Clive Bundy opens mouth...and inserts foot....

Arch, I don't think it's THAT black and white (oh, and no pun intended!) I'd say that while Mr. Bundy still has some prejudices, I also saw respect for people who work vs. live off assistance regardless of their color. Given his age, and the time he grew up in, in the 60's people might have considered him progessive.

I like where skydivr is taking this. In the time Clive lived in and grew up, certain terms were used without causing a stir like *****, ****** etc.... Now that attitudes, and peoples minds have changed so much, the same type of talk and language used back then can shock some people today. Just like the term "gay" really meant being happy or joyful. Now the term gay is readily applied to being homosexual.

However even though black people today use the N-word amongst themselves, the original meaning however was something used to differentiate blacks. That word was transformed from the white population to the black population as a term used in everyday conversation by some blacks but not all of course. I've heard it used all the time growing up in Chicago so i know this well. That's why i said earlier that this man is just ignorant.
And...whaddya know...CNN 'edited' and 'paraphrased' what he said nearly as bad as when CBS edited the 911 call on the Travon Martin case....I'd sue the crap out of them for character assasination...FULL VIDEO of the comments that sparked the controversy below - make up your own mind how 'racist' he sounds...

Like I said, I'll refer you back to my first post. The govt lost the physical confrontation and now is trying to diminish his support by labeling him a racist. You all fell for it.
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