"Stay down or yerr gonna git it again". Yee Haw
I always thought that once you were hit with a tazer that you were out for the count for at least a few minutes. That guy was able to stand repeatedly after being tazed, must be the etoh on board. Chris
Some of the older technology knocked your pecker in the dirt for a period of time after you were hit. Very painful, too. The new ones like we use (Taser International's M26 Advanced Taser) operate on the same "frequency" as your brain, telling your muscles what to do. It introduces "noise" into that signal system and simply overrides your muscle control, taking bodily control away. The paint is comparable to a tattoo needle (very, VERY minor) and as soon as the Taser cycles off (five second cycle from pull of trigger... automatically shuts off after 5 seconds on the M26) the pain is over and you again have full control of your body/muscles.
The only residual effects are the probe ##### points. They tingle for a couple of minutes or so, and leave a light ##### and slight burn. Feels less painful than a shot in the butt at the doctor's office. The only other types of injuries that the Taser can cause would be from falling when you lose control of your body. If the Taser wasn't activated again after the initial deployment you could jump up the instant it stopped and fight again. After multiple activations like this guy recieved you'd probably be a bit tired from all your muscles tightening up from the Taser signals and the sensation is so wierd that you'd probably comply, but you wouldn't really be physically disabled at all.
The best thing about it is that while the probe leads are still hooked to you, cover officers can move in and handcuff you and if you resist while they're doing it, the officer with the Taser can activate it while they're holding onto you and it won't shock them. The Taser will steal your muscle control while they cuff you. It gains compliance via muscle control with no long lasting effects at all.
I'll put it this way... I'd rather be hit with a Taser again than to be pepper sprayed agian ANY DAY!!!
If it hurt, or had long lasting effects I would never say that.