Trump can blow me

This is a politics thread not mainstream bike goodness so i reckon this type of 'discussion' is in the right place , we're not taking 'pot shots' at each other...
Served at the end of a 12ft 2x6. ;D

That 2x6 Canadian hardwood? We'll take that back, thanks. :poke: :p

Not serious, obviously... I hate infighting between friends. Obviously the USA is in a bad state with this virus but when the going gets tough, that's when you need your friends the most. Should Canada retaliate and shut off the hydro power heading south? Or the fresh water? What would that solve? We're all in this together and should start acting like it.
I'm listening to Trump's press conference. It hurts me to say this but so far it's as reasonable as I've heard him be lol.
That 2x6 Canadian hardwood? We'll take that back, thanks. :poke: :p

Not serious, obviously... I hate infighting between friends. Obviously the USA is in a bad state with this virus but when the going gets tough, that's when you need your friends the most. Should Canada retaliate and shut off the hydro power heading south? Or the fresh water? What would that solve? We're all in this together and should start acting like it.
Shouldn't even need to be discussed honestly...
If Trump would have reacted in January or February by doing what we are doing now, he would have been run out on a rail! They had a fit when he halted travel from China and called him racist. If he'd had shut down the economy, the House and Senate would have fought him all the way. This pandemic is playing out exactly the way it needed to for the necessary actions to be accepted by the public. They will suppress the curve where they can but estimates are 80% of the world population will eventually get this virus.

Our economy was doing well because of Trump, not despite him. When this winds down, there's no better person to have at the helm than Trump. He will easily win re-election and we will go on.

Notice how I posted that without bashing anyone's politics, president or leader.

Hunker down and stay safe everyone.
In an ideal world there would be no borders, no single alpha chimp in charge of an entire country, and rainbows of Sunoco 94 would magically fill my busa tank after every ride. But in reality each country is just trying to take care of their people as best they can during crisis. That may mean masks sequestered for foreign countries will be better served at home. As a Canadian I have to respect Trumps choice to take care of his own, that is his job during crisis. I get it, even if I don’t like it.
let’s take care of our own but help others when we can.
In an ideal world there would be no borders, no single alpha chimp in charge of an entire country, and rainbows of Sunoco 94 would magically fill my busa tank after every ride. But in reality each country is just trying to take care of their people as best they can during crisis. That may mean masks sequestered for foreign countries will be better served at home. As a Canadian I have to respect Trumps choice to take care of his own, that is his job during crisis. I get it, even if I don’t like it.
let’s take care of our own but help others when we can.
So we have a choice then, Globalism or Nationalism?
Hmmmmmmm . . . .
I would like to see a poll on that!
On this 3M issue now that there is a export restriction on N95 mask nobody is talking about that the raw materials used to make these mask comes from Canada. So if Canada decided to play tit for tat 3M would be short of raw materials to produce the now non exportable N95 mask leading to a even larger shortage. No major manufacturer produces products sourced from only one country. Various supply chains are involved. One country restricts parts to another, you will have a snowball effect that collapses the system. Regardless of the desired outcome.

These should have been shut down once the viral spread started.