well went back to the track


Gald you're OK. I see this is your second time crashing. If you are content with learning how to drag race from people online, You may want to establish some relationships with some people on psychobike.com.

My perception is most members of this site are Hayabusa riders that rarely go to the dragstrip to really fine tune their drag racing skills. <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Again I said most.</span>

People such as Chip Hunter, Ryan Schnitz, and others are members of several sportbike boards. But on Psychobike.com the focus is drag racing and if you are getting the majority of your info from people online, why not get some advice from people that are at a dragstrip every week and sometimes several times a week.

I have a true 0 to 6in swingarm being made as we speak for my busa. At 0 to 3, its at stock length and good for the twistes. At 4 to 6 its excellent for the drag strip. This will give flexibility to enjoy both activities. And possibly help eliminate future simular mishaps launching your busa.

Glad you're okay, I figured you would be a little sore.... Come back down on Friday, we'll try again. Take it a little slower, and build back your confidence. That's the nice thing about that track, we're all friends, you ain't gotta impress no one. We all know who is capable of what, and it's about trying to better yourself, not beat the guy next to ya.
Glad you're okay, I figured you would be a little sore.... Come back down on Friday, we'll try again. Take it a little slower, and build back your confidence. That's the nice thing about that track, we're all friends, you ain't gotta impress no one. We all know who is capable of what, and it's about trying to better yourself, not beat the guy next to ya.
I think i hold off on coming back down i seem to have the worst luck in benton...Well this one i wasnt trying to impress anyone. i was launching like i would usually do but it just was sticking...then i still dont know where all that slick shid that was on my tire came from...it wasnt there when i got there. Im hitting gateway wednesday. i asked luda to paint my tail section and hump so if i do come donw friday it will be to bring the tail and hump down...if he says hell do it
Zeke i find it hard to get drag racing advice on other boards. Havent been to psycho bike before but other sites dont give you the positive responses you get here. I've noticed its the same folks from this site answering questions so i just go here

Gald you're OK.  I see this is your second time crashing.  If you are content with learning how to drag race from people online, You may want to establish some relationships with some people on psychobike.com.  

My perception is most members of this site are Hayabusa riders that rarely go to the dragstrip to really fine tune their drag racing skills.  <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Again I said most.</span>  

People such as Chip Hunter, Ryan Schnitz, and others are members of several sportbike boards.  But on Psychobike.com the focus is drag racing  and if you are getting the majority of your info from people online, why not get some advice from people that are at a dragstrip every week and sometimes several times a week.

I have a true 0 to 6in swingarm being made as we speak for my busa.  At 0 to 3, its at stock length and good for the twistes.  At 4 to 6 its excellent for the drag strip.  This will give flexibility to enjoy both activities.  And possibly help eliminate future simular mishaps launching your busa.

How else is he supposed to learn about drag racing other than:
A) Asking people for pointers, -which is done both in cyberspace and at the track,
B) getting out there and doing it regularly, -which I do.
It seems like you're knocking guys like him and me for trying to find out how to be better by asking questions on this forum. I read all the advice posted here, by guys who are better drag racers than me, and go to the track whenever I can to put the advice I got into action. I also ask the guys I see racing there, to give me pointers, these are people that I see every week, that actually take the time to dicuss drag racing with a newb. Are the guys at psychobike cool? It seems to me that whenever I check that site out, it's a buch of cats hollering and talkin sh!t about who's the fastest/got the best bike/wants to grudge race who, etc.....That's all cool, I enjoy reading it, but it doesn't do me any good as far as becoming a better racer. If I've got the wrong idea about this, please let me know..........

Gald you're OK.  I see this is your second time crashing.  If you are content with learning how to drag race from people online, You may want to establish some relationships with some people on psychobike.com.  

My perception is most members of this site are Hayabusa riders that rarely go to the dragstrip to really fine tune their drag racing skills.  <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Again I said most.</span>  

People such as Chip Hunter, Ryan Schnitz, and others are members of several sportbike boards.  But on Psychobike.com the focus is drag racing  and if you are getting the majority of your info from people online, why not get some advice from people that are at a dragstrip every week and sometimes several times a week.

I have a true 0 to 6in swingarm being made as we speak for my busa.  At 0 to 3, its at stock length and good for the twistes.  At 4 to 6 its excellent for the drag strip.  This will give flexibility to enjoy both activities.  And possibly help eliminate future simular mishaps launching your busa.

How else is he supposed to learn about drag racing other than:
A) Asking people for pointers, -which is done both in cyberspace and at the track,
B) getting out there and doing it regularly, -which I do.
It seems like you're knocking guys like him and me for trying to find out how to be better by asking questions on this forum. I read all the advice posted here, by guys who are better drag racers than me, and go to the track whenever I can to put the advice I got into action. I also ask the guys I see racing there, to give me pointers, these are people that I see every week, that actually take the time to dicuss drag racing with a newb. Are the guys at psychobike cool? It seems to me that whenever I check that site out, it's a buch of cats hollering and talkin sh!t about who's the fastest/got the best bike/wants to grudge race who, etc.....That's all cool, I enjoy reading it, but it doesn't do me any good as far as becoming a better racer. If I've got the wrong idea about this, please let me know..........
I think he was more or less talking about the fact that most of those guys @ Psycho are pro riders and their serious...However I agree that most of their conversation is grudge and I find it hard to get info out of them or I can't understand their language...Anyway some good info can be found there but here a novice rider can get great info as they start to learn the elements of drag racing...
Yeah i did some lurking some info but not what im looking for. There is a class held at gateway on thursdays, i think ill go to this one let you guys know how it was

First of all the message was for Him. He had told ME in another topic that he gets the majority of his advice online not at the track.

Based on the info Him shared with ME I gave him objective advice. Yes, there is a grudge section on psychobike.com it also has a ton of meaningful forums geared towards various bikes. However with a focus on dragracing.

Brown you seemed to be upset over our difference of opinion on another topic/tread. Grow up, Get over it and Move on.

If I had an option, I would prefer to get advice from people that's really into dragracing and most of them ride hayabusas compared to people that ride hayabusa and go to the track when ever they can.

It does not mean he can't get and use info he gets from this board. It does not have to be one or the other. Closed minded people lose out on opportunities. Open minded people learn more and have a better chance or achieving their goals.
Zeke, I'm not upset at all. If you took it that way, that's not how it was intended. What difference of opinion and what other topic/thread are you refering too? Most of the people offering advice to people about drag racing on this site do race as often as possible, and I value the input they offer. The whole point of me posting up on this topic is that I didn't gain anything valuable as a new drag racer from psychobike. It seems that most of those guys are too advanced for the beginner. I had no idea that this was a private discussion between you and him, I thought it was an open discussion on his latest adventures at the track. As far as "grow up.....etc" I got no idea where that came from, it seems you are the one who's upset.
Zeke,Mr. Brown,& Him

Yes, Psychobike.com has alot pro's and grudge racers on there and unless they know you they really don't and won't give you much info. Alot of the guys on there race for big $$$$ and don't want to give anything away. I attend alot of the MiRock races which most of them go to and have met quite a few of 'em. Once you meet them they are alot of fun. Yes they talk trash,but that's what nobar street racing is about. In my opinion the MiRock race series is the best around(no offense cache). Just get your a$$es to the track and get some seat time!!! If you have the chance to go to a track rental then do it. There is nothing like making several passes in a row to try different things out while your last run is still fresh in your head. Good luck guys and if I can help with anything just ask.

Zeke, I'm not upset at all. If you took it that way, that's not how it was intended. What difference of opinion and what other topic/thread are you refering too? Most of the people offering advice to people about drag racing on this site do race as often as possible, and I value the input they offer. The whole point of me posting up on this topic is that I didn't gain anything valuable as a new drag racer from psychobike. It seems that most of those guys are too advanced for the beginner. I had no idea that this was a private discussion between you and him, I thought it was an open discussion on his latest adventures at the track. As far as "grow up.....etc" I got no idea where that came from, it seems you are the one who's upset.
Your right...Their mostly pros...I've posted there with limited responses...
Damn..That sucks..But as long as Your ok!!

My Buddie(also rides a Blk/Gry 01 Busa) crashed once at the line(flipped right over) and once coming from the track..remember #### happens..and He's a decent rider and has been riding and racing for years..

And Hopefully there wont Be a third for either of You!!..But if you are still interested in drag racing..Like JIM said get some more practice and/or track rental or a track seminar would also be a great idea..

And Also remember..You can get all the advice You want on the net(and its good to get)But what works for some..Might not for You..amnd No 2 people are or ride the same!!

I would really consider making Your bike longer and/or adding some ballast..But try not to come out to hard in any case untill you get the feel of it..You will in time know whne the tire is spinning and will be able to pedal it to make the best out of the run..

But a few tips for ya>.

Salm the Bike down front and rear
Always make sure you have a buddie help pull down the front strap(You ARE using one right?)
Never go in the water!!
Get over the front of the bike as far as You can!!
Try to be as smooth as possible..a air shifter will help..
Adjust your rear shock so it squats fast and comes up slow
Dont gear your bike to low..Mybe -1 in the front the most for now..any more it will wheelie for sure!!
try coming out at about 3-4K
Dont try to Throw the clutch out for any reason..Some do but there no first timers..
Go somewhere and gets some practice on the street..its not the same as the track,but at least you could get the feel for it..

I have a bunch more..But mosly how to go faster..you have to get the 60fts down pat before anything else..

And You can Aslo call Me Anytime (203)768-2710..