What I would like to see in a new GoPro


I have the GoPro HD cameras and they are really awesome. Here are some features I would like to see added:

1. 12 volt power, so it could be powered from a car or bike.
2. Be able to connect it to a USB hard disk drive.
3. A wireless remote

There is an expansion slot on the current unit which allows a larger battery. Seems like these features could be access through that?

Tim (Pasnit) can you talk to those guys?
The only other accessory that uses the slot currently is the LCD screen. It definitely helps. as far as usb charging, you can use any USB cigarette lighter adapter and ur USB cable. But thats not possible using the current casing. I think that would compromise its water proofing abilities.
A better way to indicate that it is on, like a beep or tone. Sometimes it is hard to see the red led light.... Ask Loomis! I needed some help when using mine!
A better way to indicate that it is on, like a beep or tone. Sometimes it is hard to see the red led light.... Ask Loomis! I needed some help when using mine!

At least a red light on the operator side if the camera ...its funny all my videos start with me looking into the camera.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
A better way to indicate that it is on, like a beep or tone. Sometimes it is hard to see the red led light.... Ask Loomis! I needed some help when using mine!

It actually has tone alerts, but you're right. I've lost pix and vids I thought I was taking.

You can buy a display. That would be my request. Integrated LCD, so you would know what you had going on without the hassle. I wondered if that was you or Charlie running him down :laugh:
Remote plug for record light....

larger button for gloved hands....
The LCD screen is a piece of crap! Can't see squat in it outside on a sunny day. Even with my hands cupped over it it's near impossible. For quick replay inside to see if you got the shot you wanted it's fine but for lining up the shot outdoors forget it. I mount mine on gas tank and can see the red light thru my gauges so I don't have to poke my head around to see. It does seem that an idiot decided to put the light on the front where nobody can see it. I'd like to see one with Internet streaming capabilities so people can log on to your channel and watch rides live as they happen. Watching a recorded video is not as exciting as a live one because the 'what if' factor is already known. It would be more voyeuristic to be able to see things live.
A better way to indicate that it is on, like a beep or tone. Sometimes it is hard to see the red led light.... Ask Loomis! I needed some help when using mine![/QUOTE

I hear ya; there have been plenty of times when I totally spaced weather I was already recording or not!:laugh:
Went on a dirt bike outing with 5 of my friends. All of us independently decided to get Go-Pro's. When we all showed up to camp it was funny to see that we all had new camera's.

Fast forward 5 days later at the end of our trip and we are looking at several hundred GB's of movies and it was hilarious to see the start of every movie with 'Am I on?', 'Is it on?', 'Can you see my light?' LOL! Hilarious. Yes there is an audio option but it's not loud enough to hear most of the time when you have your helmet on. Also, the light isn't very bright in the middle of the day.

My two wants - Loud beep when starting recording and a brighter red LED.

Besides that, I second the 12V direct wire or external battery pack want as well. The battery doesn't last long enough to fill up the big cards and changing batteries on the road/trail is not always ideal.

Great product though. Man I love mine!
At least a red light on the operator side if the camera ...its funny all my videos start with me looking into the camera.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk

Most people's video's start with them looking at the camera, or a fellow rider looking for them giving them the thumbs up.. haha

I would like to see a case that doesn't compromise the waterproofing, but would allow me to charge the camera while it's in use.

I wish the LCD wasn't fricken $80.

now what would be cool is if you could some way tie multiple ones together so that the timing was matched so you could switch between two in editing and have the same timing markers.. but that's a bit far fetched.
They already have #1 and the ability to connect to a remote display with the new firmware. The case isn't waterproof with the hole in the side for the cables.
Guess i'll know all about it soon , just had one ordered for my birthday present !:thumbsup: