what kind of work you do?

Aircraft Ground Equipment Mechanic but right now i am working as motorcycle mechanic with dt motorsports here in alamogordo NM:thumbsup:

Correctional/Tactical officer in an Illinois State prison for the last 12 years. This is video of some of us in the St. Claire County jail after the Sheriff was having some problems. He needed a smackdown on the inmates. I am actually in this vid. I'm last in the line when we are marching out and when the vid starts, I'm on the top teir on the cell all the way to the left. Now you know why the inmates call us the Orange Crush. :laugh:

Some of the guys in the middle of the line looked more like Tangerines than Oranges!:rofl:
I'm a Sgt. with the Jim Wells County Sheriff's Dept. I'm a K-9 supervisor & instructor. I supervise four narcotic K-9's and handle an explosives K-9 named Rena.
I don't suppose any of you guy in the southwest (Phoenix would be nice) know of anyone looking for HVAC techs? Been trying to move for a while, but can't seem to find a job.
Marketing Manager for a Suzuki, Ducati, and Triumph dealership in North FL :thumbsup:

Oh yeah, we also carry Arctic Cat, SeaDoo, CanAm and Ural
I am a test/software engineer for a small systems integration company. We build automated test systems to help different industries test their products.

Laser Welder for Honeywell. We repair turbine blades/engines for Military applications as well as some commercial stuff.

I have done a lot of work for Honeywell, some neat stuff going on there!
Formerly a US Army Stealy Eyed, Barrell Chested, Freedom Fighter.

Currently a Red eyed, beer bellied, cube dwelling, government contractor.
City Police Officer for 25 years, 12 1/2 years on the SWAT team, Firearms instructor, and Armorer for the department...
picture is of me hanging on the side of a building at work

I'm a Oil Refinery Process Operator and when I find time I run a home based business selling and installing rims/tires and audio/video equipt.
City Police Officer for 25 years, 12 1/2 years on the SWAT team, Firearms instructor, and Armorer for the department...
picture is of me hanging on the side of a building at work

25 year New York PD:beerchug: I bet you have some stories to tell. I wanna party with you bud!:thumbsup: