Two Brothers Racing 4-2-1 X-Metal

OMEGA, now your talking.....I mean, your happy, I'm happy! The muzzy is probably a good piece, it should be for that kinda money.The Two Brothers Racing pipe is like i said......They Got Lucky, it happens...good quality, excellent price, and it won't fall apart in 8 months! Has anyone done just a simple pipe install with a muzzy, and posted the results? I'm new to this board. I'd check it out if I knew where to look.
cbxchris raises valid points in my opinion.

I also believe they are all very close with MAYBE 2 hp differentiating the top ones.

I would love to see the before and after numbers with similar miles on the bike.

Tuning the whole rpm range is important. To me at least. The numbers that are thrown around this site are usually peak HP. Midrange HP/Torque counts for something also in most riding.

Lees performance posted some info., but i do not believe remapping was done for each pipe, which means its somewhat useless.

Micron only weighs 7lbs. for the s.s. and I think most pipes are in that range with a single can.
"32 lbs." for your stock exhaust?? Yours was heavier than mine.

But, I am still watching this and other threads looking for evidence of something much better.
I've been out of town since I posted my Two Brothers pipe results. It's amazing how some of you fellows are so sceptical. I'll try to answer some of the Q's. The pipe weighs 19 lbs less than than the 32lb. stocker. It cost
$739.98, it's stainless steel, mill finish, polished mid-pipe. Canister has 2.25" perf. core, nickel coated carbon fibre filament wound canister. To be honest I didn't dyno the machine before I installed the pipe. It's a project deal, and we pulled the wheels off it to have'em painted, as well as the body-work. In that downtime the pipe showed up, as well as other bits, and we put things together as it went along.I did omit that I pulled the PAIR system, threaded, and blocked them off, like Yosh does. I don't have the savy on how to post pics, or graphs. But I will fax it to some-one who can. Beleive what you want fellas, my Dyno has never lied to me yet! I think Two Brothers got real lucky here, and some people are just gonna have to accept that. Now that I'm back in the shop I will do a little tweaking, and we'll see how good it gets!
Rick... Is this the same bike that you did the amazing 200+ mph on? Didn't that one have a cam, PC2 and drilled stock pipes?
Bob, your right about everyone posting peak numbers, To-day I'll do a couple more runs, the only run I did was a 5th gear roll on, and I didn't back it up with a second the answer to Frank Adams to find out why!
Anyway, the bikes got 5,996 kms on it, and I weighed the entire exhaust system with hardware, nuts,bolts on a bathroom scale, so it may be off by a tad....what did yours weigh?
Your right about the Two Brothers pipe not belonging in the same sentence as Muzzy. The Muzzy looks like shi* and the Two Brothers are a work of art. Not only do they create fantastic HP gains but their fit and finish are second to none. I have owned Two Brothers pipes before, and as soon as the wallet is fat enough, they will be added to my Blue and Silver.
DYNO RICK ,two bros said the pair doesnt have to come off. when you say block do you mean remove and block it or just block the hose.
Bimmerbusa, the PAIR system should be ELIMINATED. To do that, you pull off the entire octopus, the little pump thing, the vacum line, which you have to plug, or you'll have a vacum leak. You have to plug the air hose that comes from the air box, just pull it off the box, and fit a little plug there, or use a big blob of rubber silicone . Then either buy a set off block-off plates, or just tap the little holes that used to feed the exhaust ports fresh air, with a 6mm tap. Then screw in some 6mm by 5mm long allen head (Hex Head)bolts. Now it's blocked off. You can also remove the 8 six mm studs that used to hold that part of the system in place, as they no longer serve a purpose. Once you've removed the PAIR system, there will be less pyrotecknics when you let off the throttle from high RPM. You will be best to get a PC2, cause the new exhaust system causes the fuel curve to be a little lean in spots.
Some of you guys are very funny! Omega apparently goes home and makes love to his Muzzy canister, and doesn't have an open mind to anything else, despite all kinds of data to the contrary. I say, if you like the A-crap-ovik, go for it! If you like the build quality of Two Bros, hey, awesome! Did you see Sport Rider magazines test shootout of GSXR750 pipes last summer? Two Bros beat Yosh for horsepower, on a bike that Yosh is the factory race team for. Then again, so did Muzzy, although Muz was one of the loudest pipes there.
TMbiker, hey,now I remember, that`s the test I guess OMEGA was referring to that he said Two Brothers was "WAY DOWN THE LIST" on power,n, stuff....huh, at least somebody`s got a decent memory! Thanks for the help.
Bimmerbusa, no I haven't installed the PC2 yet. I'm glad to see that our good friend OMEGA hasn't managed to desuade you from making a wise purchase. Now you can see what I saw on the dyno......Just make sure you find some good quality gasoline, and block off that PAIR system. I think there is a long back-order for those Dynojet PC2's .
hi dyno rick do you have a pic of your bike with the xmetal pipe on your bike is your bike the black or copper one? thank you
Richie, "My Bike" is neither Black, or Copper.
It is the same paint scheme as Kenny Roberts Jr. 500cc GP bike. Red, White, Blue. Wheels are White with blue hub centers.
As I said before, I'm not too high tech when it comes to posting pics,n,stuff. I don't have a digital camera, or a scanner. I would like to post some, but these days time is so short for stuff like that! Sorry....