The major problem with Healthcare in the US is that it is a for profit business as opposed to the service industry its supposed to be...
which makes me wonder if the service is better coming from someone who stands to make more money if their patients are happy.
I grew up in Canada under a Universal Healthcare program and can speak first hand to the quality of care received and the lack of bills to pay after my visit.
This is the POS feedback I'm looking for. I've heard from others in Canada that have mentioned the samething. But do they outweight the NEG?
I still get a lot of my long term medications that I am on from Canadian Pharmacies due to the rediculous cost of perscription drugs in the US, under my UHC healthcare plan.
The Pharmaceutical Corporations are making Millions of dollars in profits each year of all the perscription medications they sell.
Which in their defense (not that I like paying it) drives for more cures.
Their is a price to have Universal Healthcare and in Canada that price on average is about a 7% higher tax than what the Average American pays on everything they purchase...You go to a store in the US and buy something you pay an average of around 8%...(Dont quote this numbers as 100%...Im guessing based off taxes in MO)
Across Canada you have a PST and a GST averaging out to around 15% tax on everything you purchase...
Its this very tax that is how the Universal Healthcare system is paid for...Also Canadian Doctors do not make the high 6 digit incomes that some of the Doctors and Surgeons make here in the USA...
I dont know if I agree with that. I think I'd rather have them compenstated well for many reasons.
Take profit out of the Healthcare industry and make it a Service Oriented Business and maybe, just maybe it can be usefull in this country.
In my experience profit oriented businesses give you better service. Look at the BMV
But I dont see this every suceeding because the American Business Model will never let this happen...
The last remaining point is a question of population...
California has a higher population than all of Canada combined...Perhaps we should look at State ran Healthcare programs instead of a Universal Healthcare system across the USA...That may have a chance to be slightly more likely of achieving sucess
..That doesn't sound like a bad idea.[/quote]
Appreciate your input