Well said..(Postal @ Jun. 29 2007,07:04) Okay, old Postal is going to step out on a limb here.... I love motorcycling! I don't care what MC it is, I like them because of the passion I have for the hobby and for the sport of motor cycle racing. Now, add in the "people" factor and that makes things interesting. Let's say a guy rides up to me on a ZX-14 and starts Busa-bashing (I have had this happen several times). If this guy wants to be a jerk that is his choice. I personally am not going to lose any sleep over it because I don't have to have world-wide accptance of what I ride. I just love motor cycles. I love looking at them, riding them, taking pictures of them, building them, fixing them, etc., etc. Get my drift? What people say really doesn't matter to me. Yes, I have Harley freinds too, and they bash the heck out of "crotch rockets." So what! I have been around bikes since I can remember, and I haven't needed therapy yet (for bike issues anyway). Love them, hate them, or whatever, I appreciate the fact that we all have our own personal tastes, and as long as you ride a MC you are cool with me.
Off soap box now.... feeling better.
I agree "300"........percent