Web Site?

Seb is waiting with video camera :biggrin: Hope yall got leathers on heheheheheehe...scarface likes to ragdoll!!!!
I got $ on the swingarms...call me!

she will only consider dating a man with an equal or more powerful bike...hehehehee
isnt that right Booost?
She doesn't know what you and I talked about yesterday...yet...

hehehe I'll win her over in Dec., right?

Been trying to call ya all day freaking fast busy signal...? Still doing it. :(
Om du kunde göra det. Jag hjälper gärna till om du behöver hjälp. Jag kan inget om hemsidor...hade tänkt be lillebror, som liksom du jobbar med detta, om hjälp. Dina namnförslag var bra tycker jag!

men om det heter .org.se? funkar inte det?

Hör av dig till vce.desi@memo.volvo.se och sätt mig gärna i arbete.

Erbjudandet om en turbotur kvarstår :wink:

[This message has been edited by Booost (edited 13 July 2000).]
The above is a special encryption code written by the nordic vikings and vikingets!It is used primarily for top secret translations of certain dialects. They use a titanium shafted unjullating unit to process the emf signal via the upper resistance bank thru multi level transisted control frequencies. Although the loo loo conduction is apparant there is some traces of tracking through out the bandwidth of lesters! Im sorry I cant go on..LOL!!!!!

Shes just saying that it would be great for him to help and she likes the name that he said.
the rest is classified info and I can tell you Im bound by swedish military law hahhahaah.
send translation fees to me for further assistance.

That is written on a 1000 year old stone in Sweeden by a REAL Viking, meaning "Me, who is guesting from Holt made this Horn"

Ohh, if one could only go back in time when males where roughmannerd giants and not cute little men in glittery colours riding bikes with less than 250hp on the back wheel :wink:

Booost has spoken!
Perhaps Booost needs roughly dragging by the hair across the floor into my cave where I can throw her against the rock wall and make her cook dinner (after going out and hunting it down of course) Dinosaur tonight okay??!!!

Nuts :wink:
Booost do you say these things to torment me because Im 6200 miles away! I think you need a spanking...Daddy says youve been bad!LOL!!!
Ya ready for that nitrous yet???? Say it! Say it! Yeah..thats right!!!~
OI! 'lantabusa... I'm sure I can speak for Numbnuts too... LEAVE OUR NUTS ALONE! If Booost want's to come and have a forrage, she's welcome too though :)

To answer your question Madman, if indeed it was directed at me, I'm using FrontPage 2000 & MSAccess. The webserver is a UNIX box I think. It's just free space, not mine.

[This message has been edited by Tangram (edited 14 July 2000).]
Yeah, keep your Yanky hands off our Nuts!!

headache going.......

How can you want to marry Booost 'Lanta??

You know I was first in line!!!

Dangly Nuts :wink: