What are you thankful for?

You caught one Red

Alas @Rojo, those that trust the medical industrial complex will continue to line up for chemical treatments even with the overwhelming evidence that our western nations are under an ill-health epidemic. I tell no one poop nowadays, just munch my apricot kernels, have my magnesium sulfate every few weeks and eat lots of home-grown chilli and tomatoes. Sweating helps a lot too, I have always been active and even now cycle regularly. Keep the lymphatic system pumping. On that subject, I was quite amazed when I read years ago that it's like our circulatory system with interconnected passages all throughout the body, nodes, branches, all powered by muscle movement, all feeding the toxic waste back into the blood stream for excretion.

this information helps me out greatly , thank you so very kindly *
GIF by South Park

doctors do not reveal it *
Yeah, well I hate to pay for stuff I can do myself Rojo, I'll work out on my little home gym and do my bicycle rides and let the busy people pay for the massages :)

Valentines Day Love GIF

#HappyValentinesDay *
On that subject, I was quite amazed when I read years ago that it's like our circulatory system with interconnected passages all throughout the body, nodes, branches, all powered by muscle movement, all feeding the toxic waste back into the blood stream for excretion.
That's fascinating; yet another benefit of physical exertion. Thanks for sharing that.
Jefferson and Roosevelt were Democratic Republicans, later called the Democratic Party. Only Lincoln was a Whig (Republican). That would make the count Dems 2, Reps 1, and Washington was before the madness, so he doesn't count. The respective parties back then didn’t champion the same ideals as today anyway, so that meme is senseless.
Memes ignore facts for the sake of being funny.
How has the Republican Party changed over time? By adopting the trickle down economics theory, it favors corporations over the common American worker, thinking that it will trickle down and help everyone. In theory it’s idealistic, but has it worked? I think not.
I’m sure there are plenty of opposing opinions.