Do you remember the 1st day you met the one you love...?

I saw mine stocking shelves at Wal-Mart.... Talked her into going for a ride and the rest is history.
Yes I do remember... 27 years ago. We were in our teens and we are going even stronger then when we first met.

I wasn't even looking to meet someone to marry, I was walking into work, saw her little Subaru hatchback with her Alaska license plate and this voice said..."your gonna marry the woman that owns this car". I was like where did that come from? Six month later we were starting our journey we are still on today! I would not be the person I am today if it were not for her and I will forever be greatful for her every day.
Met my wife on a double date, i knew she was special but we didn't see each other for several months and when we went out a second time that was the icing on the cake.....we married the following year; we've been married for 31 years this February. :thumbsup:
met my wife at a bike rally she was only sixteen myself was 37 years old my friend actualy
liked her a lot but i happen to marry her been together for 12 years now and still very much in love :beerchug:

met my girlfriend at a Haloween party back in 09. She was the DD for her friends, and i was drunk. Played beer pong, and made a bet. Lets just say we got her top off, and one thing led to another.
met my wife in junior high. both of us being military brats went our separate ways. ran into her again (10 years later)!!!! i was married by then. went separate ways again. bumped in to each other again after another 4 years (the end of first marrage). dated before deployment. told her i would understand if she wasn't around when i got back. talked during my deployment and was there when i got back. got married 2 years later. let her tell it we were ment to be together.
Seems like yesterday. We met at a weding. I was freinds with the groom she freinds with the bride. I wasnt going to go but my freinds talked me into going. She arivede late fro same reason. I can still see her walking into the building in that red dress. Went to a diner after the weding and realized how many numerous times we actually met but never realized it. 16 years later and a 2 1/2 year old daughter and I couldnt be happier.
this is such a neat thread. I love it.

the first day i met my woman, we were hanging at my condo during a party i was throwing.. went on to go on vacation together as friends.. had a fight there, she realized she liked me so bad when i had left(mid vacation) asked me back.. and well.. it gets better every single day.
I went to my neighbors house to get some rolling papers:super::laugh: and she answered the door. That was Oct. 1988
still going strong 21 years later:thumbsup:
Personally, I've given up the belief that there is someone out there waiting for me. Don' t believe in love anymore. I've come to believe that all the women worth being with are taken, and the rest are retarded.

Personally, I've never been married. Don't believe in love if they stop moaning and begin to complete sentences >> My lover lust is out the window. I've come to believe that all the moans are taken and the rest cannot stop talking.
I met my love on set of a film we worked on together. I played her boyfriend and she ended up killing me at the end of the film... Seemed like a great start to me... Been together ever since and I couldn't be happier! :thumbsup:
I would go around with a change jar collecting money for a paint job on my lowrider in the high school lunch room cause the idiots I went to school with had no idea the value of a dollar. Lisa put her damn gum wrapper on my jar everyday, and I finally grew up the courage to ask her name. Dec 3rd 2003 was when we started dating, I been married for about a month now but together just about 7 years.

We bought a house last summer, and when I got my tax return check she said buy a Busa, so I did and here we are :)
After separating from my girlfriend of 2 years one day I went to work with the purpose of finding a date for that night I give my number to 5 girls at that time and never thought that she was going to call me, even went I talk to her confused her with some different long history short that was in 1996 I married her have to beautiful children but during ten years of marriage after the ten years of being married I decide to walk out of my marriage to play the field biggest mistake in my life and after being divorce for two years I had a call in my life from god and reunited me again with the wife of my youth an I have never being happier since. God works in a very mysterious ways. Talking about getting rid off you wife an god keeps putting her in your way God is in the amazing business.:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Wow who dug this out of the org closet ?

Anyway the 13th is coming up and it will be our 4th wedding anniversary so let me say again.....Cuban Dragon (Jerry) I love you...:inlove2::love:

First line:
"The Love is Magic...its like a simple a dream.."
