Weather Where You Are?

I do not know how you guys
can stare at your bikes
for months while it snows .

It would kill me .

Kind of like looking at my Aprilia RSV4 after a ride to IMS ~ rode with my brother & Zebula with his H2 Carbon *


Feel FREE to follow along @ . . .
Gonna be a cool 24° in the morning when I head in for work. Couple of layers and I'll be fine.

Time to get yourself a winter vehicle with four tires, one with a good heater/defroster and all season tires. 24 is 10 below freezing and frozen wet patches of blacktop are impossible to see. Takes just a split second and WHAM, no slide, no oops, no over correcting, just wham.:confused:

The rainy/snowy season is just about here. Has rained here off and on for a week and is supposed to continue all next week. Snow is no lower than 5,000’ so not where I live yet. This will be my second winter here and I’m anxious to drive into YNP to see it all under a blanket of white stuff. I did get in a 92 mile quicky on the Z though. Got 42 mpg.

You northerners will laugh at me, but I was missing my heated liner and gloves this morning. Didn’t think I was going to find such low temps, but I rode further north in Florida than I had planned for. I had a Columbia jacket and leather jacket over it, but my hands were freezing with my perforated gloves.
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You northerners will laugh at me, but I was missing my heated liner and gloves this morning. Didn’t think I was going to find such low temps, but I rode further north in Florida than I had planned for. I had a Columbia jacket and leather jacket over it, but my hands were freezing with my perforated gloves.

I have the heated jacket and glove liners. Paired with my Bilt winter gloves, my hands stayed thawed.
I have the heated jacket and glove liners. Paired with my Bilt winter gloves, my hands stayed thawed.
I didn’t know if I would like glove liners, so I bought heated gloves. They are king of bulky, but most of the time, I don’t even need to turn them on.
Yeah, in the really cold areas on tour I preferred my 82 CBX. I used my electric gloves on it as I do with the Busa but the fairing and shield was really cozy.
I didn’t know if I would like glove liners, so I bought heated gloves. They are king of bulky, but most of the time, I don’t even need to turn them on.

I didnt like how bulky the heated gloves were. With the liners, I can wear any gloves and be comfortable. The Bilt all weather gloves are bulky but fairly flexible. Of all the balaclavas I have, my turtle fur is probably the best.
I didnt like how bulky the heated gloves were. With the liners, I can wear any gloves and be comfortable. The Bilt all weather gloves are bulky but fairly flexible. Of all the balaclavas I have, my turtle fur is probably the best.
I was more than happy when I pulled over at ihop and looked through my stuff and found my balaclava at the bottom of my tank bag. That save the day and my face. The pin lock in my helmet works very well too. This is my first helmet with it and I love it.
I was more than happy when I pulled over at ihop and looked through my stuff and found my balaclava at the bottom of my tank bag. That save the day and my face. The pin lock in my helmet works very well too. This is my first helmet with it and I love it.

I have a quick release on my helmet. Looking into another helmet at the moment.
My Scorpions have ‘no fog’ shields that are a must have for me. As for bulky heated gloves, try a better quality manufacturer maybe. Bilt is the house brand for Cyclegear stores. My Tourmasters aren’t bad at all. I also use ‘arm warmers’:D. If you’ve ever had a broken arm or leg, remember the sock that was put on under the cast? Well, you can buy that by the foot at a medical supply store for cheap. Bought a four foot length and cut it in half. They stretch from my wrist to my arm pit under my sleeves, I usually wear two heavy long sleeve t shirts but my arms still get cold especially under my leather jacket. In super cold weather textiles are the best at blocking the cold wind. The arm warmers are convenient too when it warms up, they can be pulled off w/o having to take off a jacket or shirt. I’ve heard that bicycle shops have similar ‘sleeves’ for their cold weather riders.
19° currently, and dropping. Never got above freezing all day today. Was 62° on Sunday, next Sunday it'll be 68°. Only thing constant is change....