Let me set a few things straight....I AM NOT feeling sorry for myself by anymeans! I dont mind working part of Christmas. Afterall I took the job I have knowing that I would have to work hoildays. People dont choose when to get sick and I know someone has to be here on Christmas to care for those who are. I have worked at this hospital for 3 years and worked every Christmas along with every other holiday with the exception of Thanksgiving this year! I came in this morning thinking I was only going to be working a partial shift and I had Christmas plans for when I got off. All of which I have had to cancel. What makes me angry is the way everything happened. They threw this shift on me unfairly! What irritates me even more is that I am stuck on a unit where people are not really sick but either attempted suicides (ie overdosing on tylenol) or drug seekers complaining about not getting enough morphine.
And speaking of the sick and those serving our country....... This will probably be my Grandmothers last Christmas she is very ill and I am missing Christmas with her! My entire family came down to be with her (I am the only one not there). Also my husband has been in the military since we got married until this summer when he decided not to re-up. I have never gotten to spend Christmas with him and my son as a family and was looking forward to that this year. Not to mention the fact my uncle has been in Iraq for 2 years; is home on leave but will be leaving to go back day after tommorrow.
And speaking of the sick and those serving our country....... This will probably be my Grandmothers last Christmas she is very ill and I am missing Christmas with her! My entire family came down to be with her (I am the only one not there). Also my husband has been in the military since we got married until this summer when he decided not to re-up. I have never gotten to spend Christmas with him and my son as a family and was looking forward to that this year. Not to mention the fact my uncle has been in Iraq for 2 years; is home on leave but will be leaving to go back day after tommorrow.