We Lost Another Brother

Young people must learn throttle & braking control before taking on the corners. The powers who be (MSF, AMA, etc...) need to get the word out (through the internet, TV commercials) 'cuz this is a common problem for young inexperience riders. I guess one of the problems here is funding such messages. If major motorcycle manufactures & insurance companies can fund commercials on SPEEDVISION, ESPN & certain web sites WHY can’t these same companies sponsor the MSF for these same air time spots?  I think the ENTIRE INDUSTRY needs to STEP UP for the minds of these kids along with the DOLLARS they seemed to be more than willing to take! MHO

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Young people must learn throttle & braking control before taking on the corners. The powers who be (MSF, AMA, etc...) need to get the word out (through the internet, TV commercials) 'cuz this is a common problem for young inexperience riders. I guess one of the problems here is funding such messages. If major motorcycle manufactures & insurance companies can fund commercials on SPEEDVISION, ESPN & certain web sites WHY can’t these same companies sponsor the MSF for these same air time spots?  I think the ENTIRE INDUSTRY needs to STEP UP for the minds of these kids along with the DOLLARS they seemed to be more than willing to take! MHO
that is so very true... the bad thing is, he was on a bike that many of you consider "starting" bikes a 750 kawi of some sort but yes I am a firm believer that they had a part in his crash maybe not directly but you know the peer pressure thing "awww c'mon you pussy go faster around these corners" so for all you newbs (not saying I'm not one) you must be strong and have common sense not to get in over your head and take a MSF course, I haven't yet but I will be soon because I'll be leaving for USMC boot camp on May 3 and it's a requirement from what I have been told/read and plus it'll make my insurance cheaper
Young people must learn throttle & braking control before taking on the corners. The powers who be (MSF, AMA, etc...) need to get the word out (through the internet, TV commercials) 'cuz this is a common problem for young inexperience riders. I guess one of the problems here is funding such messages. If major motorcycle manufactures & insurance companies can fund commercials on SPEEDVISION, ESPN & certain web sites WHY can’t these same companies sponsor the MSF for these same air time spots?  I think the ENTIRE INDUSTRY needs to STEP UP for the minds of these kids along with the DOLLARS they seemed to be more than willing to take! MHO
Not a bad idea, maybe a research study group showing relationship of fatalies & serious injury on motorcycles as they relate to:
1-Rider experience
2-Bike cc

It would be an awesome piece of material to publish and display at the MSF instructed courses, local shops, internet & forums. That could be vital information as we've seen in the last couple of days worth of posts.
Not a bad idea, maybe a research study group showing relationship of fatalies & serious injury on motorcycles as they relate to:
1-Rider experience
2-Bike cc

It would be an awesome piece of material to publish and display at the MSF instructed courses, local shops, internet & forums.  That could be vital information as we've seen in the last couple of days worth of posts.

There is such a report out there its called the Hurt Report. MSF bases there course off of this report by Harry Hurt. In my class I do mention the Hurt Report several times. I would love to hand out a copy to each class but unfortunately is is over 100 pages long. Here is a link to the highlights of the report. I do not believe they get into the size of the motorcycle involved in the crash.

Students ask me all the time, what is the perfect beginner bike. I tell them there is no such thing as a perfect beginner bike. There is only the bike that fits you and you feel comfortable on (as far as weight, height, sitting position). They go on to say, I heard that a smaller bike is right for me. Let truth be told, you can kill yourself on a 600 just as quickly as on a 1000. The rider controls the power and the rider controls the limits of there riding. No one bike will make a you a safer rider.

Hurt Report

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those story kills me
thay make me want to sell the bike
have a cousin who died in a car accident
he used to ride a bike too.
It just makes me realize how vulnerable we are.
my prayers and thoughts go out to his family and loved ones.

May he rest in peace and watch over the lives of his loved ones.
Sorry to hear that. It feels good rideing fast but these are the things that could happen, very scary. Take care everybody. My prayer are with you & family
The riding season hasn't even gotten off to a good start and already the stories of people going down are piling up. I actually say a little prayer that I made up before I turn the key on each and every ride. Prayers go out to him and his family and God Bless them all...

The riding season hasn't even gotten off to a good start and already the stories of people going down are piling up. I actually say a little prayer that I made up before I turn the key on each and every ride. Prayers go out to him and his family and God Bless them all...

That's very sad................hopefully the father won't blame himself.......accidents happen.........let's all take it a bit easier on those corners!!!!! Be safe....
Last week a friend of mine was riding his bike and took a corner too fast (est: 85-90) leaned over too far and lost the bike, and slid into a guardrail amputating both of his legs instantly, the two people he was riding with never even slowed down, luckily there was a woman in a car behind him and saw the whole thing unfold, he regained consciousness long enough to tell her who he was and then passed back out. they lost him in the ambulance and brought him back, the same thing happened at the hospital a second time and when it happened a third time there was nothing that they could do for him. He had not been riding too long, less than one month, and against all of his friends/family went ahead and bought a bike too big for his maturity level. His father bet him $10 that within one month of him having this bike he would be down and when the police/hospital returned his things to his father there was only $10 in his wallet. Please everyone be careful and don't overreach your skills/knowledge, ride safe everyone.
sorry about your friend. yes, yes, yes...use common sense when riding...racing, taking a corner too fast, etc. in a uncontrol public setting is just pure dumb IMHO...that's why there are race tracks.
My prayers are with the family and friends. May they have the strength to get through this tough time.

It is very sad when these things happen. I know the Dad is feeling especially bad. My prayers and thoughts go out to the family of this poor young man. Young or old, it is always very troubling and sad to lose a brother or sister in such a horrible way.
My prayer are with the family and friends and all riders.

Every time I jump on the bike I ask God to give me safe passage both going and coming. And even if I should not not make it back God is still able!
Sorry about your friend
I'll say a prayer. I say a little prayer every time I ride....