What is the scariest movie of all time?

The older I get the more jaded I become so it's hard to say what the scariest is but, when I was about 5 the flying monkeys from wizard of oz. when I was 8 I talked my Dad into taking me to see Jaws. I stayed up all night because I could see the head that poped out of the boat in my closet. Then when I was 11 or 12 I snuck in to see Halloween, man was it hard to act like I only watched a documentary on the Bermuda triangle when my Mom picked me up.
Event Horizon. That one is really strange. I love it!

"The Abandon" is also very creepy.

Event Horizon was pretty scary. If you liked that you'd probably the new movie Pandorum too. Pretty good IMO. The Exorcist is one of my favorite horror movies. The Exorcism of Emily Rose is also pretty good.
I also liked The Prince of Darkness. I think it came out in the early 90's.
Ok....I have never seen the exorcist all the way through, so it wins for me hands down.

As for scariest game, Fatal Frame II. I think I will start a thread for scariest game...ever!!
Phantasm...........this movie scared the hell out of me as a kid!!! Had to be cool though, made the girl get REAL close!!

See down VVVVVVV there!
What ever happened to Baby Jane (Joan Crawford)
The Thing that wouldnt die
Amityville horror
The Shining (Love Jack)
Agreed 100%, in that exact order.

One movie that DOESNT make the list of scariest movies (in spite of what the ad might lead one to believe) is "Paranormal Activity". My wife dragged me to that POS over the weekend. Not worth the price of admission... literally.
one of my favorites is an eerie flick called "AUDITION" made in japan. similar style like the "ring" and "grudge". if you don't mind the subtitles it is worth the view. :whistle:
Event Horizon...I had to shut it off, never made it through the 1st hour.

something about dead wife / evil space ghosts...

The Shining, The Ring, Blair Witch Project are also really good (I can make it through those).
Yep already mentioned...

The Exorcist
Evil Dead
Salems lot
The Howling
American wear wolf in London (Funny now, but wasn't then..)
Jason - Friday 13th
The Ring
Arachnophobia with Jeff Daniels?? 1990?

I found it on IMDB!! Tarantulas: The Deadly Cago

Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo (1977) (TV)

It was a made for tv movie in 1977 (which is the year I was born). I don't have a ton or memories except my parents saying that I could not watch it, watching it anyway (as a re-run aired a few years are initial release of course) and having HORRID SCREAMING NIGHTMARES. It was your typical seventies movie, but swarms of tarantulas would attack people and kill them. These were not your typical spiders either, they were smart and had tactical skills. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I am still TERRIFIED of spiders.