Actual volume of methanol to run 700 hp would be around 8.75 l/min so a reasonable pump to supply this and a margine would realy need about 10l/min , more than 2x 044, more than the aeromotive A1000 , i would probably investigate the possability of using the waterpump drive for a mechanical fuel pump and run an electric water pump ,or as its methanol you could just about dry block it (maybe not for landspeed)
Old speedway guy i learnt a lot from in my younger days ran methanol, and would use engine temp as his only tuning tool, if it was running less than 90C he would lean it off a little , higher than 90C needed richer.. Kept it simple and worked well
Old speedway guy i learnt a lot from in my younger days ran methanol, and would use engine temp as his only tuning tool, if it was running less than 90C he would lean it off a little , higher than 90C needed richer.. Kept it simple and worked well