Unfair Christmas Schedule

Let me set a few things straight....I AM NOT feeling sorry for myself by anymeans! I dont mind working part of Christmas. Afterall I took the job I have knowing that I would have to work hoildays. People dont choose when to get sick and I know someone has to be here on Christmas to care for those who are. I have worked at this hospital for 3 years and worked every Christmas along with every other holiday with the exception of Thanksgiving this year! I came in this morning thinking I was only going to be working a partial shift and I had Christmas plans for when I got off. All of which I have had to cancel. What makes me angry is the way everything happened. They threw this shift on me unfairly! What irritates me even more is that I am stuck on a unit where people are not really sick but either attempted suicides (ie overdosing on tylenol) or drug seekers complaining about not getting enough morphine.

And speaking of the sick and those serving our country....... This will probably be my Grandmothers last Christmas she is very ill and I am missing Christmas with her! My entire family came down to be with her (I am the only one not there). Also my husband has been in the military since we got married until this summer when he decided not to re-up. I have never gotten to spend Christmas with him and my son as a family and was looking forward to that this year. Not to mention the fact my uncle has been in Iraq for 2 years; is home on leave but will be leaving to go back day after tommorrow.
Let me set a few things straight....I AM NOT feeling sorry for myself by anymeans! I dont mind working part of Christmas. Afterall I took the job I have knowing that I would have to work hoildays. People dont choose when to get sick and I know someone has to be here on Christmas to care for those who are. I have worked at this hospital for 3 years and worked every Christmas along with every other holiday with the exception of Thanksgiving this year! I came in this morning thinking I was only going to be working a partial shift and I had Christmas plans for when I got off. All of which I have had to cancel. What makes me angry is the way everything happened. They threw this shift on me unfairly! What irritates me even more is that I am stuck on a unit where people are not really sick but either attempted suicides (ie overdosing on tylenol) or drug seekers complaining about not getting enough morphine.

And speaking of the sick and those serving our country....... This will probably be my Grandmothers last Christmas she is very ill and I am missing Christmas with her! My entire family came down to be with her (I am the only one not there). Also my husband has been in the military since we got married until this summer when he decided not to re-up. I have never gotten to spend Christmas with him and my son as a family and was looking forward to that this year. Not to mention the fact my uncle has been in Iraq for 2 years; is home on leave but will be leaving to go back day after tommorrow.

Try not to take this stuff personal.. It is very easy for people to get on here and try to tell you how to live your life, like they know anything about it.. :dunno:

Keep your chin up, and I hope you get to spend some time with your family..
Try not to take this stuff personal.. It is very easy for people to get on here and try to tell you how to live your life, like they know anything about it.. :dunno:

Keep your chin up, and I hope you get to spend some time with your family..

Thanks! Hopefully I will get to spend some time with some of them this weekend!
It comes down to career choice....

YOu must have seen it coming.... I feel for you.... Cheers...:beerchug:

Well I knew I was working part of the day and I knew that my floor may shut down and I would either be off or work my scheduled shift else where. I did not know they where going to let someone else off that was scheduled on another floor and then make me work her whole 12 hour shift!

And on top of that I was just informed that since the floor I am on is getting slow they are gonna let another CRS from another floor go home and pull me over there to finish her shift!
I've got this pic taped to my office door :):laugh:

I guess it could be worse, it could be you laying in that hospital bed. Oh well, make the best of it and think you sacrificed a little for those people...and the paycheck isn't bad either. I'm sure you'll have your day it all balances out in the end! :beerchug:
You are having a better Christmas than the people you are there to help. I am sure that there are patients there that will be alone and ili, go sit with one of them or do something kind for them. Christmas is not about you so stop feeling sorry for yourself and go give a gift of love and caring to someone who would also rather be somewhere else. That is what it is all about.

you're out of line again you pr1ck
It does suck that you have to work on Christmas day. That is why I love working for the school district. I get 2 weeks off for christmas. :thumbsup:
Gurley maybe you can take a minute to visit with someone who's there who is less fortunate than you this Christmas. Share a moment could make a lifetime for someone.

Truly be thankful you have your health, your job and your family to go home to this Christmas. There are others who are less fortunate. Be someone that brings some light and hope this Christmas to them.

Just a thought...but I am wishing you a very Merry Christmas... Wardie :thumbsup:
My heart goes out to you Gurley, I know for me Christmas is first and foremost about family and regardless of how you look at it it sucks not to be around them!, I can't see why it should have been hard to break the shifts up and distribute them evenly between the staff so everyone could get at least some time at home, when you do get home I hope you and your family have a great Christmas!:beerchug:
Heeyyyy! Merry Christmas. My daughter is here for Christmas and I'm at work due to a last minute schedule change. It is what it is. I have found that as much as it sucks, putting a positive spin on it not only makes it bearable but enjoyable and the times flys. :thumbsup:
Sorry things didn't go your way this Christmas. I'm at work too, keeping your lights on... :laugh:

Merry Christmas :thumbsup:
Some of us were fortunate to be home on Christmas.....this year. I usually had to draw for holiday coverage and am always on the on-call schedule rotation. I'm thankful to have a job and thankful for being able to work.