What the Kawasaki boys are saying!

(Postal @ Jun. 29 2007,07:04) Okay, old Postal is going to step out on a limb here....  I love motorcycling! I don't care what MC it is, I like them because of the passion I have for the hobby and for the sport of motor cycle racing. Now, add in the "people" factor and that makes things interesting. Let's say a guy rides up to me on a ZX-14 and starts Busa-bashing (I have had this happen several times). If this guy wants to be a jerk that is his choice. I personally am not going to lose any sleep over it because I don't have to have world-wide accptance of what I ride.  I just love motor cycles.  I love looking at them, riding them, taking pictures of them, building them, fixing them, etc., etc. Get my drift? What people say really doesn't matter to me. Yes, I have Harley freinds too, and they bash the heck out of "crotch rockets." So what! I have been around bikes since I can remember, and I haven't needed therapy yet (for bike issues anyway  
). Love them, hate them, or whatever, I appreciate the fact that we all have our own personal tastes, and as long as you ride a MC you are cool with me.

Off soap box now....  feeling better.


Well said..

I agree "300"........percent
Guys I am a Brand Ho I have no loyality to any brand that being said
I hated the way the 14 looked when it first came out but it has grew
on me and is starting to look damn good. Always thought the Busa
was hot and the new Busa looks good but not as good as the original
yet but as soon as someone cleans up that azz with a new undertail
and puts a 4into1 on it I am sure the masses will flock
(Red05 @ Jun. 29 2007,12:30) Great post, Postal  
. I feel the same way...I like the 14, the old Busa, the new one.....it's all good, exciting stuff. Two wheels forever  
(luckybusa @ Jun. 29 2007,09:26) Good post!
I own a 14 and love it!

However, when I registered here over a year ago, I intended to buy a Busa.  In the end, I decided to go with the Kaw.

Like many of you, I have watched for the last 3 years for the "all new Busa" that never came.  I am somewhat disappointed that the 08 is not "all new", but at least Suzuki finally did SOMETHING!

There are a few jerks/haters on any board, but I think most people riding the top performance bikes  appreciate the others also.

I was invited to the Austin GTG ealier this year and responded that I never bought the Busa, but had a 14 instead.  I was blown away when I got a reponse to come anyway, since I am a member of this board!

I wasn't planning to give up the 14, but that 08 blue sure looks good!  
And welcome to the .Org! Let's see a pic of that 14 ... and let us know what you think of her. Always good to hear from a fellow rider.
I liked this quote the best

"One thing hard to debate- Suzuki has built fans and brand loyalty (cult-ish following)with the Hayabusa of yesteryear.

I strongly suspect for that reason alone it'll outsell the 14 by a wide margin no matter what it does on a drag strip or race track"
I will go by the Kawasaki store and there are still ZX14's sitting on the floor.

One could say that that still isn't a fair indicator, but around Seattle here, the bikes of choice are the Suzuki's, then Yamaha R1's and Honda's holding a tight third.

I still think that once this Gen II Busa is in stores or has been seen at the MC shows it will show a different presence and sell more than expected or even depicted here.

People love to hate what they really love.
I think the guys over at the zx-14 website like the new Busa more than the guys on our site. They had more positve to say than we did.