what is it that you love about racing??

Racing is about adrenaline. The 100 meter dash, for instance. When Hussein Bolt got to the insane speeds of 30 miles an hour in the latest olympics, adrenaline was surging. Just sitting there, on our butt. AWESOME!

The finish line at a crew event on the bay or a mountain top finish in a bike race. The adrenaline is what Lamb craves.
another thing i love is after the day is over, and its time to go either get pics taken of you cause you hopefully won:laugh:, or you go down to watch your friends get thier pic's and trophy and someone hands you a cold beer, it tastes so good after a long hot day and its so fun to sit around relaxing laughing with my friends and getting ready for the following day of racing.
i LOVE chasing down they prey, god i love that feeling just pulling him in

Being highly competitive...there just is no match for this; I love the chase! :thumbsup:

I watch pretty much any kind of racing that there is. if ESPN televised tiller racing or lawn mower racing, i would watch it.

Agreed, I actually watched downhill bar stool racing yesterday.

Because I am close, so very close....on the edge ... my arms ache, my eyes are bouncing, the straightaway comes through the shield like I'm looking into a tunnel..you're watching the tach, then the markers ..you think I can outbreak him I can can hold this line on the inside...sometimes you do and good things happen, sometimes you don't..then bad things happen

Wardie, I couldn't agree more.

I'm a road/track racer so for me I guess it really boils down to the experience of mental clarity. Everything else in the world goes away except for the passion at hand. There's no longer bills to pay (until you wreck), Sh*t going on at work, relationship drama, illness in the world...etc. It is truly an escape. One in which I can devote every ounce of my being into focusing on being the best at it I can be. I'm not sure how else to describe it.