Well this didn't take long...

I mean, HOLY SH*T!!!!

"If he loses, it will shake the very ground that we stand on mentally as far as what we need to be to succeed," said Robert Gordon, a 48-year-old engineering surveyor from Dallas. "From day one, we've been told to be a certain way, to be neat, intellectual, speak clearly. He is the symbol of what we were told to be by our parents and by society as a whole. If this doesn't work, what does that do to our psyche? What do I tell my sons?"

You should be telling your damn kids that this is a PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION and not a damn RACIALLY MOTIVATED POPULARITY contest!! You are expected to vote for the reasons why the person is running. Voting, much like driving, is A PRIVELADGE!!!!

If you dont like it, YOU KNOW WHERE TO GO!!!

And don't talk to me about racism, I am in a inter-racial relationship so I dont want to hear it. This makes me sick!
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LOL, I like how they conviently put in there "And some whites"...... Wouldn't want to leave them out right?
I agree with you guys. I am so tired of everyone saying that Obama should be elected b/c the African-Americans in our country will take it as a personal afront to their cause if he isn't. Women are just as oppressed in much of the country as anyone else, but you don't see women rising up saying that if Sarah Palin isn't elected then we are going to rise up and riot. It is the most ridiculous article I have ever read. People have the right to vote for an entire candidate, not just his or her race or gender.
I agree with you guys. I am so tired of everyone saying that Obama should be elected b/c the African-Americans in our country will take it as a personal afront to their cause if he isn't. Women are just as oppressed in much of the country as anyone else, but you don't see women rising up saying that if Sarah Palin isn't elected then we are going to rise up and riot. It is the most ridiculous article I have ever read. People have the right to vote for an entire candidate, not just his or her race or gender.

Very well said! :bowdown:
I could comment in so many ways I will just leave it at one word AMAZING!

Yeah I agree. I honestly am starting to feel as though that the majority of the white population has moved on from racism but the blacks are the ones holding tight to it.

for example, the ONLY time I ever think about racism or think about the color of peoples skins are when blacks drop the race card.

And as someone mentioned in another thread, something else that has always bothered me is you have all these black specific TV shows, talk shows, cable channels.

You have BET "Black Entertainment Television"

Totally accepted and it "empowers" black people I guess or something like that.

So what if some were to create a WET "White Entertainment Television"

First thing that would happen is everyone would start screaming racism, saying it is probably run by the KKK.

And I have brought this argument up before and I have heard blacks say "well all TV is "WHITE TV" blacks need their own cable channel and their own programming"

Fricken B.S.!! I am soooo tired of this crap.

Seriously, if this country and this world is ever going to get past the race issue it needs to be dropped on both fricken sides.

So blacks got dealt a bad hand in the past, get over it. seriously, there are laws that protect people now, if someone feels they are being discriminated against prove it and fight it.

Yes this country has had major issues in the past with racism. But this is nothing new, not accepting someone who is different goes back to the beginning of time.

Slavery in the United States was nothing new, that too goes back to the beginning of time.

before Christ people were selling themselves into slavery.

One tribe would fight another tribe and turned the conquered tribe into slaves (the ones that survived). And when I say tribe I am referring to all persons on this planet regardless of skin color or location.

When black slaves were brought over here they were not conquered by people from this country, they were sold to people from this country by warring tribes who took the tribes they conquered and sold the ones who survived into slavery.

Was it right? there was no right or wrong back then it was just the way things had been since the beginning of time.

Would it be right now? he11 no. You don’t do that or act that way in a civilized society.

So seriously, to all the black people who always see skin color and are the first to scream racism, drop it. I honestly don’t see skin color until you point it out.

And with this Obama thing. WTH!! Now it is in the news that “Black” people are going to be upset if Obama doesn’t win?

Does that mean all blacks are expected to vote for Obama!!

What kind of crap is that?

Seriously, to all the black people out there, put yourselves in the other shoe (and don’t you dare say you have been in the other shoe because unless you are over 45 years old I doubt it).

How would black people react and respond if it was in the news that

“White voters are concerned that McCain might not win”

“If McCain does not win some whites might be so upset that they are going to throw a tantrum like a little baby and start destroying things and burning up their neighbor hoods.”

And yes, I add the word Tantrum because that is EXACTLY what it is, a fricken tantrum, to quote the article:

“"My audience is upset," she said in an interview. "Some people said they would be so angry it would be reminiscent of the [1960s] riots -- that is how despondent they would be."”

So what? It is ok for grown people to riot in the streets and destroy things because they didn’t get there way? Is this blackmail? I mean is this meant to be as a threat that if Obama doesn’t win blacks are going to rise up and start destroying things?

WTH!! How stupid is that!! Seriously!!

So all the blacks out there, please, I am asking you to help me to stop seeing color, stop dropping the race card. Seriously, all you are doing is keeping a festering wound from healing in this country. You just keep jabbing at it and making the wound worse. Let it heal.. give it a rest. Lets all raise our children so they don’t see color.

That is the BEST way to combat racism, stop it here and now, and don’t pass it on to our children.

If ANY of you, black or white has EVER made a comment to your children or in the presence of your children that hints at any type of racism YOU are the problem and all you are doing is keeping the wound open. Don’t be the problem, be the solution, if you really want to stop racism, stop it, no seriously, stop it, stop it in your home, stop it at your work, stop it in all aspects of your life.

As the bible says, it is not went enters a mans mouth that defiles him it is what comes out.

In other words to all you parents out there, you cant help the thoughts that come into your head, and you cant help the prejudice that has been put there from past and probably put there from YOUR parents, but you can break the chain, you can take those thoughts and choose to NOT pass them on to your children, you can choose NOT to pass that burden on to them as some of our parents passed it on to us.

Yes, there was without a doubt a time when blacks needed to stand up for themselves, and whites needed to stand up for them also. And laws NEEDED to be passed and we as a country NEEDED to get away from slavery and segregation.

But I think for the most part mission accomplished, now I think we need to continue the process by letting the racism die within each of us that hold on to it and letting our children grow up without us poisoning their minds. And I think if we can accomplish that then everything will be fine.

Seriously, in closing, I am 46 years old, I have never “owned” another human being, I never used to see color when I was a kid, if it had not been for black people keeping the thought of racism alive and complaining constantly about racism, I might have grown up never knowing what racism was. When I was a young boy I wanted to play with other kids, their skin color was never an issue to me, and my skin color was never an issue to them. It is only when we grow up and the adults poison our mind is when it becomes an issue.

I see all three of my sons, and they have friends spend the night sometimes, they have all kinds of friends of different heritages and colors. It doesn’t matter to them, they are their friends, my sons will have sometimes 7 or more friends over at one time (mainly my 16 year old and the kids are usually from his football team. And within the 7 friends a few might be black, a few might be brown, a few might be white. But that doesn’t matter, they are all my sons friends.

I see my 10 year old, if we go some where (like we went to my 15 year olds first football game last night) my 10 year old was on the track and met up with some other kids, all different colors, different races, it didn’t matter to ANY OF THEM!! They were kids playing!!

The only way my sons are going to know anything about racism is what they are taught in school or if they start to experience what I have experienced and that is black people constantly telling them they are racist all their lives just because they are white. That is how my boys will EVER know anything about racism

So I reiterate, it is us ADULTS who have the power to stop the racism so stop it.
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I fear what my attitude will do if there are "racial riots" associated with this entire mess... not to mention what my faith in people will do...

are blacks that disillusioned that they would riot because a candidate lost an popular election?

I dont buy it for a second... that is third world political garbage..
Ron, I couldn't have said it any better! I agree 100% on everything you say. And I applaud you for the courage to put it out there as it is a touchy subject, and you always feel like you have to bight your tounge.

Your points about having the words "White" in a tv show or school or whatever it may be are right on the mark. White people could never get away with it. And to me, how does it make me feel, knowing that the black community can have black this and black that? I didn't do anything wrong in my past to make any other skin colored race hate me.

Every year they have Black bike week in Daytona. What kind of a slap in the face does the whit community get knowing that we couldn't even think about hosting an all white bike week? We'd be racists right?

I'm sick of it all. It needs to be put to rest. I've said this one before, and I'll say it again. In 1992, there was a movie called "White men cant jump" White community had no problem with it.
What if a movie came out as "Black men cant skate"?
Wow! I drink a lot of coffee reading his threads! :laugh:

Great post and spot on. I would hope (and pray) that this doesn't boil down to racism. I fear that some (no names mentioned) will stir the pot however and make it so. They have become rich by doing just that.

Article is from the Wall Street Journal so take it as it is.

Ron, I couldn't have said it any better! I agree 100% on everything you say. And I applaud you for the courage to put it out there as it is a touchy subject, and you always feel like you have to bight your tounge.

Your points about having the words "White" in a tv show or school or whatever it may be are right on the mark. White people could never get away with it. And to me, how does it make me feel, knowing that the black community can have black this and black that? I didn't do anything wrong in my past to make any other skin colored race hate me.

Every year they have Black bike week in Daytona. What kind of a slap in the face does the whit community get knowing that we couldn't even think about hosting an all white bike week? We'd be racists right?

I'm sick of it all. It needs to be put to rest. I've said this one before, and I'll say it again. In 1992, there was a movie called "White men cant jump" White community had no problem with it.
What if a movie came out as "Black men cant skate"?

Yeah, I probably should of not posted this thread however, this is what this election will come to. Sorry for America huh? Sorry for Blacks who succeed and are trying to do so. Sorry for Whites who succeed and are trying to do so. Sorry for the whole Country.

Gee, Al Gore is still crying over Florida. What will this do? I shutter to think.

You all have caught the political net syndrome...refrain from coming in contact with others are you may contract the syndrome....
Interesting read...and spot on. :clap:

For two weeks, Democrats and their media allies have leveled scorching fire at Sarah Palin. It's not having much effect, but they keep at it anyway.

The latest Fox News poll shows Palin with a 54-27 favorable/unfavorable ratio, which compares well with Barack Obama's 57-36, John McCain's 60-33 and Joe Biden's 51-29. (Of the four, she's the most popular).

Why do Democrats feel so threatened? They've even stopped attacking McCain and President Bush to launch a vicious and sexist barrage at her that would normally make a feminist angry and a Democrat blush.

Basically, it's this: John McCain only endangers Democratic chances of victory this November, but Sarah Palin is an existential threat to the Democratic Party.

She threatens a core element of the party's base - women

When an African-American like Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell or Condi Rice rises to prominence as a Republican, he or she endangers the Democratic coalition. So would a Republican labor leader.

And so, above all, does the woman Republican running for vice president.

Democrats can't stomach seeing the feminist movement's impetus for greater female political participation and empowerment "hijacked" by a pro-life woman who espouses traditional values. They must obliterate her, lest her popularity eat away at their party's core.

So the Democrats are hysterical in their attacks on her. South Carolina's Democratic Party chairwoman, Carol Fowler (wife of a national party chairman), said that the only qualification Palin had for vice president was that she hadn't had an abortion. Tabloids are digging up dirt on Palin's children. And liberal bloggers have suggested that Palin would neglect her children if she were elected (while the Democratic candidate has young children at home, too).

That liberals would resort to such blatant sexism shows their desperation.

But the Fox News poll of Sept. 8-9 indicates a deeper reality of Palin's popularity. On the question of which of the four candidates best understands what day-to-day life is like in America, Palin finished first, with 33 percent. (Obama drew 32 percent, McCain 17 percent and Biden 10 percent.)

She's not popular because she's a radical feminist or pro-choice advocate. It's because she understands what it's like to be a woman in 21st century America.

She's never ascended to the elite, so she doesn't need to stoop to conquer as most well-heeled feminist leaders must. She lives far from the plastic pseudoreality where a fossilized ideology substitutes for human compassion and empathy. As such, she rises above the slogans of both the left and the right and proposes to bring to Washington a dose of reality - a taste of real life.

She may become the first woman in national office - yet the Democrats, feminists and liberals can't control her, and that burns them up.

Elections come and go, but Palin is a far more fundamental threat to the Democratic Party. And that's why they fear her so.

one thing I can bet on... is that the attacks will backfire on both sides... first side to rise above the BS (and stay there) will get my vote and I dont care who they are electing...

I for one am sick of the trashing done at every election when what they should be doing is spilling out their plans to make things better...

one side calling racism, the other sexism...

I am calling BS on both of them... jerk wads...

And John I agree. the long term threat is a real one... look what they did to C.Thomas cause he was not "black" enough... sad... wont even go to the supreme court justice debacle...
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