What Did You Do To Your Busa, Today?

Yesterday, I road with a group of 10 riders from Woodland Hills, CA through canyon and backroads to Santa Barbara, CA to see the Veterans Day Parade. Had lunch there and then took the coast route home. Ended up being 209 miles round trip on a brisk but gorgeous day. :thumbsup:
i just took off the 30 lbs stock exhaust and headers , also found out that its quite tight to work on these things. I had to take the fairings off , loosen the rad, remove the radiator fan , and custom cut an allen wrench to one inch lenght and then it slid right into a 6mm socket to access the header bolts after that it went very smooth. oh yeah the left side oil cooler line and the oil cooler lower bracket had to be removed for finall removal. now im ready to install my new 10 lbs system. fatty just dropped 20 lbs almost ready for the beach. ha ha
This is more like what I've done in the last few weeks, finishing today:

1. Tiger Racing Hump glove box mod
2. Replaced Stock mirrors w/extensions with SV650S mirrors. The SV650S mirrors are actually about a 1/2" longer than the stock mirrors w/1" extensions
3. Replaced stock seat with Tobin Seat
4. Replaced Air Filter
5. Adjusted, cleaned and lubed chain
took the stock exhaust off and put shortys on, washed it, started it to go on a ride and turned it back off to put my stock exhaust back on:banghead:

too loud and sounds like crap.
BEAUTIFUL day here. I RODE it!
Installed the R1 throttle tube mod along with new grips, lubed the chain and then took her for a spin to try out the mod. I like it! :thumbsup: