Correctional/Tactical officer in an Illinois State prison for the last 12 years. This is video of some of us in the St. Claire County jail after the Sheriff was having some problems. He needed a smackdown on the inmates. I am actually in this vid. I'm last in the line when we are marching out and when the vid starts, I'm on the top teir on the cell all the way to the left. Now you know why the inmates call us the Orange Crush.![]()
Laser Welder for Honeywell. We repair turbine blades/engines for Military applications as well as some commercial stuff.
is your lexus part of penske automtive group?
Correctional Lt. for the La. Dept. of Corrections
Some of the guys in the middle of the line looked more like Tangerines than Oranges!![]()
City Police Officer for 25 years, 12 1/2 years on the SWAT team, Firearms instructor, and Armorer for the department...
picture is of me hanging on the side of a building at work