Weather Where You Are

12.3m (40 foot) waves recorded.

Schools, bank, cafe, coffee shop etc all closed near me.
Wife’s offices in the city closed.
Cruise ship terminal and much of the port closed.

The main gateway bridge will close when wind speeds increase.

Predicted to hit in the next 24 hours.

We do get some freaky wild weather here, but we are further South than most cyclones so this isn’t a normal or regular thing here.
Raining here and snowing 20 miles away. Supposed to be sunny and 60s on the weekend but rain all next week and snow by the end of the week. Ahhhh life in the Sierra Nevada mountain foothills. Kinda in the middle @ a half mile above sea level. Flat lands to the S and W @ almost sea level and mountains to the N and E from a mile to two miles above sea level although there isn’t really an E in the winter as all the passes nearby are closed until late May or June. Crossing over right after the passes open makes for excellent scenery.


