I live in the Canadian Province of Ontario and my wife is an E.R. nurse. This province has 11 million people and at least 1.1million people are without a family doctor (10%). If you go to a hospital with an emergency, typical wait times in any E.R. range from 3-8hours in most hospitals.
If you need a procedure for something that is not considered immediately life threatening you will find yourself on a waiting list for 2-8 months and to get a referral to see a specialist you are looking at 6 months to a year.
When my mother had cancer she had to wait 6 weeks for a CAT scan and she had to travel 1 hour to another city to have it done.
This crappy system costs Canadian tax payers the equivalent of 11% of our GDP. Which for us works out to $172 Billion each year, which explains why are taxes are so unbelievably high. 11% of US GDP would equal 1.5 Trillion Dollars. Health care doesn't grow on trees - YOU are going to pay for that!
There you go. Pretty much sums it up.
Those who work pay for those who don't.