It would appear fairly obvious you are one of the "union" workers correct?
did you honestly think the demands placed upon the automakers were sustainable? you had a choice yourself... accept what they offered as to be fair in their view or hammer them to what you thought was fair..
As a business owner, I always let the employees tell me what was fair wages for their work and paid them accordingly ..
you guys were brash enough to push for more money that was not there and sacrificed your job security in the process.. sorry but no pity, no compassion and surely no bailout.. Even if they throw you guys a bone, it will "not be enough" in your eyes..
sorry you're wrong once again, I am not an autoworker. I am a steelworker. Nothing I make goes on a car or road worthy vehicle. If autoworkers go down it really doesn't affect me anymore than it does anyone else except sooner or later the trickle effect will get to me.
if in fact the money wasn't there...then payment since 2007 wouldn't had happened.
I agree....sell off the their debts and go on with life. In reality the guys getting screwed will be the guys who retired and lose their pensions. It will hit them harder than the guys actually working for a living and who are getting the blame for wages. The actual line workers will go work for Toyota at VERY slight losses if at all any.