!! Can you say lawsuit?

You give him your license and proof of insurance and bam you're on your way! You give him lip or ignore him and you get the TAZE! :rofl: It's not a hard decision.

Seriously if you have nothing to hide it'll be over in just a sec and all's good. :thumbsup: Most cops are no different than the rest of us. Just trying to do their job, not get shot, and pay the bills.

This thread reminds me of that skit by Chris Rock...freakin hilarious!


- Chris Rock- How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police[/url]
Now Jeremy you know he can't do that. If he got back in his car later and killed one of our families we'd be pissed to know he was pulled earlier and let go!! Can you say lawsuit?

You give him your license and proof of insurance and bam you're on your way! You give him lip or ignore him and you get the TAZE! :rofl: It's not a hard decision.

Seriously if you have nothing to hide it'll be over in just a sec and all's good. :thumbsup: Most cops are no different than the rest of us. Just trying to do their job, not get shot, and pay the bills.

This thread reminds me of that skit by Chris Rock...freakin hilarious!


- Chris Rock- How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police[/url]
I agree in theory Jeremy, but you know had it been a friend of said officer, or family member he would have walked away.....
I agree completely that most cops are good people, and do a great job sometimes in crappy circumstances. Also that it's often over if you comply. I do think however that I shouldn't have to let a cop search my vehicle when I'm innocent. I also strongly object to the "I am the law" attitude that seems very prevalent within certain jurisdictions. Contempt of cop is not a crime, and should not be considered such. As you said they are no different than the rest of us....:beerchug:
Oh and ya, that skit is funny as hell.
If he broke the law why did he not get stopped before he made it to his property? I have had this done to me twice in one month. The 2nd time the trooper followed me from my parents house to mine and that is a 7 mile 5 turn trip. His excuse was I swerved 2 miles back and he thought I might have been drunk. C'mon son! C'mon on! Stop whit that BS son!
How would the cop know whos property he is on ??? ID ??? DUH
How would the cop know whos property he is on ??? ID ??? DUH

That reminds me of the incident that involved the professor, the cop, and the president a while back. :beerchug: :laugh:

I had an incident about a year ago similar to this. I was on my way home in my pickup when I met a county sheriff. Strangely enough, I wasn't doing anything wrong at the time. :cheerleader: He turned around in the road to follow me, which was funny to watch since it was a narrow road and he was in a hurry. :laugh: He gets up on my tail so close I could only see the top of his car in my mirror, and he stays there all the way to my house, which was about another half mile. I got a little aggravated about being tailgated like that for no reason. When I pulled in the driveway, he pulled in behind me and lit me up. I got out and went to his car and asked "do you need something". He told me to go back to my truck and wait, so I repeated my question. At this point it was like being called by a telemarketer and being told to hold while they connect you. Finally, he told me that he was looking for someone who was driving a red pickup, so he was just checking to see if I was the guy he was looking for. He said have a nice day, killed his lights and left.

When all was said and done, this was not that bad of an encounter, and the guy was just doing his job. My problem wasn't really with what he did, but how he did it. He could have handled the situation with much more tact and courtesy. The aggressive driving (that he would have ticketed me for), and lighting me up in my own driveway. Why couldn't he just pull up behind me and do his thing without all the spectacle? There may be a reason, but I don't know what it is.
That reminds me of the incident that involved the professor, the cop, and the president a while back. :beerchug: :laugh:

I had an incident about a year ago similar to this. I was on my way home in my pickup when I met a county sheriff. Strangely enough, I wasn't doing anything wrong at the time. :cheerleader: He turned around in the road to follow me, which was funny to watch since it was a narrow road and he was in a hurry. :laugh: He gets up on my tail so close I could only see the top of his car in my mirror, and he stays there all the way to my house, which was about another half mile. I got a little aggravated about being tailgated like that for no reason. When I pulled in the driveway, he pulled in behind me and lit me up. I got out and went to his car and asked "do you need something". He told me to go back to my truck and wait, so I repeated my question. At this point it was like being called by a telemarketer and being told to hold while they connect you. Finally, he told me that he was looking for someone who was driving a red pickup, so he was just checking to see if I was the guy he was looking for. He said have a nice day, killed his lights and left.

When all was said and done, this was not that bad of an encounter, and the guy was just doing his job. My problem wasn't really with what he did, but how he did it. He could have handled the situation with much more tact and courtesy. The aggressive driving (that he would have ticketed me for), and lighting me up in my own driveway. Why couldn't he just pull up behind me and do his thing without all the spectacle? There may be a reason, but I don't know what it is.

In some states you could have been shot! You know how that turns out. A little administrative duty and back on the street. While you take the dirt nap!
i prefer to have my own camera going at all times...if they magically lose the dash video i will always have my version:laugh:
I will kindly ask that the cop bashing stop (you know who you are.) Some of us are cops, some of us know cops and some are married to cops. I think that's reason enough to stop with the name calling. We're all family here, so let's act like it.
I will kindly ask that the cop bashing stop (you know who you are.) Some of us are cops, some of us know cops and some are married to cops. I think that's reason enough to stop with the name calling. We're all family here, so let's act like it.

You aint pining this on meeee coppaaaa! Seeeee! Yaah Yaah! See! Yaah!:laugh:
I will kindly ask that the cop bashing stop (you know who you are.) Some of us are cops, some of us know cops and some are married to cops. I think that's reason enough to stop with the name calling. We're all family here, so let's act like it.
This thread isn't even close to cop bashing. I have had numerous encounters with the law, some were deserved, some not and some went well, others didn't. I know cops on many different levels, I count some among my good friends. Nonetheless, if an officer appears to me to be out of line, I will say so. That nonsense about how people that aren't cops (and no, cops are not the military so non-cops shouldn't be referred to as "civilians"....) just don't understand the pressure is tired. If you can't handle the job, quit and get a different one. It's a career choice, nothing more. I thank and respect the officers that put themselves in harms way and work hard to make life better in the area they work, but I despise those that use the authority of the badge to forward their own agenda. You know the type, the one who didn't get to play football or date the cheerleader and will now have his revenge....
Not suggesting that all, or even most cops are like this, but we all know some that are.
Part of being a family is the ability to discuss things with each other, and agreeing to disagree if required......:beerchug:
The hottie bit was just from my own thinking, trying to understand the series of events, and entertain our readers.I'm sure that LEO's don't think that way. Somebody made a good point, the guy wanted to be asure that the car was pulled off in it's own address. I hope I don't offend anyone.
This thread isn't even close to cop bashing.

Part of being a family is the ability to discuss things with each other, and agreeing to disagree if required......:beerchug:

I was talking about the individual that was comparing cops to a negative fashion. You may have missed it on page 2. I didn't want to call anyone out, but that's bad taste in my opinion.
I was talking about the individual that was comparing cops to a negative fashion. You may have missed it on page 2. I didn't want to call anyone out, but that's bad taste in my opinion.
Agreed, it could be taken in a negative fashion, but I think it was meant in fun. I see your point though.
I was talking about the individual that was comparing cops to a negative fashion. You may have missed it on page 2. I didn't want to call anyone out, but that's bad taste in my opinion.

Of course it's bad taste, but do you get offended when a woman says "all men are dogs"? I think they usually mean that in a negative fashion. :poke:
I have had cops try to do a traffic stop well after I pulled into my yard. I had passed them going the opposite way and they turned around to pull me over. They said my exhaust was to loud. I had already pulled into the driveway, parked, and was walking to the garage when they stopped and started talking to me. They ended up just leaving because I wasn't some stupid punk kid. I actually know some of the laws that they were trying to get me on.