well...first speeding ticket ever on a bike..and it was a good one

This is my story

I got hook up in VA doing 95 :whistle: in a 55 thats a reckless driving, in Va they can send you to jail for two years and 2500 in fines. The trooper told me lawyer up and go to driver school. So I did, lawyer ran me 250, defense driver school is 65 for an 8 hour class. The lawyer did his thing the judge knock down my reckless to improper driving and 100 fine plus court fine. So total cost 445, thats beats sitting in jail.
Times are tough right now for the Cities and Gov. I would say drop your pants grab your ankles and deal with it....did he get your plates? the cop that clocked you did he show up?? prove it was you? details have been left out .Maybe it was Bubba on his Busa and got off and you have same bike... No offense Bubba...LOL
8 miles away is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way for a traffic stop to be made especially if you were not speeding when the second officer made the stop. If the first officer lost sight of you or didn't have your tag then this will get thrown out... 8 miles later time wise would create a radius of 32 miles? Surely there was another bike in that area.... resonable doubt!

i told the cop that pulled me to run in my tags and he would see that it wasn't me. he said they didn't get the tag number of the said speeder. just a good discription that matched me. the cop that called it in did not come. he was a town cop. the cop that pulled me was a county cop
I got a 90 in a 60 a couple months ago my ticket was 432 I just paid it and went on not lawyer no wreckless nothing just paid the ticket.
Times are tough right now for the Cities and Gov. I would say drop your pants grab your ankles and deal with it....did he get your plates? the cop that clocked you did he show up?? prove it was you? details have been left out .Maybe it was Bubba on his Busa and got off and you have same bike... No offense Bubba...LOL


Poor Bubba....his name gets him referenced in so many conversations :whistle:

i told the cop that pulled me to run in my tags and he would see that it wasn't me. he said they didn't get the tag number of the said speeder. just a good discription that matched me. the cop that called it in did not come. he was a town cop. the cop that pulled me was a county cop

What prevented the first officer from pursuing the speeder?

Did you have all your paperwork in order (motorcycle endorsement, insurance, inspection and registration)?

If was so dark you couldn't see him with his lights off, how could he identify "you"? "Two wheels, a headlight, and a taillight just went past me at a high rate of speed", says the law dog.

Good luck! :thumbsup:
if the original officer that clocked you lost site of you and then another deputy pulled you over 8 miles down the road, how do they know without any doubt that it was you? i would imagine there were exit ramps that the speeder (who ever he was) could have gotten off of the highway. unless you admitted guilt to the officer that pulled you .... just a thought :whistle:

8 miles away is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way for a traffic stop to be made especially if you were not speeding when the second officer made the stop. If the first officer lost sight of you or didn't have your tag then this will get thrown out... 8 miles later time wise would create a radius of 32 miles? Surely there was another bike in that area.... resonable doubt!


True how could he prove it was you? I had a similar situation in my own town some deuchebag had a bike identical to mine we even had the same helmets. I got pulled over one day for his stupidity and the officer could not do anything because they could not prove if I was the perp (which I wasn't)

I think you will be alright as long as you have a lawyer with half a brain. :beerchug:
:poke: get it thrown out...if one officer clocked you and another ticketed you its hear say and you can get that thrown out on your own with no lawyer:rulez:
I have to retract my before comment if they had no proof of it being this before mentioned speeder, no plates and it being dark so like someone else had said two wheels and one headlight is the only discription they could have, unless you admitted guilt to this guys speeding I don't see how the cop could have even wrote you a ticket with out you admiting to him. I would have to say don't sign the ticket but since you did lawyer up and ask about a counter suit against the county
I need to get a hold a mod so I can edit my post. who ever this speeder is on this busa has gotten me in a mess.

I have talked to a lawyer. I don't want to go into details because you never know who reads these forums, but I think it will be ok. well see. my biggest thing is the insurance..if it doubles, ill have to sell my baby

You are worrying way to much over this. Did they get your tag? do they have you on video camera?.....if not then it probably wasn't you!!!! You said it yourself you weren't pulled over for 8 entire miles. I've not stopped for law enforcement back a few years ago...hid out for 30 minutes...got back on the road went through the road block and denial took me straight to my home with 0 tickets. For the record no ticket is a good ticket
This is my story

I got hook up in VA doing 95 :whistle: in a 55 thats a reckless driving, in Va they can send you to jail for two years and 2500 in fines. The trooper told me lawyer up and go to driver school. So I did, lawyer ran me 250, defense driver school is 65 for an 8 hour class. The lawyer did his thing the judge knock down my reckless to improper driving and 100 fine plus court fine. So total cost 445, thats beats sitting in jail.

Thats god awful. Now that I'm older I stop for the police but damn 95 in a 55 and you get hit like that!! I used to run up 160+ all the time on 55MPH backroads and such around my area. If my area was as tight as yours I wouldn't even own a bike
I would go to court and see what you are facing first and then make your decision on what to do. Do call the S.A. and see what they offer and take that to court and see the judge. It is always a good thing to go in prepared.
If your record is clean just go to court on it and admit guilt then ask for driving school. If you have not been to the school in 3 years you will probably get off pretty clean considering you were 38 mph over. Big fine but probably only half what a lawyer would charge. I have had 19 tickets and I am only 23 my insurance has never went up. I have been to court on all of them, just admit guilt look sorry and don't be cocky you should be good. Good luck man

First off you never admit your guilty let the court prove your guilty
98mph in Florida would not warrant a reckless citation for simple speed.
I have been ticketed at over 100 and got just that a whopper of a tic but not reckless ?

Also here 75 bucks will get you a ticket atty who will rep you in court and usually have all reduced except court cost (49 bucks) no points ?

Sorry NC sounds stiff !

Ditto here in California, 98 in 65 would get you a simple speeding ticket. They only tack on careless/reckless if you are acting stupid and endangering other people. Last one I was written for was 95 (0 dark 30 and doing 105 in the express lane), I retained a traffic attorney, can't remember exactly but I think the retainer was $150 with an hourly if it went to trial.