Turbo Lag

whats stumble?

First he mentioned lag then later he mentioned stumble. Using his terminology he was talking about two different kinds of problems.

I think it might be my fuel setup, if i am in 2nd gear around 5000 rpm and go WOT it will stumble for a second then build fast. I have just had it tuned and have a begi FMU with stock injectors.


How do you guys deal with the turbo lag. I have a 16g with 10lbs and you really cant go WOT until 5000rpm. You add timing and pull fuel? That would seem a little risky to me. Nitrous with a Hobbs? What can I do so I can do low rpm punch runs?
Who's the tuner? I have 2 names in IL of recommended turbo tuners used by some of the top 1/4 mile racers around the N IL area.