Wax on Wax off

Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

Congrats on becoming a Citizen, too.:rofl: J/K
So....what do you think? How does the bike feel when you run your finger on it?:laugh:

Blanca, I think it's the M109 made by Suzuki.:laugh:
You really need to go out and ride more so you can see other bikes. J/K

By the way, you won't need that orange thing 'cause you only have one bike.lol J/K

I'm sure you won't need to move Blanca around 'cause you could probably make a U-Turn inside your garage.lol

Sleepless even when I ride basically all I see are Harleys.
Florida is so flat here it's the only kind of bike most buy .

As far as turning her around .
I do sometimes turn her around inside where I keep it cuz I need to use the dining room light to see what I'm cleaning :laugh:
Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

Suzuki Boulavard M90 i believe. I'm gonna have to take the pledge too....that is if i ever get home again...and if they ever get my paint right!

You won't regret it. Not trying to promote it but man, that thing works. I just polished my whole bike again this morning after I got caught in the rain at 4:00am. She's ohhhh sooooooo shiny again.
Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

I sprayed it on a rag and wiped everything down that way.
Even though I did this I still managed to touch the tires a few times.
I just read the whole thread again and I thought......you could have left it on the tires. You'll have a lot more fun drifting.:rofl:
Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

So what do you think DJ? You like the way your bike looks and feels? Slick, ain't it?

Looking at the pics, it looks like you did the wheels, too. Did you do the 109's wheels too? It will look and feel slick, too. The best part, it won't hurt the finish.
Now, when you go on your next ride, all you have to do is dust off the wheels. That's what I mean when I said it only takes me like 5 minutes to dust them off because the dust doesn't stick.

By the way, you can use it on your chromes, too. I use it on my pipes, too.
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Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

:banghead: I am appaled by that statement!! :moon: :laugh:

Its an M109R 1800cc!

As am I, i'm off to the corner to beat myself for you, must be all the long hours i've been working.

Sad thing is i almost bought one too, too much work, need a day off soon!
Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

Blanca its a motorcycle dolly from Harbor Freight.

Once Im done riding i ride up on the dolly and then push the dolly against the wall so I can park my van inside the garage.
I got it for 99 dollars and i think its on sale for 59.

Its helps. no need to move forward and backwards until i get the bike close to the wall.

sleeper. I only used it on the plastics and some chrome on the M109R
I like it a lot! thanks for the advice!

Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

Blanca its a motorcycle dolly from Harbor Freight.

Once Im done riding i ride up on the dolly and then push the dolly against the wall so I can park my van inside the garage.
I got it for 99 dollars and i think its on sale for 59.

Its helps. no need to move forward and backwards until i get the bike close to the wall.

sleeper. I only used it on the plastics and some chrome on the M109R
I like it a lot! thanks for the advice!


You're welcome, DJ. There you go, folks. Another one satisfied user.:beerchug:

Now, have you tried the Dupont Chain Wax yet? If not, I'd say go get a can today.....or two like I did then come back on this thread and tell us what you think.
Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

I see other side it's got a kickstand pad as well . That is super cool .
I like the idea of being able to get her up close to wall as well .
Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

I think i need to invest on this next! :rofl:


Funny you mentioned that. I bought a duster just for the wheels. Now, All I do is hold the duster against the wheel and spin it. Dust off!!! Then wipe off if there's any leftover.
Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

Ok Sleeper you've got my curiosity up about the pledge so being the researcher I am I found this. I did not write this nor do I take any credit for it. This is where I stop talking.........

I ran across this on another site and thought it might make for interesting reading for all those folks who make fun of old timers who have used Pledge on our cars and bikes for years. The man who wrote it claims to be a chemical engineer. For whatever it is worth, I don't use the Pledge brand anymore but substitute the cheap stuff found at the Dollar store, which costs $1.50 for a tall aerosol can. It works just as good and costs about a third of what the name brand Pledge costs.

Lets start out with the actual ingredients found in a spray can of Pledge.

Please note that the base formula will be different being dispensed from a spray can or pressurized aerosol vessel due to the fact that a "propellant" is needed to transfer the product from the container to a surface, in this case lets say a fender or a windshield. A trigger plastic spray container would not require this propellant additive.

For the purpose of this discussion, I will list the information relative to Pledge in the aerosol spray can as it appears to be the most common used by others on this forum.
The base ingredients are:

1. Naphtha, petroleum, light alkylate 5%-10% or (isoparaffinic hydrocarbon solvent)
2. Polydimethylsiloxanes (Silicon oil) 5%-10%
3. Water 70%-85%
4. Butane1% -5%
5. Isobutane1% - 5%
6. Propane1% - 5%

Now we can breakdown what these are and what they do.

The first ingredient is:

1-Naphta,petroleum,light alkylate.
This is a hydrocarbon solvent-based dispersant formulation which combines oil penetrability. In other words remember the label says "smear and smudge proof"? These are the ingredients that will break down and remove the smears, finger or dermal tissue oils. Criminals take note.. use this to eliminate finger prints. Just dont be a dumb (EDITED) and leave the can behind!!

Now, what is a hydrocarbon?
A general term for organic compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen. They are divided into saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, aliphatic (alkane or fatty) and aromatic (benzene) hydrocarbons. Crude
oil is essentially a complex mixture of hydrocarbons.

To break it down even further, I will now define an organic compound.

An organic compound is any member of a large class of chemical
compounds whose molecules contain carbon.
What is carbon you asked? I knew ya would!!

Carbon is a chemical element with symbol C and atomic number 6. As a member of group 14 on the periodic table, it is nonmetallic and tetravalent (a state of an atom with four electrons making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds.)

A chemical element is a type of atom that is distinguished by its atomic number; that is, by the number of protons in its nucleus. The term is also used to refer to a pure chemical substance composed.

What does this all mean?? It is a pure chemical substance.
Why is it in there? Remember the finger print? It is a solvent that removes oily residues. This is the cleaning agent in the product.
Look at the can.."It dusts and cleans". this is what makes it clean/remove dirt,grease,oil,grime.

That was the more lenghty one. The remainder are relatively simple. If you are still reading at this point, thanks for bearing with me.Go grab another beer! I will summarize at the end and compare to other products on the market in terms of ingredients, costs and results.

The second noted ingredient is:

2-Polydimethylsiloxanes or Silicon oil 5%-10%.
This is silicone based oil. The molecular structure of this is such that friction is significantly reduced. This nifty additional ingredient is also the reason why the ..refer to label again.. NO WAX BUILD-UP!! Silicone will blend with it'self and not mix or layer with other chemicals.
It does however have the ability to piss bike painters off due to the fact that it needs to be completely removed proir to coating with paint. If not...start all over again. It makes surfaces slick so that nothing sticks. It also provides the shine to the surface.
This chemical is also present in 95% of products us bikers use on our scoots such as Armor All, Meguires Wax and STP Son of a Gun just to mentiion a few so if you are worried about using Pledge in the past on your bike, you may alraedy have and just did not know it.
This silicone oil is also an ingredient in Right Guard deodorant, baby powder,Desitin, Gillette Dry and several moisturizers and creams. This is why Pledge does not contain wax, they use this instead.
Makes me want to try it with the goa....wife!
To the guy that posted about the fella steping on his fender and sliding off...about to 5 drops of this in a drink will cause lets just say possible incontenence" which will then require the need for additional Desitin with the same ingredient to help that diaper rash from the copiuos ammounts of passing solids!!! Great stuff ain it?

The third ingredient:

3-Water. This acts as a dilutor. Kind of like "filler" in cheap dog food but in liquid form.
Cant use the product undiluted.

The remaining butane, isobutane and propane are the propellants that assist in expelling or propelling the liquid product from the can. The methane is building under pressure and the propane, butane provides the ignition source. Kinda like putting your tounge on a 9v battery. You know you are gonna do it eventually when no one is looking. Try chewing aluminum foil!! Nah...dont do that either.

Other ingredients such as aromatic compound like orange, lemon or any other organic scent additive can also be incorporated.

Now with this little snippet of knowledge, how does one apply it to everyday living.
If Martha Stewart says that a prison panty liner work just as well as a microfibre cloth stop reading. If not..please bear with me for I am almost done.
Several products out there are costly for several reasons. 1 because of proprietary ingredients/raw materials, 2 advertising costs, supply and demand and product to market costs. What will the market bear? I have always compared ingredient when shopping. Silicone oil is silicone oil, Pepto Bismal, for the guy trying to stand on the fender coated with silicone oil is pink Bismuth...same thing!
Pink bismuth is MUCH cheaper.

I heard of a product called Plexus. A great cleaner and conditioner for Lexan. At $15.95 for a 13oz can versus an 18oz $4.99? can of Pledge? I have not bought or used Pledge and do not know the actual cost I am sure it is not even close to this other product.

In summary:

* Will not damage finish
* Will provide a nice shine
* Will not build up or layer
* Safe on windshield. No alcohol or amonia
* Safe on chrome
* Also has some (although not real good) anti corrosion properties. I use Boeshield T-9 for this application.

One precaution!! Flammable! Do not use around open flames or on hot pipes or other hot components. Do not get on or use on denim ar matted finishes!!

I would also highly recommend that a wet or water wash, or a soft wetted cloth, (I use warm clothes because the heat helps soften bug guts better than cold) be done or used first to remove surface debris and particulate from the soon to be applied to surface, fenders, gas tanks,side panels. This will reduce potential scratching of your paint.

Well, I hoped this helps. Like I said, I have never used "Pledge". But I have applied the same ingredients in Pledge (just under a different name...Maguires Wax) on my bikes not knowing it, and they have all looked great!

No get off the computer and spray your bike with Pledge!, or go riding...

Okay it's me again I'll be back in a little while. Gotta go get something. Do you use it on "everything"? Except the tire's of course.
Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

Ok Sleeper you've got my curiosity up about the pledge so being the researcher I am I found this. I did not write this nor do I take any credit for it. This is where I stop talking.........

I ran across this on another site and thought it might make for interesting reading for all those folks who make fun of old timers who have used Pledge on our cars and bikes for years. The man who wrote it claims to be a chemical engineer. For whatever it is worth, I don't use the Pledge brand anymore but substitute the cheap stuff found at the Dollar store, which costs $1.50 for a tall aerosol can. It works just as good and costs about a third of what the name brand Pledge costs.

Lets start out with the actual ingredients found in a spray can of Pledge.

Please note that the base formula will be different being dispensed from a spray can or pressurized aerosol vessel due to the fact that a "propellant" is needed to transfer the product from the container to a surface, in this case lets say a fender or a windshield. A trigger plastic spray container would not require this propellant additive.

For the purpose of this discussion, I will list the information relative to Pledge in the aerosol spray can as it appears to be the most common used by others on this forum.
The base ingredients are:

1. Naphtha, petroleum, light alkylate 5%-10% or (isoparaffinic hydrocarbon solvent)
2. Polydimethylsiloxanes (Silicon oil) 5%-10%
3. Water 70%-85%
4. Butane1% -5%
5. Isobutane1% - 5%
6. Propane1% - 5%

Now we can breakdown what these are and what they do.

The first ingredient is:

1-Naphta,petroleum,light alkylate.
This is a hydrocarbon solvent-based dispersant formulation which combines oil penetrability. In other words remember the label says "smear and smudge proof"? These are the ingredients that will break down and remove the smears, finger or dermal tissue oils. Criminals take note.. use this to eliminate finger prints. Just dont be a dumb (EDITED) and leave the can behind!!

Now, what is a hydrocarbon?
A general term for organic compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen. They are divided into saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, aliphatic (alkane or fatty) and aromatic (benzene) hydrocarbons. Crude
oil is essentially a complex mixture of hydrocarbons.

To break it down even further, I will now define an organic compound.

An organic compound is any member of a large class of chemical
compounds whose molecules contain carbon.
What is carbon you asked? I knew ya would!!

Carbon is a chemical element with symbol C and atomic number 6. As a member of group 14 on the periodic table, it is nonmetallic and tetravalent (a state of an atom with four electrons making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds.)

A chemical element is a type of atom that is distinguished by its atomic number; that is, by the number of protons in its nucleus. The term is also used to refer to a pure chemical substance composed.

What does this all mean?? It is a pure chemical substance.
Why is it in there? Remember the finger print? It is a solvent that removes oily residues. This is the cleaning agent in the product.
Look at the can.."It dusts and cleans". this is what makes it clean/remove dirt,grease,oil,grime.

That was the more lenghty one. The remainder are relatively simple. If you are still reading at this point, thanks for bearing with me.Go grab another beer! I will summarize at the end and compare to other products on the market in terms of ingredients, costs and results.

The second noted ingredient is:

2-Polydimethylsiloxanes or Silicon oil 5%-10%.
This is silicone based oil. The molecular structure of this is such that friction is significantly reduced. This nifty additional ingredient is also the reason why the ..refer to label again.. NO WAX BUILD-UP!! Silicone will blend with it'self and not mix or layer with other chemicals.
It does however have the ability to piss bike painters off due to the fact that it needs to be completely removed proir to coating with paint. If not...start all over again. It makes surfaces slick so that nothing sticks. It also provides the shine to the surface.
This chemical is also present in 95% of products us bikers use on our scoots such as Armor All, Meguires Wax and STP Son of a Gun just to mentiion a few so if you are worried about using Pledge in the past on your bike, you may alraedy have and just did not know it.
This silicone oil is also an ingredient in Right Guard deodorant, baby powder,Desitin, Gillette Dry and several moisturizers and creams. This is why Pledge does not contain wax, they use this instead.
Makes me want to try it with the goa....wife!
To the guy that posted about the fella steping on his fender and sliding off...about to 5 drops of this in a drink will cause lets just say possible incontenence" which will then require the need for additional Desitin with the same ingredient to help that diaper rash from the copiuos ammounts of passing solids!!! Great stuff ain it?

The third ingredient:

3-Water. This acts as a dilutor. Kind of like "filler" in cheap dog food but in liquid form.
Cant use the product undiluted.

The remaining butane, isobutane and propane are the propellants that assist in expelling or propelling the liquid product from the can. The methane is building under pressure and the propane, butane provides the ignition source. Kinda like putting your tounge on a 9v battery. You know you are gonna do it eventually when no one is looking. Try chewing aluminum foil!! Nah...dont do that either.

Other ingredients such as aromatic compound like orange, lemon or any other organic scent additive can also be incorporated.

Now with this little snippet of knowledge, how does one apply it to everyday living.
If Martha Stewart says that a prison panty liner work just as well as a microfibre cloth stop reading. If not..please bear with me for I am almost done.
Several products out there are costly for several reasons. 1 because of proprietary ingredients/raw materials, 2 advertising costs, supply and demand and product to market costs. What will the market bear? I have always compared ingredient when shopping. Silicone oil is silicone oil, Pepto Bismal, for the guy trying to stand on the fender coated with silicone oil is pink Bismuth...same thing!
Pink bismuth is MUCH cheaper.

I heard of a product called Plexus. A great cleaner and conditioner for Lexan. At $15.95 for a 13oz can versus an 18oz $4.99? can of Pledge? I have not bought or used Pledge and do not know the actual cost I am sure it is not even close to this other product.

In summary:

* Will not damage finish
* Will provide a nice shine
* Will not build up or layer
* Safe on windshield. No alcohol or amonia
* Safe on chrome
* Also has some (although not real good) anti corrosion properties. I use Boeshield T-9 for this application.

One precaution!! Flammable! Do not use around open flames or on hot pipes or other hot components. Do not get on or use on denim ar matted finishes!!

I would also highly recommend that a wet or water wash, or a soft wetted cloth, (I use warm clothes because the heat helps soften bug guts better than cold) be done or used first to remove surface debris and particulate from the soon to be applied to surface, fenders, gas tanks,side panels. This will reduce potential scratching of your paint.

Well, I hoped this helps. Like I said, I have never used "Pledge". But I have applied the same ingredients in Pledge (just under a different name...Maguires Wax) on my bikes not knowing it, and they have all looked great!

No get off the computer and spray your bike with Pledge!, or go riding...

Okay it's me again I'll be back in a little while. Gotta go get something. Do you use it on "everything"? Except the tire's of course.

Here's what I found out about Pledge just recently eventhough I've been using it for more than 30 years.

Enough cannot be said about the benefits of this product for a motorcycle. It's sort of like WD40 in that regard. However, the lemon variety is the only one worth using for this purpose. The lemon product seems to have a better nondestructive degreasing agent that we all need for bikes. A few years ago, I worked as the "motorcycle specialist" for a motorcycle and bicycle auction. Noted collectors and restorers repeatedly mentioned that it is the only thing they used for cleaning because it did not harm any vintage paint, metals, leather, rubber or plastics. Several motorcycle tour operators also strongly recommend that all their customers pack a small can of it just to keep their helmets, visors and leathers clean.
Still, people have almost fallen down laughing when they see me spraying my bike and helmet down with Pledge after a couple days ride though the billions of mosquitoes and other winged nasties we have here in Minnesota. It helps dissolve acidic bug guts, road tar and unidentified gunk and grime very quickly. It is also an excellent lubricating layer to avoid dirt and other particles from scratching surfaces as you wipe them. One benefit of using it (especially on your windshield and your helmet visor) is that it cleans effectively and leaves a fine film that aids in future cleaning without the need to reapply the product. The next couple of times you wipe down your visor and such, you can use a soft rag and surfaces will quickly wipe clean and clear again. It will help in the rain, as it beads water somewhat. I use it over my normal auto cleaner wax product and it does a top rate job. It can even be used on chrome, if you have any.
Carry a little can of it in your luggage somewhere or under your seat. They sell it in smaller cans that will clean your entire bike and gear a couple of times over when you are on the road. It's just about the fastest way to do a wipe-down of all your bike's surfaces. It does a killer job on bodywork, wheels, seat, windshield and visor…even your leathers! AND using it regularly sure will make you stink pretty!
One added tip is to get some heavy weight terry cloth gloves and carry one at a time. These are available from many places, including auto detailing supply businesses. They will turn a 30 minute cleaning job into a 5 minute cleaning job, as you can simply run your hands across big surfaces and run your fingers into all the harder to reach places, around fork tubes, pipes, etc. You can use one glove on either hand so when one side is dirty, just flip it over to the other.

The answer to your question is "YES". I use it on everything except grips, seat and tires. When I say everything, that includes fork stanchion tubes, frame, mud flap, exhausts including midpipe, you name it.
Also, back when I was still in the Philippines where I grew up, I used it on my whole bicycle including spokes and wheels, stereo components and other electronics. There's just way too many things to mention.
It costs me $3.98+tax at WalMart. The cheapest place I can get it.
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Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

I can't recall if I already told you guys that I've NEVER washed my bike with water. EVER. When it's really dirty, I just use what was mentioned about the towel soaked in hot water so I don't scratch the paint.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I just got another can today.:-)
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Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

Looks good Blanca
Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

I really think you guys/gals should give it a try.:-)
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Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

Ok it's official! My brand new beautiful, sexy white 09 Busa no longer has the "new" smell. It now smells like friggin lemon tree!! I must say I was a skeptic but now I'm a believer. Thanks Sleepless!
Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

Ok it's official! My brand new beautiful, sexy white 09 Busa no longer has the "new" smell. It now smells like friggin lemon tree!! I must say I was a skeptic but now I'm a believer. Thanks Sleepless!

I see that you took the Pledge, too.

You're welcome, Tdog. Now how about sharing some pics of the beautiful, sexy white '09 Busa of yours?
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Re: Hey Sleeper-Red Blanca took the Pledge

Pouring down rain at the moment Sleepless. This is the best I can do right now.

busa 1.jpg

busa 2.jpg