my second choice....would be this....would'nt want one of them turbine bikes.....avgas aint that easy to come by .
But this baby.....500 horse....techo dream....
As Jim Morrison once said....'Com on baby light my fire".
She has a Dodge Viper V10 in her belly.....
Anyone wanna race???
Have you seen the thing when you rev the motor? The whole bike torqued to one side about 20 deg. from vertical. Deal with that while you're trying to keep the rear from spinning. And loud?!
Sure I'll race ya,
I here ya RSD.
I don't know about that Dodge thing though, Not sure I wanna ride a bike thta's worth twice what my house is.
Oh yeah and that scooter thing, I already have plans to convert my Yamaha Banshee to a wheelchair when I get to weak to hold the Bus vertical.
Course, mine will have an N2O Busa motor in it. Bring on the li'l
hairdryer scooter dude.
Have a good one!!!
NO BUSAS!!! DAMN! Then I guess it would have to be a Gixxer 1000. Don't like to have abominations like that. The world with no Busa would be like Corn Flakes without the Milk...Go figure.
I'm developing an interest in naked sport bikes. So I am drawn to the big Ducati Monsters, Suzuki SV1000, Kawasaki Z1000, and the Buell Lightning (I know -- a Buell!)
No plans to switch or get an additional bike, though. Busa is enough for me these days.
my second choice....would be this....would'nt want one of them turbine bikes.....avgas aint that easy to come by .
But this baby.....500 horse....techo dream....
As Jim Morrison once said....'Com on baby light my fire".
She has a Dodge Viper V10 in her belly.....
Anyone wanna race???
Have you seen the thing when you rev the motor? The whole bike torqued to one side about 20 deg. from vertical. Deal with that while you're trying to keep the rear from spinning. And loud?!
Sure I'll race ya,
Well BIG that an' O or a 0 . well anyway big 0 or O , I guess a fella would haffata take it dun easy offa dat line den wudda he . An' dat noise.....oooo..sorry 0000 the noise . What a piece O shat eh?
A 03 Yamaha R6 would be fun for an other wait a 999 Duc, ....998 many choices so little time...Glad to have a Busa..makes me Happy....crusin'n in 3rd....down shift to 2nd
pop clutch..omig...instant 4" wheelie..what more could you 5 thousand foot altitude,,,yea..
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