Went Down Today

so to update everyone. They are totaling my bike. I am already looking for another. I have a friend that has 2 and is wanting to sell me one. It would be the white limited edition 2006 one. I really would love to have it.. Her husband has to approve it first. So with a lot of hope and luck I may have another by the end of the week or next week. LOL just in time to be all healed up and ready to ride. :cheerleader: :cheerleader: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
so to update everyone. They are totaling my bike. I am already looking for another. I have a friend that has 2 and is wanting to sell me one. It would be the white limited edition 2006 one. I really would love to have it.. Her husband has to approve it first. So with a lot of hope and luck I may have another by the end of the week or next week. LOL just in time to be all healed up and ready to ride. :cheerleader: :cheerleader: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Awesome! Sorry for the mishap girl but be glad you got it out of the way with little damage to you...now you can really ride. LOL

P.S. I was looking at the 06 white myself before I fell in love with the purple and black.
Well done BJ-Babe......rolled it, and ready to roll again..... :super:

06' LE ????......."YUMMMMAYYYYYYYY"..... :oldcool: You know you'll be looking great and you get to buy new gear too !!!!
so to update everyone. They are totaling my bike. I am already looking for another. I have a friend that has 2 and is wanting to sell me one. It would be the white limited edition 2006 one. I really would love to have it.. Her husband has to approve it first. So with a lot of hope and luck I may have another by the end of the week or next week. LOL just in time to be all healed up and ready to ride. :cheerleader: :cheerleader: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Excellent! Hope it all falls into place for ya!!:please:
Soo sorry g.friend, glad you're ok,and you had the gear on. Be careful on that thing, its such a powerful machine. Its really scary to know that woman ride these machines.. Be safe, and heal up first,before you go jump on it again.. Ride safe, much luv to ya, feel better...
Thanks for the pics! Wow, you are really lucky that you weren't seriously hurt. Glad to hear you are ready to get back in the saddle already! You go girl! :thumbsup:
Glad to hear ur okay. Take care, repair the bike quick, learn ur lesson and get back to riding.
Hey there ya'll!!! I am BeeGirl4444 roomate. I was with her on the ride when she wrecked. I was 2 bikes in front going a bit faster so I did not see her go down. I was about a quarter mile ahead befoe I realized I didnt see any headlights in the mirror. She already told you the rest of the story. We have both worn all our gear religously even on the 105 degree, 88 % humidity days. Well on that day our diligence paid off and some gear got sacrificed in the face of danger so that beegirl4444 could walk away. Everyone here knows that it could have been alot worse. We both thank you all for the words of encouragment and support that you have given her. It all really means alot!!!! Thank You!!!!!

P.S. Proggresive Ins rules. Monday 11 am. called in to file the claim. Tuesday 1 pm. had the check in hand, case closed!! They were on the ball and didnt mess around!!!!!!!! Beegirl is happy that she has a reason to go shopping now!!
Them leathers surely saved you skin... Glad your OK. Hope you get to ride soon! I know the feeling... been there, and hope to never experience ever again!
Hey BeeGirl4444 I was thinking you could replace your old fairings with the white le paint scheme. Now you got your I on one. I love that scheme. Have you thought about an 08.:thumbsup:
:cheerleader: Prolly hit ollie's tonight. They are having a stunt show Jul 2nd at Scully's in Ft. Walton for the bike night.
Hey BeeGirl4444 I was thinking you could replace your old fairings with the white le paint scheme. Now you got your I on one. I love that scheme. Have you thought about an 08.:thumbsup:

Been looking at the blue 08 and the white 09... I have a friend that may sell me one of hers. Just not sure yet... Waiting for her to tell me when. LOL

Sorry that we missed you yet again. at Ollies. we'll try making out for the stunt show and bike night ft.walton..
This is how stories "end" when riders are GEARED UP...sorry to hear about your crash...the bike can be fixed/replaced...and you live to ride another day...hope all is and will be well for you...The Bird