what kind of gun do you own?

Of course there was a statement made about his abilities to pull 29.92 " of mercury on an onion sack. I think the dude that told me this, yes his name was Torricelli :whistle:
with this was mine


gun door.jpg

gun room.jpg
guns? I have no guns:whistle:
Ok, three DPMS .308 (1), .223Rem (2) One Remington(DPMS) R25 .243 Win. these are my favorites..picture of one I put together posted in new members.AK47, couple deer rifles bolt action, Win. 94`s, one shotgun for birds n one for `other` duties.
Few pistols. I enjoy predator calling, target shooting, reloading, deer hunting, a couple of the DPMS rifles I can just about cover 5 rnds with a dime, target shot at 100yrds shooting reloads.
I used to feel a little uneasy posting info like this, but a thief better bring a crane....and take a chance:laugh:
i have just 2 hand guns. they are both xdm 9's. one for me and one for the wifey. its more like the wild west when the poop hits the fan my homestead.:whistle:
hmmm well i have a s@w 1911 in 45acp with crimson trace grips, and a .44 magnum revolver "competitor" from the s@w custom shop, ruger gp100 4.2in. barrel, .357 mag, .9mm baby eagle or "imi jericho" as some know it(probably my favorite) browning buckmark .22, mossberg .22 plinkster tactical and a weatherby pa459... future purchaces will include a kimber eclipse in 10mm, and a kimber raptor2, bond arms snake slayer, hopefully a tiger stripe gold plated d-eagle in 50 ae, a lever action rifle in either 45-90 or 45-70, some form of weatherby rifle in 300 wby mag, and i cant remember what its called but its a steyr and its about 7500 bucks (cdn) and its .50bmg...oh also want the julie goloski s@w mp with the pink grips....
Currently just have my grandfathers winchester 30-06 and his .22 bearcat revolver. I am looking for something to carry. Thinking about an XD 9 or simular.
Stag Arms M4 (Lefty)
Romainian AK47
Ruger 10/22
Single Shot .22 rifle (don't feel like walking 20ft to see what it is)
Remington 870
Springfield XD .45
Springfield XD 9mm
Kimber Eclispe Target II .45
Smith & Wesson 460 (oh baby)
For home protection I have.....
Red Ryder BB Gun (I will shoot their eyes out):laugh:
Lets see,
Sig P226 (with 20 round mags, thank you New Hampshire)
Barreta Cougar compact .45 (my carry)
Colt agent 38
Lady smith 38
And for the long shot a Rem 7mm mag with 185gr semi nozzlers
And my FL concealed weapons permit for almost 10 years

And as for the shootings come on really there is a big difference between law abiding people and nut jobs. If he had used a baseball bat or a golf club do you want to put a ban on Sports Authority? And I could have swarn this was posted in the "non motorcycle" related section. Just my 2 cents but what do I know im still a newbie here....:whistle:
My collection:

Smith and Wesoon M&P15 M4
Binelli Supernova Tactical
Marlin .22 Rifle
Dan Wesson Classic Bobtail .45
Sig Sauer P220 Carry Bi-Tone
Sig Sauer P229 SCT .40
Sig Sauer P239 9mm
Springfield XD40 Sub Compact (my carry)