Undertail Mods

Best home job yet. I'm gonna steal your idea.


p.s. did you paint the bootom of your tail light?
Yes, I painted the borttom of the lens to match the undertail.


Hey Stealth......I did mine today. THANKS BRO I owe ya.
It looks great. Took 4 hours but I did other stuff as well.
I even used the flush V lights. Easy mod.
I'll post pics later it to dark out.

Thanks again

I did the same mod to mine about two weeks ago but I put my plate in a different spot and moved my light. I do like the way you painted the bottom of the brake light to match your undertail(I'll be making that addition). I still have the red rear break light. I have pictures posted under "General"
"tag relocator" I believe it is on page 2 of "tag Relocator").

I'll post some later tonight......sorry I,ve been ridin.

Gotta love southern cali.

ASPHALT SURFIN' yeeeehaaaawwww
Hey Fris, when I mounted the plate I used the original bracket that I took off the fender. I then fabricated a upside down "L" bracket. I drilled and mounted that to the bottom of the trunk then to plate bracket.

I posted tis because it took about 10 minutes to figure out and about 30 to fabricate.

p.s. From another thread......I have an 02 with a Nikko G-pack(TRE, timing retard eliminator) and my restriction is gone. Also I got way more throttle response 1st, 2nd & 3rd.
It took 5 minutes to install. Opened the tank foung the connector plug and play.
all of your bikes look great. i am going to steal this Idea from you also. i'll post some pics for you all later.
My Extreme Graphic Topgun undertail should be here the middle of next week. I ordered from Silvio at AlliedBarter.com in part because alot of people have had good experiences with them. I'll post a before and after picture next weekend
Thanks Fatjap ! I got my lights today and i'll get my TRE very soon . The plate will be a breeze .
Where did you get the Radar mounting bracket?, I have a valentine but cant figure out how to mount it to the bike, do you ever worry about someone stealing when you are in the bar or store