Well, time for a new bike

ouch! glad you are both OK. Great point about just "putting". Never know when some A-hole is gonna feed you their bumper! Now for the Gen 2 (orange is the fastest color) :rofl:
ouch!! glad you and your daughter are ok and that she only got a scratch, poor bike looks awful though, good luck on your search for a gen II:thumbsup:
Glad to hear both of you are "ok", and you have no broken bones. As far as the kid, I hope his insurance pulls through for ya.
glad to hear everything is ok with you and your daughter. the bruise sux, but it will heal in time. unfortunately the only thing to fix your bike situation is money.
Glad to hear you two are okay! Hope you heal up quick!

Pick the Black 2011 gen II... Fastest and sexiest color... :beerchug:
Man, tough story. Hope you post up pics of you all healed up with a new bike real soon. I feel for you bro, glad you made it!
Posted via Mobile Device
Very happy that you both are alright. A bruised leg is not fun, but precious cargo.
Furthermore.. go get that gen II! Staying with black or getting the limited?
BTW, I will NEVER ride again without ALL my gear. If I had my boots on, I would not have a single scratch on me..... I shudder when I think about the times I took her for a ride and did not have my helmet on since "I am with my daughter, we will just putt-putt"

Wow. That's a wake up call. :poke:
While reading the first post i read that you had your little one with you. And thought do I want to read the rest of this? I did. glad you and your little one are ok. THat bruise looks nasty.
Well, I guess my trip to his house worked. He contacted my insurance agent and confirmed that he DOES have insurance. That means I get my 1k deductible back.

As for new bikes, the only thing I can find that is left over are WHite 09 Busas. Not sure if I want to spend the coin on the new all black, and don;t really like the 011 white.
Glad you guys are ok. Hate to see the Damage to the Bike. Heal up and start shopping for a new one.
Glad you two made it through! It seems a lot of us have gone down or got hit lately! Hop it all works out for you!:thumbsup: And you will like a the Gen 2!
I LOVED my black and purple. Made for one year only, and I have only seen a couple in person, but they were never quite as nice as mine.....

I plan on talking to my wife tonight and trying to decide what to do. Left over White 09 (all I can find) or spend more and get an 011. I found an 08 blue/black that is left over, but I am afraid to buy it for the simple fact that if some kid does the same thing, I will lose my ass in it because insurance will look at it as a three year old bike