Wax on Wax off

I "Pledge" my allegiance

After much debate (with myself and I) and a lot of reading.
I have officialy switched over to Pledge Lemon....and boy o' boy, all i have to say is WOW!

big super duper shout out to sleepless_red!..with out his knowledge of pledge and the many threads he has contributed to spreading the good word, I would have never known the glories of Pledge..heres to you mate :beerchug:






Re: I "Pledge" my allegiance

Jesse went from "Sleeper to Sleepless....:whistle:

Very fitting for his schedule :laugh:

He does love his Pledge!
Re: I "Pledge" my allegiance

Same here,

Just did mine yesterday and it looks great! It especially makes the black plastic on the upper fairing look great!
Re: I "Pledge" my allegiance

I would like to learn more about this. Do you do the entire bike? Spray it directly on or onto a cloth? tank get done or just plastics? Do you still wash it with water?
Re: I "Pledge" my allegiance

I do my whole bike with it, have now for a couple of years now (I forget who told me about it, but I got it from here). I don't use water, just pledge. Be careful spraying it around the tires !! I just use the pledge wipes if it's not too dirty. I use to never wash my bike. I was "that guy" you know the one that said "if it's nice enough to wash, it's nice enough to ride". But I do it now more for the checking everything over.
Re: I "Pledge" my allegiance

I do my whole bike with it, have now for a couple of years now (I forget who told me about it, but I got it from here). I don't use water, just pledge. Be careful spraying it around the tires !! I just use the pledge wipes if it's not too dirty. I use to never wash my bike. I was "that guy" you know the one that said "if it's nice enough to wash, it's nice enough to ride". But I do it now more for the checking everything over.

Hi Kenny,
Yes, it was over a year ago when someone here mentioned using Pledge on the rims only, and I started using it (Rims ONLY) and I have been every since. I only use it on the rims, it makes them easier keep clean too. I like McGuire's on the shell, and only Plexus on the clear plastic.

Looking Good Leks. :thumbsup:

Re: I "Pledge" my allegiance

I would like to learn more about this. Do you do the entire bike? Spray it directly on or onto a cloth? tank get done or just plastics? Do you still wash it with water?

Wipe the bike off with warm water and a rag. Let it dry and the what I did was spray the pledge on a rag and rub it in, then buffed it with a microfiber rag, works really well...and yes i did the whole bike minus the seat, grips, and of course the tires..
Re: I "Pledge" my allegiance

Took the pledge yesterday myself. You have a sharp fastest color bike!!:thumbsup: But maybe I am biased???:laugh:

