What is your biggest fear realistically when you get on that bike?

Hope you
are OK~ ?


#AvoidFreeways ~ #BiggestFear ~ #Realistically ~ #THEoRg *

My biggest fear, scrolling down the pages to see a Richard pic again

When I ride I ride easy cruising and enjoying my time on the bike . Other bikes pulling up beside me scares me especially when I see them three or four cars behind me and they speed up to catch me to show out or do things to suggest a street race.
I fear other drivers and try to be as vigilant as possible.

I’m wildly comfortable on 350+HP bikes. That being said, I have the upmost respect for the power and have learned from a series of pucker moments in my past as to what the ideal conditions/circumstances need to be before I hang the throttle open.

Kinda on the same plane, but not. I fear selling my customers too much HP for their abilities. Most will take the time to lean the bike and bump power up as their comfort grows. But there’s some guys that think they know fast from owning some quick cars, and they want their bike back with the knob broke of the boost controller. Just did a consultation with someone like that today. As soon as I told him you can street ride a 6-700hp bike on the street just fine, he was quick to jump to that idea right from a 280-300hp build.
I fear other drivers and try to be as vigilant as possible.

I’m wildly comfortable on 350+HP bikes. That being said, I have the upmost respect for the power and have learned from a series of pucker moments in my past as to what the ideal conditions/circumstances need to be before I hang the throttle open.

Kinda on the same plane, but not. I fear selling my customers too much HP for their abilities. Most will take the time to lean the bike and bump power up as their comfort grows. But there’s some guys that think they know fast from owning some quick cars, and they want their bike back with the knob broke of the boost controller. Just did a consultation with someone like that today. As soon as I told him you can street ride a 6-700hp bike on the street just fine, he was quick to jump to that idea right from a 280-300hp build.
As I was told by an safety course instructor: "This is your penis, this is your bike. Don't confuse the two!
Biggest Fear ?

The Battery
Is DEAD and
It Will Not Start !



I'd like to see someone do that with a big bore or high compression bike or a bike with no center stand...

Even push starting a big bore bike sucks...I did that with my Bandit once and it was not pleasant.

Suck if it didn't start...would be along coast down the hill...

Real easy
to answer :
The Po Po .

Think about this crazy world we live in .

You can purchase a vehicle legally ,
which can break the law on any
US public road in second gear
within a few seconds from
standing still . . .

Talk about putting candy
in front of a three year old
and telling him he may not eat any .


Other bikes pulling up beside me scares me especially when I see them three or four cars behind me and they speed up to catch me to show out or do things to suggest a street race.
I actually look forward to that for various reasons:
The stupid red light questions...
"Where is your exhaust?" (turbo dump pipe)
"Is it harder to ride with that back tire?" (it's a 330)
"Did you borrow Batman's bike?" (understandable,kinda looks like his)
"I'll bet she goes fast eh?" (Duh)
"What kind of mileage do you get with a thing like that?" (who cares)
"Is that a stock bike?" (why yes it is,them sell them at The Insanity Shop):race:
And my personal favourite ..."Hey,you wanna go!!! ?"

Burn Rubb'ah.
No fears broski. That poop is distracting and is the mental equivalent of target fixation.
it’s like marrying a fuckin hottie and spending your days moping around because she’s inevitably gonna cheat on you.
this isn’t to say you should just be oblivious, know the risks. Build habits to mitigate those risks. Then enjoy life.
One of my biggest fear is that I will get tired of riding...I know it will happen eventually but I've waited a long time to get a bike like this so I hope it's not soon.

When and if it happens, I know I will have the common sense to do what's right.
Fear is an interesting concept and sometimes hard to escape.

I always fear accidents etc and loose items flying around on the highway. Hitting an animal etc. But I think life is about risk no matter what we do. I try to ride with a clear mind and if I'm not feeling it that day the bike stays in the garage ( I mean livingroom).