Unfair Christmas Schedule

That sucks,, I know the feeling. When I foirst got into EMS I had ot work Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New years 5 years on a row. Just smile and suck it up. Make sure it is known you were taken advantage of come monday
Try not to take this stuff personal.. It is very easy for people to get on here and try to tell you how to live your life, like they know anything about it.. :dunno:

Keep your chin up, and I hope you get to spend some time with your family..

+1 Thanks for your work btw Gurley... I work in a medical office and I know that nurses tend to get pretty much overlooked at times.. you get the worst of people and I hope you know they do not mean it... I some how feel you will make someones day today however...

Ignore the critics they think you should work for free too.. :laugh: .. Nurses rock :) I spent my xmas in a burn unit about 20 years ago... worst pain of my life but I still remember my nurses... glad they did not drown me during de-briding sessions.. :)