UGLY BETTY isn't cute..she pi$$es me off!

(JINKSTER @ May 10 2007,21:27)
(thrasherfox @ May 10 2007,15:24) So Jinks, be a man and take control of your house. sheeeeesh.

It is your fricken household to run.

Your wife and your daughters are YOUR responsibility.

If something is happening in your household you don't like it is you responsibility as father and husband to handle in whatever way you see fit.

If you think the shows they are watching are inappropriate and they wont respect your wishes, wait until the ladies of the house are gone and get rid of every fricken TV in the house.

You should be able to talk to your wife about this and have her back you up, if your wife wont back you up on this then you have deeper problems than a mere TV show.

My wife and I back each other up on everything, especially when it comes to the kids. you both need to back each other up.

and when it comes to TV shows, if one of you has issues with a show, then the common denominator should be to not allow the show to be watched in the house

There are a lot of shows I don't allow to be watched in my house.

Cartoons that are not allowed to be watched in the house, and videos that are not allowed to be rented.

There was one show one of my sons was watching and it was only on cable, he did not just take my hint to not watch it so instead of blocking it, I just called the cable company and had my cable turned off for about 6 months.

Take charge, complaining about it is not going to do anything, you need to do something about it. I don't care a whole lot about TV anyway, if I were in your shoes and nothing else worked, then I would put all the tv's in storage or something until everyone got the point....

And you can get offended all you want about what is being aired, it wont do any good, all you have control over is your household.
ya know what?...sometimes it's real easy to be cynical and judgemental of others and spew out the obvious...then feel all rightous and dignified cause you feel you have a superior view of things (as folks often times truely do) when you're on the outside looking in...however...without knowing ALL the surrounding particulars? may find your aim to be way off.

Bottom line? wife and i have lived together for 18 years and married 16 of the same the same town...with three daughters...and for all those years? wife never missed a sunday with the man who married us...and she made sure that the girls didn't miss a sunday a matter of fact?...Last nite?...wifey ran the wednesday night church youth group meeting..but also?..since the day i first met her?...she's also run/own/operated her own hair salon in town...right across the street from city hall....and sometimes?..."Marriage"...means making certain compromises along lifes path ya what..since you're so certain of the exact steps to take?...and since it's seems that i'm somewhat less than a MAN of my household here? a show me how...come on over and step into my home and inform my wife that you'll now be banning any future viewings of ugly betty in my household then?...simply reach over and shut the tube down...and then i'll get to see a real entertaining getting bludgeoned to death with the bloody stump of what used to be the arm you attempted to turn ugly betty off with!

But thanks for the He-Man advice...L8R, Bill.
Bill, your household is not my concern, nor do I have a right to tell you or your household what to do.

and I sure in the heck am not going to tell another mans wife what to do, that is not my business nor my concern.

But as a Christian man I am laying it on the line to you. that is your job, if you don't have the balls to take control of your household, dont try putting it off on someone else.

Your responsibility bud, no one elses. and if your wife goes to church, and you do also, there shouldn't be an issue, your wife should submit to your wishes as long as you are being the man of God you are supposed to be (i.e. not taking advantage of that position)

doesn't matter to me if she goes to church 7 days a week, if she isn't listening to your counsel as her husband and spiritual leader then that tells me something is wrong.

You come on here whining about your problems, then I tell you what the problem is and the solution and you get all offended by it. open your eyes bud and listen to what I am telling you. I am being as honest with you about your situation as I can be. I am not trying to be a jerk, nor am I trying to piss you off. but I am being 100% honest

And the honest bottom line here is you are head of your household. if you are the man of God you should be, and your wife is the woman of God she seems to be. then there should be no problems with saying this show will not be watched in your house.

Start with talking to your wife in private, it sounds like she is a good Christian woman and she will probably submit to your counsel.

Your daughters you will more than likely get static from, there kids, your parents, it is in their nature to argue, complain and not want to listen to you. but as long as you and your wife are on the same page backing each other up you two can control the issue. You just need to step up to the plate and do what you know is right..
(JINKSTER @ May 10 2007,17:35) Why you ask?...simple...a television show that not only encompasses but also embraces the high color lifestyles of homosexuality complete with a full house transgender character and all run by an imbalanced male and a tyranical biotch....and my wife won't miss a freaking my three young growing daughters watch it all with her...i disagree...with utter disgust.

If this were but a mere 20 years ago?..such a concept for a publically aired television show would've been banned quicker than dawn of the dead...sorry...just hadta vent...and?.. if i offended anyone?....tough shid...cause i'm 48 years young and old school...and?...i'm offended that such a show is aired on national public tv.  

L8R, Bill.
Then don't watch it
(JINKSTER @ May 10 2007,22:35) Why you ask?...simple...a television show that not only encompasses but also embraces the high color lifestyles of homosexuality complete with a full house transgender character and all run by an imbalanced male and a tyranical biotch....and my wife won't miss a freaking my three young growing daughters watch it all with her...i disagree...with utter disgust.

If this were but a mere 20 years ago?..such a concept for a publically aired television show would've been banned quicker than dawn of the dead...sorry...just hadta vent...and?.. if i offended anyone?....tough shid...cause i'm 48 years young and old school...and?...i'm offended that such a show is aired on national public tv.  

L8R, Bill.
First they take prayer out of the schools, and now this. I hate to say this, but the fad is a reality ladies and gentleman. Do you ever notice how politicians are now treading lightly on this issue?
Why you ask? VOTES!! They are becoming a whole new sector of society with their rights increasing as the days go by. And I agree with t-fox... Jinkster, you should just simply take charge, talk to the wife, and explain your view. I'm sure the argument will be that it only television, but we all know what TV has done to our society. And I guarantee you that within the next 5 to 10 years, there will not be any politician to speak against homosexuality. The trend is that laws will be written to allow same-sex marriages. All it's going to take is one lawsuit and court ruling that some sympathetic and Human Rights activist judge will award millions of dollars in damages. Then watch every stinkin' lawyer in the country offer FREE retainers for every homosexual individual in this country.
One of the reasons I won't pay for cable or satelite TV.

Most of the shows are B.S. IMO.

I AM however kinda hooked on LOST, but I'm slowly losing patience with the writers as it appears they haven't the slightest clue where they're going with it. 3 more seasons? OF WHAT?

If I could pick and choose the channels (very specific) than I'd sign up. Like the ESPNs, Speed channel, History, Discovery & maybe a hand full of others. That's about it. Otherwise I'll hold onto my money thank you.

A lot of this stuff is non-sense anyway. A different B.S. game show every other week, a reality t.v. show that makes me wanna choke slam somebody (this is bad).
(Lamb busa @ May 10 2007,17:40) Being a Fag is all the rage!

Apparently it's what all the kids are into today!
LOL !!!
LOL !!!
LOL !!!

THE LAMB STRIKES AGAIN !!!!!!, that avatar is seriously funny Brother.........BTW are you riding yet


(BA BUSA @ May 10 2007,21:38)
(JINKSTER @ May 10 2007,21:27)
(thrasherfox @ May 10 2007,15:24) So Jinks, be a man and take control of your house. sheeeeesh.

It is your fricken household to run.

Your wife and your daughters are YOUR responsibility.

If something is happening in your household you don't like it is you responsibility as father and husband to handle in whatever way you see fit.

If you think the shows they are watching are inappropriate and they wont respect your wishes, wait until the ladies of the house are gone and get rid of every fricken TV in the house.

You should be able to talk to your wife about this and have her back you up, if your wife wont back you up on this then you have deeper problems than a mere TV show.

My wife and I back each other up on everything, especially when it comes to the kids. you both need to back each other up.

and when it comes to TV shows, if one of you has issues with a show, then the common denominator should be to not allow the show to be watched in the house

There are a lot of shows I don't allow to be watched in my house.

Cartoons that are not allowed to be watched in the house, and videos that are not allowed to be rented.

There was one show one of my sons was watching and it was only on cable, he did not just take my hint to not watch it so instead of blocking it, I just called the cable company and had my cable turned off for about 6 months.

Take charge, complaining about it is not going to do anything, you need to do something about it. I don't care a whole lot about TV anyway, if I were in your shoes and nothing else worked, then I would put all the tv's in storage or something until everyone got the point....

And you can get offended all you want about what is being aired, it wont do any good, all you have control over is your household.
ya know what?...sometimes it's real easy to be cynical and judgemental of others and spew out the obvious...then feel all rightous and dignified cause you feel you have a superior view of things (as folks often times truely do) when you're on the outside looking in...however...without knowing ALL the surrounding particulars? may find your aim to be way off.

Bottom line? wife and i have lived together for 18 years and married 16 of the same the same town...with three daughters...and for all those years? wife never missed a sunday with the man who married us...and she made sure that the girls didn't miss a sunday a matter of fact?...Last nite?...wifey ran the wednesday night church youth group meeting..but also?..since the day i first met her?...she's also run/own/operated her own hair salon in town...right across the street from city hall....and sometimes?..."Marriage"...means making certain compromises along lifes path ya what..since you're so certain of the exact steps to take?...and since it's seems that i'm somewhat less than a MAN of my household here? a show me how...come on over and step into my home and inform my wife that you'll now be banning any future viewings of ugly betty in my household then?...simply reach over and shut the tube down...and then i'll get to see a real entertaining getting bludgeoned to death with the bloody stump of what used to be the arm you attempted to turn ugly betty off with!

But thanks for the He-Man advice...L8R, Bill.
My money is on Ron  
WHOA SH!T, Ron is that you

(Spudley @ May 11 2007,17:21)
(BA BUSA @ May 10 2007,21:38)
(JINKSTER @ May 10 2007,21:27)
(thrasherfox @ May 10 2007,15:24) So Jinks, be a man and take control of your house. sheeeeesh.

It is your fricken household to run.

Your wife and your daughters are YOUR responsibility.

If something is happening in your household you don't like it is you responsibility as father and husband to handle in whatever way you see fit.

If you think the shows they are watching are inappropriate and they wont respect your wishes, wait until the ladies of the house are gone and get rid of every fricken TV in the house.

You should be able to talk to your wife about this and have her back you up, if your wife wont back you up on this then you have deeper problems than a mere TV show.

My wife and I back each other up on everything, especially when it comes to the kids. you both need to back each other up.

and when it comes to TV shows, if one of you has issues with a show, then the common denominator should be to not allow the show to be watched in the house

There are a lot of shows I don't allow to be watched in my house.

Cartoons that are not allowed to be watched in the house, and videos that are not allowed to be rented.

There was one show one of my sons was watching and it was only on cable, he did not just take my hint to not watch it so instead of blocking it, I just called the cable company and had my cable turned off for about 6 months.

Take charge, complaining about it is not going to do anything, you need to do something about it. I don't care a whole lot about TV anyway, if I were in your shoes and nothing else worked, then I would put all the tv's in storage or something until everyone got the point....

And you can get offended all you want about what is being aired, it wont do any good, all you have control over is your household.
ya know what?...sometimes it's real easy to be cynical and judgemental of others and spew out the obvious...then feel all rightous and dignified cause you feel you have a superior view of things (as folks often times truely do) when you're on the outside looking in...however...without knowing ALL the surrounding particulars? may find your aim to be way off.

Bottom line? wife and i have lived together for 18 years and married 16 of the same the same town...with three daughters...and for all those years? wife never missed a sunday with the man who married us...and she made sure that the girls didn't miss a sunday a matter of fact?...Last nite?...wifey ran the wednesday night church youth group meeting..but also?..since the day i first met her?...she's also run/own/operated her own hair salon in town...right across the street from city hall....and sometimes?..."Marriage"...means making certain compromises along lifes path ya what..since you're so certain of the exact steps to take?...and since it's seems that i'm somewhat less than a MAN of my household here? a show me how...come on over and step into my home and inform my wife that you'll now be banning any future viewings of ugly betty in my household then?...simply reach over and shut the tube down...and then i'll get to see a real entertaining getting bludgeoned to death with the bloody stump of what used to be the arm you attempted to turn ugly betty off with!

But thanks for the He-Man advice...L8R, Bill.
My money is on Ron
WHOA SH!T, Ron is that you
Yep,thats him,he's got some BIG guns dont he?

My wife and I played in a gay volley ball league a few years ago. She continued, until this year, to play in that league. They don't hit on us, and they don't care that we are straight. Unless one is grabbing your a$$, what do you care?

You might want to look at your history. It was OK to be gay for a much longer time than it has been shuned. When Christianity reared its ugly head and started killing everyone that dissagreed with them, people started hiding.

Bill, you know I like you and have the utmost respect for you. If you don't like it, don't watch it. If it bothers you that much, block the channel, and make the code something your wife and kids can't figure out.

I think the show is stupid also, so I change the channel. I only watch about 5 channels and only one of them is network. The rest are cable. Discovery, History, Military, and Sci-Fi.
(thrasherfox @ May 10 2007,23:39) ...doesn't matter to me if she goes to church 7 days a week, if she isn't listening to your counsel as her husband and spiritual leader then that tells me something is wrong.

......And the honest bottom line here is you are head of your household. if you are the man of God you should be, and your wife is the woman of God she seems to be. then there should be no problems with saying this show will not be watched in your house.

Start with talking to your wife in private, it sounds like she is a good Christian woman and she will probably submit to your counsel.

Your daughters you will more than likely get static from, there kids, your parents, it is in their nature to argue, complain and not want to listen to you. but as long as you and your wife are on the same page backing each other up you two can control the issue. You just need to step up to the plate and do what you know is right..
Thrasher, I see that you are very passionate in your religious belief, but in what context does the male automatically rank above the female in ability to make decisions? I don't know your marital status but I assure you my wife is at least 50-50 as far as being correct in our differences of opinion. I'm sure her numbers are more towards the 99-1 range
(Tree @ May 11 2007,07:04) My wife and I played in a gay volley ball league a few years ago.  She continued, until this year, to play in that league.  They don't hit on us, and they don't care that we are straight.  Unless one is grabbing your a$$, what do you care?

You might want to look at your history.  It was OK to be gay for a much longer time than it has been shuned.  When Christianity reared its ugly head and started killing everyone that dissagreed with them, people started hiding.

Bill, you know I like you and have the utmost respect for you.  If you don't like it, don't watch it.  If it bothers you that much, block the channel, and make the code something your wife and kids can't figure out.

I think the show is stupid also, so I change the channel.  I only watch about 5 channels and only one of them is network.  The rest are cable.  Discovery, History, Military, and Sci-Fi.
If you ALSO look at history, at not from a Christian point of view, just from a historic point of view.

Most societal structures began with the idea that same sex life styles were wrong. The societies usually grew and grew strong up until the point the societies’ views about what was right and wrong became blurred.

I wont get into the religious view point on this, but the bottom line is whenever ANY society in the past since recorded time has begun to openly accept same sex relationships as a valid life style, that society eventually crumbled, and normally within a 100 years of this acceptance.

People are people. There are gay and lesbian individuals out there that have big hearts, very giving, very caring individuals, very nice people. But it doesn’t change the fact that in the majority of peoples minds the life style is wrong.

Now from a religious point of view, and this is where often Christians cross lines.

To quote and old saying, God doesn’t hate the sinners he doesn’t like the sin.

So I don’t believe in bashing gays or lesbians, I don’t believe in doing physical harm to anyone because of their sexual preferences, however I also don’t believe in accepting their life style in our society and making them feel all warm and fuzzy about it.

If they want to be with someone of the same sex, go for it. That is between you and the God I serve.

The underlying issue as far as I am concerned is people are just like kids, all people usually have a need to feel accepted.

Gays and Lesbians would not be pushing sooooo hard for acceptance if at some level inside each of them they didn’t feel what they were doing was wrong.

At some level inside they have an internal feeling what they are doing is wrong, and by making the general public accept them, it makes them feel better about themselves and gives them validity into what they are doing.

Sorry, but I am not going to give validity to someone who is doing something I consider wrong.

I wont yell at them, I wont try to belittle them, if I saw a gay or lesbian being beet up because of their life style I more than likely would jump in to defend them.

I have had in depth conversations in the past with a few gays, a few lesbians over my life. And NORMALLY, their life style never comes up in the conversations, just like I don’t feel I have to go out of my way to profess to people how much I love women.

Unfortunately there is a fine line about the issue, it is not our place to condemn a gay or lesbian, nor should we do anything to harm them. However their lifestyle in my opinion should NOT be accepted by the general public.

In other words stay in the closet and live your life style, don’t try and force acceptance on the majority of humans just so a persons alternative lifestyle has validity.

And the acceptance of this “alternative†lifestyle starts at home, which is why I participated in this thread. I normally try not to slam people but in a situation like this, if you are not part of the solution you are without a doubt part of the problem.

If Jinks is allowing his daughters to grow up thinking being gay or lesbian is ok, and not enforcing in his own household that it is wrong then he is part of the problem.

And it is not just him, there is a HUGE part of the population that has been worn down on this issue. People are tired about arguing the issue, they are afraid they will be labeled as homo phobic, as haters. People who are against the whole alternative life style have basically been beaten down and worn down by the gays and lesbians so we cant speak up without being classified as just hating and having no tolerance.

Screw that. As I said, I wont hate on gays or lesbians in private or public, but I also will not accept their life style in private or public.

And if more people who felt this way did the same thing, maybe we could reverse this tide of destruction to our society. Because mark my words, acceptance of alternative lifestyles is the beginning of the end for America.

There is another saying, “those who do not learn from their past are destined to repeat itâ€

From the beginning of recorded time as I mentioned before, powerful societies have crumbled once they headed down the road we are now traveling as a nation.

The writing is literally in the history books and “on the walls†once our government openly accepts gays and lesbians and they are allowed to marry and live together and this is accepted in all the states in the United States and they have ALL the rights and acceptance they are looking for, our country will have about 60 more years at the most before we crumble.

As I said, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem
(Red05 @ May 11 2007,07:34)
(thrasherfox @ May 10 2007,23:39) ...doesn't matter to me if she goes to church 7 days a week, if she isn't listening to your counsel as her husband and spiritual leader then that tells me something is wrong.

......And the honest bottom line here is you are head of your household. if you are the man of God you should be, and your wife is the woman of God she seems to be. then there should be no problems with saying this show will not be watched in your house.

Start with talking to your wife in private, it sounds like she is a good Christian woman and she will probably submit to your counsel.

Your daughters you will more than likely get static from, there kids, your parents, it is in their nature to argue, complain and not want to listen to you. but as long as you and your wife are on the same page backing each other up you two can control the issue. You just need to step up to the plate and do what you know is right..
Thrasher, I see that you are very passionate in your religious belief, but in what context does the male automatically rank above the female in ability to make decisions? I don't know your marital status but I assure you my wife is at least 50-50 as far as being correct in our differences of opinion. I'm sure her numbers are more towards the 99-1 range
It is really difficult to explain without coming off as some male jerk.

I have been married for over 19 years.

I don’t believe women are above or below men, I believe they are equal.

However I also believe in what you might say an established chain of command.

You cannot have to generals, there needs to be one person ultimately in charge. this is in all aspects of life.

My household? it is my wife’s house, and for the most part she runs it as she sees fit. I don’t stick my nose in her business and I back her up, especially with the kids.

HOWEVER, I am ultimately responsible for my family. my wife and I trust each other, but if there is any issues in the house and if I have a strong enough feeling about something my wife "ALLOWS" me the authority to make the final decisions.

from a religious point of view, the bible reads that a woman is to be submissive to her husband as her husband is to be submissive to Christ.

There is a clear chain of command, and if a husband is being submissive to Christ the way he should be, then his wife will normally not have any problems being submissive to him.

Because being submissive to Christ means loving your wife as Christ loves you and have the ability to handle situations with love and not out of intimidation (ecept when it comes to teenage boys where you at times just have to beat them into submission muah ha ha.,. ehem.. anyway)

Soooo.. the best way to say it is I don’t MAKE my wife submissive, I don’t exert power over her, she gives it to me of her own free will because she trusts me and she trusts my decisions.

I know soooo many households are not blessed with that type of relationship, and I would not know where to start on how to give someone advice and how to manage a household that didn’t have that mutual trust.

All I can say is for my household, my family, this is the way it is, this is the way it has been and it works for our entire family. And my wife is my equal, and I guess if anything I hold her in higher regards than I do myself and I feel blessed that I have such an awesome wife..
And for the record, I am glad I consider it biblical that the wife is supposed to run the houshold.

My wife most of the time makes FAR better decisions than I can make, she often has more common sense than I do.

Most of the time when I do jump in and she allows me the power to over ride a decision she has made, it is usually a biblically based decision. So if it were not for the bible in my house, I would probably go to work, make money and provide for physcial protection of my family while my wife made most of the family decisions.

But like I said, this is not a slam, just kind of the way it is. Most Christians out there will probably totally get what I am saying, because it is a Chrisitan thing.

But anyone who is not a Christian.. well they might get it and they might not..
(thrasherfox @ May 10 2007,23:28) Our government is taking more and more of our freedoms. The United States is doomed and it is only a matter of time.

gays and lesbians are forcing their lifestyles down our throats.

it started with the acceptance of gays and lesbians, now it is continuing with more and more of our freedoms being taken from us without anyone doing anything...

We are screwed man-didnt know homosexuals were "the next-generation Terrorists"...your words (as I chose to read them-please excuse if my interpretation if Im waaay off) are very hostile dude, and its hard for anyone to look at that n not think "this guy HATES homos" each his own.

I have to add tho-if these GLBCs (Gay/Lesbian/Bi-Sexual communities) really DID 'take over' anything, all we'd have to worry about is flannel and baggy clothes being banned and more pastel colors in the paint dept. at Home Depot...gays arent trying to "control" anything (IMO) by having their lifestyles put into syndicated television, they simply want shows that pertain to 'their' lifestyles to laugh at-nobody made this big a stink over George Lopez's show, or Bernie Mac's....they each are targeted at a certain demographic, but I never heard anyone say anything bad about them airing those shows-because we are supposed to accept racial diversity, as we do here in the US (for the most part).

maybe living in close proximity to so many GLBs has 'dulled' my sensitivity to their 'ways' but I dont know why anyone would get so worked up as to say "GLBs are forcing their lifestyles down our throats"

Strong stuff man-i dont see any gay guys prancing around here in Milwaukee doing drive-by hairstyling on all the fat ugly dudes around here with comb-overs n mullets

Most lesbians I've met arent on a personal mission to stuff little kids heads' with anything other than acceptance n understanding-something I think we should all do.

If the subject is too tense for ya Ron-and Bill-i think you need to step back n really look at what bothers you about the whole idea of GLBs....they're people just like u who want to enjoy their life, their way-which happens to a VERY patriotic, American thing to do (you have any idea how many GLBs vote???); it your perogative to have your kids not grow up being exposed to these things on tv, but in real life???
Gays are always goin to be around and as population increases, so will their numbers-so 'hiding' your offspring from these dirty, sick individuals will only get harder to do...might be better off educating you n the brood on what YOU think is right, WHY its right to you, and why GLBs are another piece of the puzzle that while not being accepted, is to be 'ignored' as per your request out of repsect for your own beliefs.

otherwise these same kids might start talking to the gheys and if one of'em rubbs on your kids...well, we all know that ghey gene is contagious

c'mon guys....give the fairies n burly-gurls a break.  If Flavor-Flav gets a damn tv show....I mean, c'mon....
(BigDiesel @ May 11 2007,09:08)
(thrasherfox @ May 10 2007,23:28) Our government is taking more and more of our freedoms. The United States is doomed and it is only a matter of time.

gays and lesbians are forcing their lifestyles down our throats.

it started with the acceptance of gays and lesbians, now it is continuing with more and more of our freedoms being taken from us without anyone doing anything...

We are screwed man-didnt know homosexuals were "the next-generation Terrorists"...your words (as I chose to read them-please excuse if my interpretation if Im waaay off) are very hostile dude, and its hard for anyone to look at that n not think "this guy HATES homos" each his own.

I have to add tho-if these GLBCs (Gay/Lesbian/Bi-Sexual communities) really DID 'take over' anything, all we'd have to worry about is flannel and baggy clothes being banned and more pastel colors in the paint dept. at Home Depot...gays arent trying to "control" anything (IMO) by having their lifestyles put into syndicated television, they simply want shows that pertain to 'their' lifestyles to laugh at-nobody made this big a stink over George Lopez's show, or Bernie Mac's....they each are targeted at a certain demographic, but I never heard anyone say anything bad about them airing those shows-because we are supposed to accept racial diversity, as we do here in the US (for the most part).

maybe living in close proximity to so many GLBs has 'dulled' my sensitivity to their 'ways' but I dont know why anyone would get so worked up as to say "GLBs are forcing their lifestyles down our throats"

Strong stuff man-i dont see any gay guys prancing around here in Milwaukee doing drive-by hairstyling on all the fat ugly dudes around here with comb-overs n mullets

Most lesbians I've met arent on a personal mission to stuff little kids heads' with anything other than acceptance n understanding-something I think we should all do.

If the subject is too tense for ya Ron-and Bill-i think you need to step back n really look at what bothers you about the whole idea of GLBs....they're people just like u who want to enjoy their life, their way-which happens to a VERY patriotic, American thing to do (you have any idea how many GLBs vote???); it your perogative to have your kids not grow up being exposed to these things on tv, but in real life???
Gays are always goin to be around and as population increases, so will their numbers-so 'hiding' your offspring from these dirty, sick individuals will only get harder to do...might be better off educating you n the brood on what YOU think is right, WHY its right to you, and why GLBs are another piece of the puzzle that while not being accepted, is to be 'ignored' as per your request out of repsect for your own beliefs.

otherwise these same kids might start talking to the gheys and if one of'em rubbs on your kids...well, we all know that ghey gene is contagious

c'mon guys....give the fairies n burly-gurls a break. If Flavor-Flav gets a damn tv show....I mean, c'mon....

This is why I often dont get into these conversations because it is really difficult for people to understand how I can be against the life style but not hate the people who live the life style.

Just trust me, I don't hate Gays, Lesbians etc.

And I don't "hide" my kids from them, that would be stupid. how could I ever teach them the lifestyle is wrong if they are not exposed to the existence?

And I live in California, they are probably more pole smokers and carpet munchers in California than in the entire United States lol..

And I guess my stance probably is more religious based than anything else, and if that is the case someone who is not religious will never understand.

And homo sexuals are not the next terrorists but look at history, our nation will fall because of the decline in family values and morals.

I am not sitting here frothing at the mouth slobbering on my keyboard in some angery rage. I am sitting here calm, not upset just stating a fact. Our nation is entering a moral decay, plain and simple.

for me, the good thing is I will probably be dead before I personally have to deal with any serious ramification's.

The thing that sucks is my children and grandchildren will have to deal with it. but not much I can do about that.

Heck all of this was predicted in the bible 1000's of years ago, no sense in nutting up over something that everyone knew was going to happen lol.

Everyone has control over their own lives and their own families, and while we each need to do what we feel is best. the bottom line is no one is going to be able to stop the growing immorality in this country.

Heck, being immoral is fun, committing sin is huge fun!!

The only thing that stops people from being immoral and commiting sin is religeon.

and actually the whole concept of imorality and sin is well. religoen based, lol.. so if a person doesnt believe in God, heck immorality and sin really has no meaning.

And since our country is doing such a fine job of removing God and God's influence from everything, soon there will be no rule book to determine what is right or wrong except for what our rulers (corrupt individuals I might add that i think everyone agrees with) will make.

Kind of a funny thing in itself, almost everyone considers politicians to be corrupt, yet these are the individuals who make the rules? how else can our nation ever stop from being corrupted? lol

So Scott. I am not an angery person, nor do I despise people who have what I would conisder immmoral life styles, that is their choice and they have the right to live the way they want.

But in turn I should also have the right to live the way I want, I should have the right to raise my family the way I want. I should have the right to teach my kids that being gay or lesbian is wrong shouldn't I?

Just like gays and lesbians have their right to live the way they want should I have the same rights? and raising my children with the morals I believe in.. isn't that my right? or does that not count?

I have a very corrupted and you might say "naughty" side. I just place it in check. in my own mind I am probably more sick and twisted than the majority of people on this planet..

I would even go as far to say than the human race should almost thank God that I am a Christian. because being a Christian is the only thing that keeps me in check from probably being totally evil

That picture of Ron is a photo shop... He is actually much bigger and only uses that one so as not to scare us all crapless.
Do your family a favor, take the "TV" out back and "Shot it".

Were having this talk about some of the shows on Disney right now.
(jessup @ May 11 2007,12:56) That picture of Ron is a photo shop... He is actually much bigger and only uses that one so as not to scare us all crapless.
LOL.. thanks

Actually the last 3 times I think it has been used it was posted by others.

I even took down pictures of me that I had in my profile.

had a feeling some pole smoker was going to use it for devious purposes if you know what I mean


(jessup @ May 11 2007,12:56) That picture of Ron is a photo shop... He is actually much bigger and only uses that one so as not to scare us all crapless.
I've met Ron in person, I've rode with Ron in person, I've even laughed at how darn loud Ron's open pipes are in person.......... and "in person" he hides it very well..............
(Spudley @ May 11 2007,13:30)
(jessup @ May 11 2007,12:56) That picture of Ron is a photo shop... He is actually much bigger and only uses that one so as not to scare us all crapless.
I've met Ron in person, I've rode with Ron in person, I've even laughed at how darn loud Ron's open pipes are in person.......... and "in person" he hides it very well..............
thank you!!

anyone can look big in a picture when they are only 5'1

(jessup @ May 11 2007,12:56) That picture of Ron is a photo shop... He is actually much bigger and only uses that one so as not to scare us all crapless.
He pays us $20 bucks every time we post that pic