UPDATE!.  Got the wife a bike. Vids and pics.

Nice pics.  Could make some off comment about the undertail, but I won't go there.
HAHAHA.. ya.. i like the undertail. ahaha..

Ya, she has always wanted SOMETHING.. but it was more along the lines of she wanted to buy somethiung new. ahah she never knew they had a bike she could fit on.. Well one day we were at the bike store and there was this SLAMMED R6 a chick had traded in, and as soon as she sat on it, she was hooked.. So she wanted an r6 and i was going to lower it for her, but after talking her off the r6 i just went out and bought the 250. ahaha.. I fuckin love this bike.. ive rode it a few times just practing stoppes on it and stuff. ahah its fun...

We went riding again today... I cant wait to get my bike finished so we can just go riding around, instead of me following her in the car. ahah..
Great! Hope she really enjoys ridin' with ya! Looks like I'm on the hunt again. Hopefully I can find one that likes to ride this time.

Oh, and dude, you SO need to post this on www.uponone.com in the pics section. Nice shot!
I took the liberty of cleanin' it up a little and adjustin' the color balance for ya. Hope you don't mind.


Great! Hope she really enjoys ridin' with ya! Looks like I'm on the hunt again. Hopefully I can find one that likes to ride this time.

Oh, and dude, you SO need to post this on www.uponone.com in the pics section. Nice shot!
I took the liberty of cleanin' it up a little and adjustin' the color balance for ya. Hope you don't mind.
Bullettrain, can you maybe post that up there for me.. THen link it here so i can show my wife. ahaha..

THanks for all the compliments.. she went riding again today.. SUCKS ass my bike only has one wheel because of a BENT chrome rim that sportchrome sent me..

I should have it this week..

good choice dude ( both rides lol)

i have a friend who wants to buy his wife an r1 or gsxr 1k

i asked why such a big bike he said well you know her she likes to go fast

(btw she has never riding a bike in her life)

what a fuc*en retard....

i tried to talk him into a 250 and doing the parking lot routine but he and his wife stuck their noses up in the air acting like shes too good for a 250,
only a 1000 and up will do

so i told him ok let me know what hospital she ends up at so i can visit and laugh and say i told you so
and dont call me to baby sit your kids while you go visit her you dumb ass
he didnt take it lighly
havent talked to him since

any way had to say that

any how good choice and good luck instructor Lyrikz


you are a teacher now
gcal, lack of experience and a desire to go fast are the main ingredients for disaster, especially on the new generation of liter bikes. suzuki now advertises thier GSXRs are designed and built for ADVANCED riders only!

get the noobs 250s and 400s....
that is cool she got a bike.  Oh ya um nice angles.  
ahaha.. i had to get that one..

wife" whjat are you doing back there"

me "just takin a pic of the rear of the bike"

naughty naughty naughty.....just be sure thsat she doesn't surf this board as well.

That being said, very nice bike...even nicer wife. And yer kid is a plain ol cutie. Very nice dood....very nice. Heheh....my wife likes to call herself "princess" too. Gotta love it. Keep her and yourself safe, bro!
heheh....forgot to ask why yer son is actin hard on the 250. Ya need to tell him to get on the Busa.....so he has nothing to prove to anyone.
Congrats for your wife. My girlfriend can only ride passenger she has bad wrists (Carpaltunal) and can't take the pressure. To many years on the computer (System Analyst) For Nova University. It really sucks I am also an avid pistol and rifle shooter and she can't do that either. (She tells me she loves to watch me shoot though....LOL)
Great! Hope she really enjoys ridin' with ya! Looks like I'm on the hunt again. Hopefully I can find one that likes to ride this time.

Oh, and dude, you SO need to post this on www.uponone.com in the pics section. Nice shot!
I took the liberty of cleanin' it up a little and adjustin' the color balance for ya. Hope you don't mind.
Bullettrain, can you maybe post that up there for me.. THen link it here so i can show my wife. ahaha..

THanks for all the compliments.. she went riding again today.. SUCKS ass my bike only has one wheel because of a BENT chrome rim that sportchrome sent me..

I should have it this week..
Done. Now, if she decides to kill anyone for this, make sure it's YOU!
It has been submitted for review. evidently they review photos before they post 'em on the site. Keep check at this link to see when it shows up on the site.

Oh, and good luck on gettin' yer busa rollin' again. That had to suck!


Cool, Now how about you get your Neighbors Daughter off your Bike and post some pics of your wife enjoying that 250...

Good choice on the 250, but I still cringe when I think about them plastics hitting the deck, now get her to the MSF beginners course so she can learn all the little bits of important stuff we forget when trying to teach someone how to ride. Besides, it'll save on insurance and really will make her a better, safer rider. My .02

LMAO I love it great pics tell your wife she has a very nice bumber on her bike LOL I took my test on a friends sisters Ninja 250 very light easy to handle and my FZ600 had no chain guard and flush mounts I was afraid they wouldnt let me use it for the test. I love the looks of a woman straddling a sportbike you have messed me up for the rest of the day LOL
Tell your wife congrats on the new bike...tell her to take her time and take the MSF course! It's truly worth every penny for a new rider...

that is cool she got a bike.  Oh ya um nice angles.  
ahaha.. i had to get that one..

wife" whjat are you doing back there"

me "just takin a pic of the rear of the bike"

naughty naughty naughty.....just be sure thsat she doesn't surf this board as well.

That being said, very nice bike...even nicer wife. And yer kid is a plain ol cutie. Very nice dood....very nice. Heheh....my wife likes to call herself "princess" too. Gotta love it. Keep her and yourself safe, bro!
ahaha, she knew what i was doing when i took the pic.. she knows its up here now.. i told her that bullettrain put her on uponone and she got all excited. ahaha.. she thinks shes a supa staaaa now. ahaha..

ahah, as for the kid acting hard, thats the look you get when its 12am at night and you just get back from a movie and you throw him up on the bike for some late night pics.. he wasnt ammused.. ahah
