What Do You Collect?

Usually stuff that I don't have money for...



lol@ cat comments...

It's not much of one, but I guess I collect records. I have ~150 LP's so far, about 100 CD's, and maybe 30 8 tracks.


Looks like an old Kenwood reciever & Technics turn table, I swear I've got the same identical set-up sitting in the front room, no records though, the ex-wife stole all those and there were a lot of em.
I collect military coins... not much of a hobby, but it is easy to start... :)
Looks like an old Kenwood reciever & Technics turn table, I swear I've got the same identical set-up sitting in the front room, no records though, the ex-wife stole all those and there were a lot of em.

Even better, a Marantz 2270 and Pioneer HPM-100's. :D

I'd be finding a way to reclaim the records from the ex-wife if I were you!
Have nearly 100 Die Cast cars and trucks, not the cheap ones, the $$ ones.
Most are no longer available. They have never been displayed and are still in the original boxes. I should sell them so somebody can enjoy them.
aussikeeper...did you post a pic of your display cases before? I recall somebody posting a room with a very nice collection + presentation of them.
No that was not me. It was another member. I believe he did not have the Mint cars, at least most were not minted. But a nice collection nonetheless.
I collect 1/18th scale die-cast cars. I havent purchased any in the last few years tho, just kinda got away from it. Ive got around 200 of em, many are bubbled wrapped in storage now. Looks like Im not the only one


