VA Thefts


This message is especially for To_Quick and any other rider in the Virginia Hampton Roads area-

Just got off the phone with the detective handling my Busa theft. He told me that they've had a rash of thefts in the last 2 months where guys are rolling up in trucks and grabbing our bikes. He said that the ones they've found so far are showing up in parts in shady bike shops in Norfolk. If you know anything about these places give me a shout so I can pass the tip on to the cops. For any one else reading this, I recommend renting a weapons storage facility to store your bikes. The bad guys are out there!
Thanks for the tip Falcondriver. Did they mention any bike shops specifically??? If I'm not riding mine it's locked up in my shop. Still doesn't make it theft proof but at least it's out of site. If there's anything I can do to help you let me know...
Best bet for you gals/guys out there is to have a baited bike with electronic tracking device like a lo-jack system,or video cameras setup with a baited bike and check and see who shows up on the video or what truck or van comes parking near the bike.Like I said they come usually around 2am to 4am time frame when you're sound a sleep.Don't be surprise that one of those thieves might be someone you know or talked to about bikes.
Another good idea is to talk to some of these shops that are receiving these parted items and the cops know which shops if they could install a hidden camera there to see if they can match up faces with people that show up selling motorcycle parts with known thieves in the area.Anyways good luck you all.
Ya got a good Heart Cisco..but it's easier said than done..If they want it..they Got it.

No Low-Jacks for Bikes

Do you really think a Chop-Shop,,or ANY shop is gonna let you put a Camera in their place of Business.

Sure set up a Camera where ever..then what.. ??,,you confront him,Catch him in the act..he Kills you. Ok call My Bro's in blue,,more than likely we won't get there in time..(dumb luck if we do),,Just give a desciption of the Van/truck that just swiped your bike..and with enough Manpower the fuzz will most likely get-em. ??

Good idea on paper and the Sci-fi channel but in real life. Nah !! they want's their's

161 ®

[This message has been edited by FalconCOP161 (edited 10 November 1999).]
Some Good points..but what if the guy that lifted your bike cover.started to walk towards you while he was a gun point ??,,you gonna shoot him ????????? while he's unarmed.,,or are you gonna put a crow bar in his hands after you shoot him ????????.

Either way if you do either,,you'll be in prison with his friend bubba,,cause that very same camera you had watching the parking lot,,just caught you planting that crow bar in his hands,,so it can seem like a "Good Shoot"

Risk Life & freedom for Property..Nah Don't think so.

161 ®
Cop161 you are correct about some of the stuff but being a part of the counter measure group in the Navy anything is possible to track any item stolen if the transmitter is installed correctly and you have three vans/station with receivers that is tuned to the freq and spreed thru out the city.It is easy to install listening device in those shops or have a serveillance van with cameras on board,it would depend on how much money and man power the department has.As you know cops put stolen vehecile at the bottom of the list above cop/wife beater.You never turn in your own for beating their wife unless you have some interest in the guy's wife for your own personal use.
As for me when we had a rash of cars/bikes in my old apartment complex being vandilzed and some stolen.I setup my own sting operation since the cops where to busy sitting in their car and using the departments cell phone to talk to their girlfriends or wife.I had a video camera,45 colt semi-auto with black taleon,knife,nice strong flash light and I went to bed early 6pm and would get up at 2am and stand watch till 4am around my complex.Chased off a bunch of crooks who where looking into cars and taping the windows to see if a car alarm was in the car,caught four guys stealing gas had to hold them at gun point until the cops showed up and chased off a couple of would be motorcycle thieves who lifted my motorcycle cover up,saw those guys cruzing our parking lot with their van lights off.Before you go off about my firearms,I recieve the expert pistol medal from the Navy for qualifying with the 45 pistol,I still go out to the range and keep in shape,I now use a Star PD as my main weapon,with my SP89 as my backup weapon,at home the good old Shotgun 12ga.,and for mid to long range mini-14,Dawoo,and G-3 308.I don't intent to kill anyone unless they harm my family,no sense killing someone over a stolen bike/car,I let the San Jose cops do that since they are better at it and can get away with it.Anyways to the rest of the group I hope they catch the people that are stealing your bikes.
Only cops plant things on suspects they shoot in the back,look at the LA cops that are being investigated for doing the same thing.Here's another good one for cop story a off duty cop chased down his girl friend near Morgan Hill HWG101 and while she was on the cellphone talking to her mom to call the Highway Patrol for help the cop guy rams her car and steps out and shoots her dead then kills himself with the same gun,and it's funny cause most cops carry their id with them and when the Highway Patrol went to the scene they told the press that they did not know who the guy was and was handing the case over to the Santa Clara DA .We found out later that the guy was a cop and the district and city that this cop worked for put the American Flag at half staff,it's funny lowering the flag for a killer.Anyways not flaming you but life goes on and there is good and bad in everyone.Ride safe

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 11 November 1999).]
Vio8r,,I never said put anything in his hand..cause if you do,,you're gonna get whacked..Esp.if you're in a public place.

Now if you're in your basement and he's coming through the window and gets in,,well now thats a different story.

And Like I said Mr.OklaHOMO,,Bad Cops will get their's I don't work with I have no problems. so Save your Crusader speeches for another for another forum.

161 ®
You guys make it sound like its an everyday occurrance to:

A. Confront a thief in the act of stealing something of yours.

B. Be carrying a loaded weapon at the time of this confrontation.

C. And go through some mental process about whether or not to kill the thief.

Cisco described such an experience but in all of the other bike thefts I've seen described on this forum and others, the owner was not present when the bike was stolen.

It sounds like a lot of you have experience killing people or are completely at ease with the idea and are confident of your killing expertise. I think if you are really that ready and eager to kill you might end up doing for a lot of reasons other that protecting your property. Most murderers kill someone they already know.
Bravo !! Sherm !! all these Tough guys wanna,,Shoot this Guy..that Guy,,.45 this..Bazooka that,,cause if you Point a gun at better be Prepared to use it,,or else he'll take it and Shove it up your *** .

you wanna be a Tough Guy ?? be prepared to Back it up.

The question here is what does the average citizen do about theft. Simply buying insurance isn't enough...
Well like I said before Mr. FagCop161 myself and many others are fed up with dirty scum cops and not only are we not going to ignore it we are going to continue to increase the awareness of the problem until it is solved. If you don't like it then don't read it. Get used to it, skip the post or find another site to play your fantasy games on.
Something I've always wondered about - what if the pinching van was constructed as a mobile "Faraday cage" with RF shielding so that no Lo-Jack signal gets out at all? Seems like you steal Lo-Jack cars/bikes all day long if you shield the transmitter.


I need to Back up nothing DP,,to Who "YOU",,some of you Guys ?? I'de Rather have an evening at "Crusader Todd" House and discuss the ill's of society.

This is America,,a land with laws..some of the things we'd like to do About crime we can't,,so we vent "Tough guy" fantasy talk on Busa.Org

That's why we Have Cops,,Guys like Me to Protect & serve :)

Most crime control is "reactive",,Not proactive,,if we don't get him today..we'll get him tomorrow,,the next day..or whenever..I have about 20 yrs before I retire with My hefty pension,,20 yrs is a long time to catch the bad Guys.

That is of course after I finish my Coffee,,then I'll go on Patrol.

hey you guys wanna Vent ??,,call my voice mail

201-906-9196 Love to hear from you's great guys

161 ®
Timos... My physics is rusty, but to be a proper Faraday cage the shield needs to be grounded. I'm not sure how you do that in a moving vehicle on rubber wheels.
From Stolen bikes to Bad Cops,,who cares about Bad Cops,,they'll get whats coming to didn't answer my question Cisco ???? Ahhhh..forget it..this can go on Forever.

Stay safe 161 ®
We care about bad cops. It's pathetic that you (or real cops) don't! It proves that the problem is worse than it has to be due to the complacency and corruption of law enforcement responsible for arresting them.
Then regular citizens like us get to deal with these scum cops on the road.

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 11 November 1999).]
FC161 in his own crude way poses an interesting problem.

1. We can't shoot a thief legally.

2. The cops and ourselves have a low probability of catching them.

3. There is no way to completely protect our property; locks, alarms etc.

4. We work too hard for our valuable things to just sit by and just let it happen.

What are we supposed to do? Sit around and hope FC161 and his compatriots get lucky?

There has to be a better way.
Yes, shoot the scumbag like fc says and stick a throw away or a knife in it's hand.(if it's coming toward you)

[This message has been edited by viol8r (edited 11 November 1999).]