What cha scared of?

Heights, flying, dying, clowns, ugly spiders.
Took my daughter on the rides in a kiddie fun fair, my knuckles were white through holding on to the roller-coaster bar, went on one of those rides where you go up in the air and gently drop it must of been all of 30ft high, I hated it. I always think I'm going to fall out of these things.
Anyway here's a pic, it's Rosie's skin after she's shed looks real doesn't it. Dare you look.

I have found that when I ride faster I feel safer. I hate riding in thraffic at the legal speed in traffic. I prefer to be at the head of the pack or in the rear.

I don`t mind spiders. I hate snakes.
Bees. I hate bees. Even more after I had my fisor open and one lodged itself in there and stung the crap out of my face.
Spiders after having received a nice little bite in my sleep, heights, and narrow spaces. I love to fly and go caving though, so go figure.
Yes Big Bo, I also like to find some space when riding...not so much with other bikes of course, but by myself for sure.
A snake will definately stop me in my tracks if startled by it, but not so much a fear of them. Spiders don`t bother me at all, however I do be careful where I put my hands example; before I drain my air compressor I look down there to see if no spiders (brown recluse here in NE. & have seen some nast bites like Strife).
Elevators no problem, but since you mentioned nightmare, I use to have a nightmare being struck by lightning...soooo I don`t like being outside in a thunderstorm with lots of cloud to ground lightning.
I have to agree there something kind a fishy `bout a clown.
Ok, I must confess that while I never had a `real life` run in with any kind of supernatural...but a scary movie dealing w/evil spirit type stuff give me the creeps.
Spiders, roaches, those darn caterpillars that are eating my tomato plants, bugs/insects in general and lil old ladies that seem nice but are not.
heights but flying doesn't bother me as I'm in a chair with my feet on the floor. Whats going on outside the window is not my concern.

People with power over others scare me most of all
Hrmmm...I guess the biggest fear for me is when one of my boys is screaming like their head has fallen off because they're hurt, and I'm fearing the worst (you know, bloody stump, ripped open skin, bones exposed-get-that-sick-feeling-in-the-pit-of-your-stomach-feeling-weak-knee'd-thing-going), only to get there and see a tiny spliter... :laugh:

Snakes, spiders and bugs? Nope...we catch 'em around my place and find them fascinating :laugh:
Glad to see there are so many with the Spider problem! I feel so included in this one!

I HATE Spiders...
Snakes and vans without windows:rofl:

Actually what scares me the most is my little brother and my best friend riding, i deal with it but scares the crap outta me with the what ifs, yet i have no problems with my own riding???
Sharks... It's the unseen that scares me the most. I will catch most animals and put them out side. My wife gets on me all the time for that. LOL How ever I would love to see a ghost and have a chat with it.
Not scared of any of the already posted.

What scares me is everyday waking up and fearing not being able to properly provide for my family in this ever dwindling country. I sometimes feel I'd be a better 'Grizzly Adams' instead of a modern world man. Making a log cabin to keep them warm, finding animals and fish to feed them on and sowing veggies and fruit I feel I'd have been better at than trying to go to work to make money to pay bills. I think I was born 200 years too late.