UGLY BETTY isn't cute..she pi$$es me off!

(thrasherfox @ May 11 2007,15:22)
(jessup @ May 11 2007,12:56) That picture of Ron is a photo shop... He is actually much bigger and only uses that one so as not to scare us all crapless.
LOL.. thanks

Actually the last 3 times I think it has been used it was posted by others.

I even took down pictures of me that I had in my profile.

had a feeling some pole smoker was going to use it for devious purposes if you know what I mean  


"ah dont care who ya are, that's funny right thurr!"
bwahahahaha- Git'er done, man.......

I guess its safe to say there are NO gay Busa least, not on the .org-prolly dont much like the rapid acceleration; too hard to idle around the parking lot at Starbucks and there's no room in the hump for their emergency di**os, and the Rainbow-Flag stickers they put on the back keep peeling off from the windshear of goin 100+mph...tryin to get pulled over by some big burly sherrif

but I have to dissagree Ron-I think Vermont is a much ghey-er state than Cali. Cali just has more guys in it that ACT really ghey.

(BigDiesel @ May 11 2007,16:14)
(thrasherfox @ May 11 2007,15:22)
(jessup @ May 11 2007,12:56) That picture of Ron is a photo shop... He is actually much bigger and only uses that one so as not to scare us all crapless.
LOL.. thanks

Actually the last 3 times I think it has been used it was posted by others.

I even took down pictures of me that I had in my profile.

had a feeling some pole smoker was going to use it for devious purposes if you know what I mean


"ah dont care who ya are, that's funny right thurr!"
bwahahahaha- Git'er done, man.......

I guess its safe to say there are NO gay Busa least, not on the .org-prolly dont much like the rapid acceleration; too hard to idle around the parking lot at Starbucks and there's no room in the hump for their emergency di**os, and the Rainbow-Flag stickers they put on the back keep peeling off from the windshear of goin 100+mph...tryin to get pulled over by some big burly sherrif

but I have to dissagree Ron-I think Vermont is a much ghey-er state than Cali. Cali just has more guys in it that ACT really ghey.
Actually Scott we had a guy on here a few years back.. cannot remember his name for the life of me (anyone want to jump in). But from day one he stated he was a pole smoker..

He was looking for other riders / pole smokers to hang with.. cant remember his name though.

But since the rest of the members are either straight or still in the closet he didnt find that one special person that would ride beyotch and give him wrap arounds so I think he left


(BigDiesel @ May 11 2007,16:14) Cali just has more guys in it that ACT really ghey.
Yeah and that allways confuses the he11 out of me.

Some guys are gay and you cant tell, other guys you swear are gay and are straight as an arrow packing a bigger package than most.

And then, I have a sister inlaw (haven't seen a lot of years) who is a lesbian. and we were hanging out in San Francisco one night having dinner together and just hanging out for the night.

She brought up the whole GLB thing so we talked. and she told me of this one friend of hers who was a male who was attracted to females, never attracted to males, but wanted to be with a female as a female.

So he had a sex change from a straight male and became a bisexual female.

I think I almost spit my drink out through my nose on that one

Honestly it is a good thing that my wife is straight, if she were bi I could probably really easily get into the whole 2 woman thing. Which from a Christian perspective probably wouldn't be setting a very good example lol

So yeah, for me. my wife keeps me in line in more ways than one

, probly traded in the Bus for a nice custom Chopper with a 300rear tire....cuz we all know only momos(sp?) ride bikes like that
Wow! Has this topic deteriorated! Lamb is horrified at the religious slant this post has taken!

Life is full of compromises and battles which one chooses to fight, or not! Make a choice and move on. The grandstanding and berating is most hilarious though! Carry on!
i would....but Im all outta ghey jokes....till Yamahor heals up and Mrninja starts loggin in more often

those are two of the biggest closet-cases I've EVER met
(Lamb busa @ May 11 2007,16:40) Wow! Has this topic deteriorated! Lamb is horrified at the religious slant this post has taken!

Life is full of compromises and battles which one chooses to fight, or not! Make a choice and move on. The grandstanding and berating is most hilarious though! Carry on!
Im sorry Lamb. I will go back to my corner (kicks floor on the way to the corner

(tosses crumpled paper-ball at back of Ron's head while stomping to corner that reads "YOU SMOKE BEEF STICKS" on it)
(Lamb busa @ May 11 2007,16:40) Wow! Has this topic deteriorated! Lamb is horrified at the religious slant this post has taken!

Life is full of compromises and battles which one chooses to fight, or not! Make a choice and move on. The grandstanding and berating is most hilarious though! Carry on!
Not sure why you are horrified though? what other slant did you expect it to take?

Religion is pretty much the only thing that has issues with alternative lifestyles.

If you take religion out of the equation pretty much anything goes. If a person does not believe in God, nor do they follow any kind of religion, there really is nothing stopping a person from living an alternative lifestyle.

And if that were the case then I don't think Jinks would be that up in arms over the whole thing.

He didn't mention anything about his religious slant on it, but he stated his wife goes to church all the time, I would guess his primary driving force behind why he is so upset would be based on religous principals at some level. if they aren't then he really has no reason to get upset.

Does that make any sense?
I don't care much for homo's, But i treat them like everyone else.  I've stopped worrying how the world is going and accepted that life is going to the shitter.  I've put my life and the well being of my fellow man in God's hands.   If i'm meant to help someone and God leads me to them, i will.  

I can't understand how our country is supposedly full of open, tolerating people. Yet, read a bible in a public school and the crap hits the fan. Yet, two guys playing a round of butt darts is alright or people for letting ILLEGAL foreigners stay in this country. The public sure has their priorities outta whack.  
Don't even get me started on people against disciplining their kids.  That's why half our youth out there suck at being people.
(thrasherfox @ May 11 2007,16:48)
(Lamb busa @ May 11 2007,16:40) Wow!  Has this topic deteriorated!  Lamb is horrified at the religious slant this post has taken!  

Life is full of compromises and battles which one chooses to fight,  or not!  Make a choice and move on.  The grandstanding and berating is most hilarious though!  Carry on!
Not sure why you are horrified though? what other slant did you expect it to take?

Religion is pretty much the only thing that has issues with alternative lifestyles.

If you take religion out of the equation pretty much anything goes. If a person does not believe in God, nor do they follow any kind of religion, there really is nothing stopping a person from living an alternative lifestyle.

And if that were the case then I don't think Jinks would be that up in arms over the whole thing.

He didn't mention anything about his religious slant on it, but he stated his wife goes to church all the time, I would guess his primary driving force behind why he is so upset would be based on religous principals at some level. if they aren't then he really has no reason to get upset.

Does that make any sense?
So if it wasn't for religion you'd be polishing pickles?

(Lamb busa @ May 11 2007,17:00)
(thrasherfox @ May 11 2007,16:48)
(Lamb busa @ May 11 2007,16:40) Wow! Has this topic deteriorated! Lamb is horrified at the religious slant this post has taken!

Life is full of compromises and battles which one chooses to fight, or not! Make a choice and move on. The grandstanding and berating is most hilarious though! Carry on!
Not sure why you are horrified though? what other slant did you expect it to take?

Religion is pretty much the only thing that has issues with alternative lifestyles.

If you take religion out of the equation pretty much anything goes. If a person does not believe in God, nor do they follow any kind of religion, there really is nothing stopping a person from living an alternative lifestyle.

And if that were the case then I don't think Jinks would be that up in arms over the whole thing.

He didn't mention anything about his religious slant on it, but he stated his wife goes to church all the time, I would guess his primary driving force behind why he is so upset would be based on religous principals at some level. if they aren't then he really has no reason to get upset.

Does that make any sense?
So if it wasn't for religion you'd be polishing pickles?

Nawwww dont have the taste for it

But I would probably be close to one of the most sexually deviated people someone could ever meet... (close to, I would draw the line and looking at another mans hairy.. well you know

I want to chime in. Why not, it seems everyone else has.

Homosexuality is simply wrong. It's wrong from a human standpoint because it's not natural. No one, not one single person on the planet is born a gay. If you're gay and tell me you were born that way I'll tell you you're a liar. Why don't you stand up to your father and grandfather and tell these men that you got your manloving genes from them. Both of my GrandFathers would have beat me into the ground if I had ever said something that stupid. It would have been an insult to them both.

Homosexuality is a choice. Murder is a choice. Theft is a choice. Adultery is a choice.
I can go on, but I think you see my point, and most of you here agree with me in the first place.

I don't hate homosexuals. Their lifestyle disgusts me though. It literally repulses me. Yeah, that's my personal decision. I'm not against the people making the choices though. I'm 150% against their actions.

If we can accept same sex marriage as normal it makes me wonder how much longer it will be before beastiality and pedophiles become normal.

Welcome to America - Modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. From a religiouse view that's where we are.

If a man sleeps with a man as with a woman, they have both committed an abomination.
Lev 20:13 (HCSB)

Do not profane the name of your God; I am the Lord. 22 You are not to sleep with a man as with a woman; it is detestable. 23 You are not to have sexual intercourse with any animal, defiling yourself with it; a woman is not to present herself to an animal to mate with it; it is a perversion.
24 “Do not defile yourselves by any of these [practices] , for the nations I am driving out before you have defiled themselves by all these things. 25 The land has become defiled, so I am punishing it for its sin, and the land will vomit out its inhabitants. 26 But you are to keep My statutes and ordinances. You must not commit any of these abominations—not the native or the foreigner who lives among you. 27 For the men who were in the land prior to you have committed all these abominations, and the land has become defiled. 28 If you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it has vomited out the nations that were before you.
Lev 18:21-28 (HCSB)
(Revvv @ May 12 2007,01:29) Homosexuality is a choice.
I don't agree, but no sense in arguing. My friend tells me that he knew very early in his life that he had different thoughts than his friends. The only decision he made was whether to speak of it openly.
(Red05 @ May 12 2007,14:38)
(Revvv @ May 12 2007,01
) Homosexuality is a choice.
I don't agree, but no sense in arguing. My friend tells me that he knew very early in his life that he had different thoughts than his friends. The only decision he made was whether to speak of it openly.
That's no different than someone such as Dahmer saying they were born a killer. "It's natural for me to kill people."

I won't claim to understand Homosexuals. At the same rate I can't understand Serial Killers. All I know is that they are both wrong.

Oh, before anyone says anything, I already know that Homosexuality and murder are on two seperate sides of the spectrum. I just feel like it makes my point at the moment.
(Revvv @ May 13 2007,00:12) Oh, before anyone says anything, I already know that Homosexuality and murder are on two seperate sides of the spectrum. I just feel like it makes my point at the moment.
I think you're talking about the spectrum of immorality. Some people believe that pleasuring your wife without the intent of making babies is immoral. Imagine that compared to serial killers. The spectrum is obviously very far reaching in today's society. What two people do in their private moments is of no concern to me. In my life I've known several gay people, and not one would I ever consider a threat to society in any way whatsoever. As I mentioned, my best friend (other than my wife) is gay and I trust him implicitly. Reading your comparing of homosexuality to serial killers made me laugh, and I thank you for that, a laugh is good for the soul
. I understand that my opinion here is in the minority. Opinions of homosexuality is a very touchy subject; discussion of which is probably not fitting for an internet forum. With this I agree to disagree with you